Chapter 38: Dinner

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The chicken was nearly done. It wasn't a large chicken so it would be done baking in another twenty minutes at most.

"It's been two hours! Where is he?" Mochou shouted as he paced outside by the gate.

His parent's house was only twenty minutes away. Mochou expected Yichen to be gone about an hour because he needed to untie and take care of the mule not two.

Worried something had happened he debated on whether or not he should go looking for his husband. If he had a modern stove he could leave the chicken cooking without worry as he left the house but this was a wood stove. He could barely look away five minutes without risking the fire going out or worse burning down the hut.

"Yichen, come home please." Mochou pleaded as he turned back to tend to the fire.

Another thirty minutes passed before Yichen finally walked through the gate. The moment Mochou heard the gate creak he ran outside.

"Mochou, I'm ho..."

"Where have you been!" Mochou shouted. His brow was furrowed as he stomped over to Yichen with clenched fists. Yichen flinched when he heard Mochou shout.

Prepared to beg for mercy Yichen lowered his shoulder in a remorseful posture.

"Mochou, I'm sor..."

"Yichen your face!? Who did this to you? Are you okay?" Mochou suddenly switched from angry to worried within seconds. The switch was so sudden Yichen was confused over what he should do.

He stood frozen with his arms raised. Mochou saw his stance and stepped into his arms to hug him tight.

"Sniff... What happened!" Mochou asked. Seeing Yichen's injuries Mochou felt his heart tighten. Yichen slowly moved to hug him.

"I'm okay. These can barely be considered a scratch. Trust me. The other guy looks a lot worse." Yichen said as he rubbed Mochou's back.

"I don't ever want you coming home with a scratch again. I've been so worried. Sniff... Who did this to you? Yichen, who hurt you?" Mochou asked as he trembled in Yichen's arms.

"Mochou, I really am sorry for worrying you, but I can't apologize for what I did. On my way home I ran into that man and his son."

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't go after him?"

"I didn't go looking for trouble. I swear he just showed up and punched me before I even knew he was there. After that there was no way I could just let him go. Not after what he did to you." Yichen said.

Mochou stared into his eyes. He could tell Yichen wasn't lying to him. But seeing the black eye that was already beginning to swell and the cut on Yichen's lips, Mochou wanted to cry.

"Did you punch him back?" He asked as he desperately tried to hold back his tears.

"I did more than just punch him. Trust me I definitely won and if he ever comes after you again I'll do it again." Yichen said with determination.

"Yichen, don't take this the wrong way but I hope you won't fight too often. At least try not to fight when I'm not around." Mochou said in a low whisper as he tried to dust off some of the dirt from Yichen's clothes.

"Don't worry. I may be young but I'm not weak." Yichen said.

"I'm not saying you're weak. I know you are strong. I... I just can't help but worry. The thought of you fighting alone somewhere I can't see is frightening to me. Promise you won't go around picking fights with others when you are alone. If you do try to have your brother or someone you trust by your side when you do so you won't be outnumbered or caught by surprise." Mochou said.

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