Chapter 106: The Inn (Pt.2)

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Dinner was better than expected. Mochou ate his fill and whatever he didn't finish Yichen happily ate.

"What do you think of the sour and spicy soup?" Mochou asked. It wasn't spicy unless you but into a chili pepper but he still worried about Yichen's sensitive tongue.

"It's good." Yichen replied. Mochou wasn't fooled. Yichen had a large appetite and ate most of the food on the table but the soup was barely touched.

"It's okay if you don't like it. I'll eat it." Mochou said as he reached for the soup ladle. Yichen grabbed it first and proceeded to fill Mochou's bowl.

"If you like the soup I can ask for the recipe." Yichen offered.

"Could you? I used to make it in the past but I always had these premade packages. They were very convenient so much that I never bothered to actually learn the ingredients." Mochou said.

"If you ever need a recipe or anything just ask. I can't guarantee the chef will always give it but it never hurts to ask."

Mochou and Yichen finished dinner and proceeded to head upstairs. Mochou was thrilled to walk up the stairs. Each one made him giggle and smile bright like a child . He hadn't gone up a set of stairs since transmigrating.

"It's funny how even the most mundane task can seem fun when you haven't done it in a long time." He thought.


"Mochou I can carry you the rest of the way." Yichen said as he supported Mochou hips from behind.

"No. It's only four floors. I can do it." Mochou proclaimed with stubborn determination.

His excitement had long disappeared somewhere after the twentieth step. He never realized how difficult it was to walk up stairs.

"Why was I ever excited to go up these damn steps!" He cursed yet still insisted on walking up each one himself.

"Mochou can I please carry you the rest of the way." Yichen begged.

Seeing Mochou hunched over and breathing hard worried him. Mochou stopped and thought about it. He really wanted to make it to the fourth floor on his own. But his knees trembled and his chest hurt.

"I won't be too heavy?" He asked. Yichen didn't bother answering him. He swept him up into his arms and swiftly carried him up the stairs without breaking a sweat.


Yichen opened the door to the room. It was warm and had several candles and lanterns lit to brighten the area. There was a sofa, a table, and large canopy bed.

"This is amazing. I thought we'd only have a bed and maybe a small table we could use. This place is nicer than our own home."

"Our home is the greatest. It's comfy and warm. This place might look nice but after a day or two you'll get bored of it." Yichen said.

"What's through that door?" Mochou asked. His eyes staring at the door located to the left.

"That's probably the toilet."

"The toilet? We have an indoor toilet!!" Mochou exclaimed excitedly.

"Not quite." Yichen said.

"What do you mean!"

"Take a look for yourself." Yichen said with a smile.

Mochou left Yichen's arms and walked over to the bathroom. Inside was a...

"It's a stupid chamber pot! And why is their a second door in here?"

"That's so the staff can come in to empty the pot." Yichen exclaimed with a light chuckle.

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