True evil of beauty

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??: I can hold you like this all day until I get an answer Makio. Who are these letters for?

Makio: (I refuse to call out Lord Tengen. And even if I wanted to, you have my mouth closed.)

She was completely restrained unable to speak or move freely. Suddenly the belt felt someone coming and raised Makio in the air tightening its hold on her, constricting and twist around her torso.

??: Make a sound, and I'll crush your organs as I snap you in half.

Makio: (Lord Tengen, please help me!)

Ume and Mukago inches from Makio's room spots the food that was still untounched.

Ume: Anything Mukago?

She whispers to her friend.

Mukago: Nothing yet. I'm not even touching the wall, and yet, I can feel a strong presence emitting inside of that room. There's something roaming around her room. It feels disgusting. Where's Mizu and Mizuki?

Ume: They're doing other stuff around the place.

Not wasting time, they rush into Makio's room. But the demon was faster escaping with its hostage.

Mukago and Ume barged in seeing the room a complete mess.

Mukago: (It escaped! The windows aren't even open. So then how could it unless....)

Ume: (The ceiling!)

She grabs the ramen bowl and throws it at the ceiling.


The bowl makes impact with the ceiling, causing it to shake violently.

Mukago: (We can't let it get away! It's the only clue on finding Mr. Uzui's wife!)

She tries to follow without causing destruction resulting her falling behinf, while Ume literally breaks through wall as she follows it, meeting with a customer.

??: Well now, aren't you a beautiful lady.

Ume ignored the client and wall runs over them and continued running, shocking the co-workers and Mukago.

Mukago: (Damn.)

She continues to run after Ume but not before apologizing to the workers.

Mukago: I'm so sorry about her. She gets excited doing these kinds of things.

She says running after Ume.

The chase continues to the lower floor moving past everyone until she reaches the bottom of the house.

Ume: (I lost it! Damnit! Everything was just getting in my way!)

She feels defeated in the cat and mouse chase.

Mukago: Did you get it?

Ume turns to see her friend.

Ume: Where were you this whole time!?

She asked angrily.

Mukago: I was covering for you in case you forgot we are in disguise and need to avoid looking out of the ordinary like Mizu and Mizuki.

Ume: Whatever. Can you at least use your senses to track it?

Mukago: Love to, but the destruction here is knocking my senses off.

That when Ume got an idea.

Ume: I have an idea.

Mukago: What is it?

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