Chapter 2: Moving in Together

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"Mochou, I know we weren't exactly each others type in the past but... well things have changed and finding someone I like in this hell on Earth is difficult. So I was thinking maybe, if you don't mind do you want to try being in a relationship. Not just friends or teammates but lovers?" Zi Ruo asked.

Over the past week Mochou and Zi Ruo had been meeting up for meals and to talk about the local area. During their time Mochou had to admit it had been nice.

"Are you saying you want to date?" Mochou asked a little surprised by the offer.

"Yeah. I'd like to give it a try. If you're willing. I mean you're a nice guy and I feel safe when I'm with you. Plus when we talk there are times it feels like we're back to before the Apocalypse and for a short period I can forget about this hell."

Mochou looked at Zi Ruo. He wasn't his usual type but he also wasn't so far off that Mochou couldn't imagine being with him. "He's tall despite being on the thin side. He isn't a stick either. Looks like he bulked up a little since the Apocalypse started. I can't say he's someone who could protect me. However, talking to him about his team and what he's been doing since the start of the Apocalypse he isn't someone whose just looking for a sugar daddy. If I joined his team and we went out together I think he's someone I could rely on. Plus he's handsome. Not a rugged and manly handsome I prefer but more as an office worker or elitist."

The more Mochou thought of it the more willing he became. In fact, there were more pros than cons and he was now seriously imagining what their future could be.


"Okay? You want to date?" Zi Ruo asked.

"Yeah. I enjoy your company and I think we could help each other. As for being intimate... I don't think we'll have any problems, but I'd like to take it slow if you don't mind?" Mochou said.

"Wahhh! I'm glad my confession went well. I was so nervous." Zi Ruo said with a big smile as he flung his arms up and leaned back in his chair.

"You were nervous? I couldn't tell at all." Mochou said with an equally happy expression.

"How could I not be nervous. Mochou, I know you haven't had the best luck when it comes to dating but you are a catch. Especially in this new world where only the strong survive. Be more confident and don't sell yourself short. Or no wait I take that back, be confident but not enough that you realize you're too good for me and dump me." Zi Ruo said in a half-serious, half-joking tone. As he spoke he waved his hand as though he were trying to erase his previous words.

"I could say the same to you. Right now you don't have much of a presence here in the settlement but once your team starts going out on raids and expeditions you'll definitely start getting popular.

"Even if I do, I won't leave you. I didn't confess to you for some short term fling. I really want to make this thing between us last." He said with what looked like a sincere smile.

"I do, too. Actually this might seem a bit fast but do you want to move in together?" Mochou suddenly asked.

Zi Ruo acted surprised at first and seemed to be giving it some thought. Mochou waited nervously for his answer.

"Shit! I shouldn't have asked. Now he'll think I'm impatient." He thought, regretting his words almost immediately.

"Moving in sounds nice." Zi Ruo finally said as he covered his face. Mochou thought it was because he was feeling shy for agreeing and happily looked forward to living together.


That night Zi Ruo moved into Mochou's place. Since Mochou had been living at the settlement for almost a year he had one of the better places. It was a two bedroom apartment on a the tenth floor with a working elevator a peek hours of the day. His team lived in the building with him as well as many other strong teams so they were lucky enough to get ahold of solar panels and had a working elevator.

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