Chapter 76: Unable To Think or Breath Without You

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"Hehehe... He's gotten bigger again." Yichen snickered. His laughter woke Mochou who was trying to sleep.

"You're being creepy again." Mochou mumbled.

"Sorry, I'm just excited. Our Little Grape is getting bigger." Yichen said as he gently rubbed Mochou's stomach.

"Bigger? How can you tell?" Mochou wondered. He opened his tired eyes to look down at his own stomach.

"Didn't I tell you not to measure my stomach?" Mochou muttered displeased with what he saw.

While he slept Yichen slipped a thin rope around his stomach again. He had done it several times before. Each time Mochou complained. He didn't like measuring his stomach. It made him feel like some medical mystery being researched. Despite his dislike Yichen continued sneaking the rope around his waist every day or two.

"I know, but I can't help it. I like knowing our Little Grape is getting bigger." Yichen said. It was the same excuse he always gave.

"You can see it getting bigger without having to use a rope." Mochou rebuked as he threw the rope away.

"Our Little Grape is still too small to notice using only my hand." Yichen pouted. Mochou was only a little over two months along in his pregnancy. He had a small bump beginning to show but it could easily be mistaken as overeating.

Even though it was small Yichen was still excited to see a bump beginning to form. He was also happy seeing the malnourished and thin Mochou finally gaining weight.

The pregnancy had been especially difficult on Mochou. He didn't have much of an appetite in the first few weeks and suffered from low blood pressure, dizziness, and fatigue. Thankfully he hadn't experienced much nausea although he did have a lack of appetite but that was solved when they found several foods he was comfortable eating.

"I've prepare the steamed eggs and buns." Yichen said.

Mochou was finding it difficult to wake up in the mornings. Wanting to help Yichen started preparing breakfast for the two of them. Mochou would prepare the buns the night before and making the eggs was simple. All Yichen needed to do was steam both together in the morning.

"Thank you." Mochou said with a big yawn.

He slowly slipped out of bed and went to the wardrobe to get dressed only a few steps away. The house they had built was done, however they still had another month to wait before it would be ready to move in.

When building houses in the current society it took time to let the mud dry and house settle and air out any unpleasant smell from the lacquer or glue. Yichen's mother also contacted Someone to determine a lucky day for them to move in. Mochou didn't care or believe in lucky days, but she insisted on it. Her reasoning was simple.

"It's already terrible luck that you are moving while pregnant. You need to gain as much good luck as possible where you can." She reasoned. Apparently, much like Mochou's home country there were many superstitions or rules to follow in regards to feng shui and other traditions.

Mochou didn't see the benefit of refusing so he agreed to continue living in the little hut for another month. The extra time would allow them to finish receiving all the new furniture they ordered and the lattices Mochou was carving himself.

While they didn't live in the house they had started using the yard to grow a bigger garden with herbs and edible plants. There little chickens had started laying eggs and with the added space they were able to buy more. Those plus the rabbits and quails they caught and Yichen selling medicinal plants from the herbs he gathered they no longer had to worry as much about their finances.

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