The Best Defense is a Good Offense

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Thanks to Zohakuten, he rushes and faces the fish demons that was attacking Kotetsu.

Zohakuten: Run. I can't fight with you in the way.

The fish demon regrows its hands and attacks the Forest Hashira. But he was faster and beheads the feral monster. However, to his surprise the demon didn't turn to dust and grew back it's head.

Zohakuten: (Despite slicing off what I thought was its head, its still able to regenerate. So, that must be it.)

He slashes the vase on the demon, and it disintegrates.

Zohakuten: (It was getting its power from that vase. I'm guessing a Blood Demon Art created it.)

Kotetsu clings onto the young Hashira.

Kotetsu: Thank you so much! I thought I was going to die! I'm sorry for calling you lengthy hair!

Zohakuten: Wait a second. You called me lengthy hair before?

Kotetsu: I was just mad for what you said before!

Zohakuten: I don't have time for something like this. I'll be leaving now, so you can do whatever you want.

He proceeds to walk away.

Kotetsu: Wait! They attacked Mr. Kanamori, too! When I went to help him, that monster assaulted me! Mr. Haganezuka's been working non-stop without sleep to restore those swords... so if he stops for even a second, it'll be for nothing! Please... please save him! I'm begging you!

Zohakuten: No... I can't...

??: You will help people one day, Zohakuten.

Zohakuten suddenly remembers the words of an older boy who looked like him, except he had blue clothing and eyes. He then sighs, picks up Kotetsu and starts to run.

Kotetsu: Woah! Hold up! I know we're in a rush! But can you go a little slower!?

Zohakuten: Don't talk, or you'll bite your tongue. (Is this really the right thing to do? What if this only ends up getting in the way of protecting the village. No, I can do this. Because I'm a Demon Slayer recognized by the Oyakata. The Forest Hashira, Zohakuten Hantengu!)

Back with Tanjiro and Muichiro, the severed talons with the head charges another sonic screech and their body caused them to slash the new heads.

Tanjiro: (Damnit! We cut it! If it grows a new one...)

The severed flesh grows mouths, and both unleash their screeches. But their attacks slightly affected Tanjiro and Muichiro.

Muichiro: (I see it clear as day!)

He starts to smile along with Tanjiro after realizing the situation.

Tanjiro: (Its attacks have grown weaker! Although its true ability allows them to divide that doesn't mean they'll gain any strength! There were words in their tongues when it first divided- Glee, Anger, Maliciousness, Composure, and Sorrow. They're the strongest bodies! And the more they split, the more thy weaken!)

The then stab the mouths and notices the Glee demon behind them launching another screech.

Muichiro: (We need to defeat this one at least, then hurry back to Nezuko, Yuichiro, Kaigaku, Genya, and Yahaba! Wait! The mouth we stabbed disappeared!)

The Glee demon swoops down and slashes their right shoulders. It keeps striking them in the forearm, left shoulder, thigh, and chest. Tanjiro tries to counterstrike but was slashed in the back.

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