Chaos in the Mansion

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As they were separated into four groups, Zenko and Nezuko roam through the mansion to find the exit. But as they kept walking, a demon in a form of a muscular man with gray skin and very dark blue hair, set noticeably far back on his head to make room for the two small horns that protruded from either side of his forehead. He had two pairs of eyes, one large and cat-like of a green color and the other more squinted and set above the first, their irises red. His most notable features were his extremely long tongue and the navy blue arrows that patterned his nose and forearms, a large blotch of a similar color on each temple. He wore nothing above his waist, under which he sported only the bottom half of a patterned knee-length yukata.

 He wore nothing above his waist, under which he sported only the bottom half of a patterned knee-length yukata

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??: Two children.

He says creepily.

??: I wonder how good their blood will taste on my tongue.

It lashes its tongue at the wall next to it destroying it.

Zenko: Run!

She reacted and they started to run away.

Nezuko: Why are we running?!

Zenko: You see what that demon's tongue did to that wall, imagine what it could do to us!

??: Come back here damn humans, I want to know what you two taste like.

It launches its tongue again, making them burst into a room through the wall.

Zenko: Nezuko I've got an idea.

Nezuko: What is it?

Zenko: I'll distract him, while you go and try to assist Tanjiro and Muichiro.

Nezuko: What?! But what about you?! If you fight him alone, you could die!

Zenko then grabbed her hand.

Zenko: It's going to be alright I've trained to hold my sword most of my life, once I know your safe I will kill tis demon and meet up with you.

Nezuko nodded feeling confident in Zenko's strength. She runs out of the room, but as she turned the corner, she saw the tongue fly right at her smacking her face, sending her flying across the room into the wall incapacitating her.

Nezuko: ZENKO!!!

She tries to help her, but the tongue demon entered the room ready to kill and eat her.

??: I'm going to savor the taste of your flesh and blood.

Nezuko: If you want me then come get me!

Water Breathing, 7th Form: 

Drop Ripple Thrust

Nezuko launched at the demon.

Nezuko: (If I can stab your tongue, then you'll be vulnerable.)

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