Prelude: Mitsuri Kanroji

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Life is tended to be experienced normally .But not all people are normal. It was shown with a girl born in the Meji Era, named Mitsuri Kanroji. At a young age of 14 moths, she lifted a 15- pound rock, spooking her mother. Her inhuman strength was indeed a shock to her family. She would often see her father flex his muscles. So, she does the same, despite the lack of muscles in her small body.

On an occasion, her family would visit a soba shop. Some of the customers were bewildered by her large appetite and the numbers of bowls at her table.

??: He-he-he. Their daughter is able to eat so much, filling her belly.

The shop owner said. He then turns to the sumo wrestlers.

??: So, how does it feel to be bested by a little girl?

After finishing a large bowl of Sakura fruit; that changed her hair to pink with green at the end, she presents her arm out to test her strength.

??: How about it?

Her father challenged the sumo wrestlers.

??: Would one of you like to arm wrestle my little girl?

??: Uh... are you sure?

??: It's fine. When it comes to a challenge, we Kanrojis refuse to back down.

One of them decides to take up the challenge.

??: Whatever you say. But just remember, your kid wanted this. So, don't complain when you lose.

That wasn't the case however, as Mitsuri easily defeats the wrestler in an instant. The sumo wrestler was flabbergasted at her powerful strength despite not having a single muscle in her body. As they leave, Mitsuri had hope that life was like this forever. But reality struck her at the age of 17. She couldn't sleep one night.

Mitsuri: Mom, is it really alright for me to be someone's bride?

??: Of course, it is. why exactly would you say that?

Mitsuri: Because I'm different from other girls. I'm much stronger. I eat more than usual. And then there's my pink hair. I'm just scared of being not accepted for who I am.

??: If that's what frightens you, you're more than welcome to stay here forever.

Her father slurred tiredly.

??: You'll always have a home with your family.

Mitsuri: (But women are meant to be married.)

Then, one day she met with what should've been her husband.

??: If you were to be married, it would be to a bear, boar, or a bull. Also, your hair color is unusual. It would be unsettling if it were to be passed on to my children. just forget about the engagement and me. Goodbye.

As her former betrothed leaves, Mitsuri stands in place as she was rejected. The rejection hit her so hard, she then dyed her hair back and ate less. She lied and pretended to be weak. Soon her family began to feel concerned for her.

Eventually, she found someone who wished to marry her. But was this okay for her? Would she be okay living off a lie? She would be pushing away everything that makes her truly her. Now feeling she was betraying herself; she left her husband. She would wash away the dye. Then one day, she meets Kagaya Ubuyashiki who offers her what she was looking for.

Mitsuri: The Demon Slayer Corps?

Kagaya: That's correct. It's a secret organization that specializes in hunting down demons that lurk in the darkness.

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