Two Sides of the Dark Coin

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Nezuko keeps on attacking Kamitome, slashing at her and stomping on her body. Kamitome screamed in pain as the demon slayer smiles sadistically.

Nezuko: How do you feel? Do you feel better about yourself? Do you even understand the pain you bring to others? Are you ready. To. Atone?

Kamitome: Shut up. Shut your god damn mouth! I'll slaughter everyone in your life as punishment for what you just did to me and Jake!

She used her hair hand to grab Nezuko's leg and swings her from one building to another with all her rage.

Kamitome: Know your place bitch! And watch as I sever your friend's head over there. After I get Jake back.

She prepares to leap back to the building that Jake was sent through, but Nezuko got back in front of her.

Nezuko: You don't know when to quite, do you skank!?

She slashes at her seven times with blood spattering out.

Blood Breathing, 3rd Form: 

Internal Bleeding Boil

Suddenly Kamitome's open blood turns pink and gets brighter, until it ignites into a crimson pink fire cyclone pillar consuming her. Kamitome screams in agonizing pain.

Kamitome: (She slashed at me and turned my blood... into fire! I'm burning!!!!) GYAAAAH!!

Nezuko resumes her assault, ravaging at Kamitome critically injured body, forcing the demon to take the violent beating. Stopping, Nezuko looks at the Upper Rank shaking in fear.

Kamitome: I... I... I will make sure you die a painful death brat!

Blood Breathing, 1st Form: 

Exploding Blood

Hearing enough from Kamitome, Nezuko swings her sword at her creating an explosion as it makes contact with the demon, sending her through the same houses as Jake, Nezuko chases after her

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Hearing enough from Kamitome, Nezuko swings her sword at her creating an explosion as it makes contact with the demon, sending her through the same houses as Jake, Nezuko chases after her.

Nezuko: (Where did she go?)

She suddenly smells blood from a bystander. Another bystander got in front of her.

??: Don't hurt her!

He was holding a stick trying to protect her. Still blinded by rage, she begins to imagine Akira impaling Tanjiro and choking Muichiro. Nezuko lunges herself to kill the bystanders, but Tanjiro arrives just in time restraining his sister.

Tanjiro: Nezuko, calm down! This isn't you! Don't let your anger corrupt you! Stop!! Please Nezuko!!

Nezuko refuses to listen and tries to wrestle Tanjiro off and scratch at him.

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