Chapter 107: Dark Clouds

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Mochou woke up early the next day exhausted and stiff. He spent most of the night tossing and turning. Even after finally falling asleep he was rudely awakened by the Goji Berries doing flips inside his stomach.

"You can go back to sleep if you're tired." Yichen said when he saw Mochou sitting in bed with dark bags under his eyes.

"I can't. Even if I could get comfortable these two won't stop treating my stomach like a bouncy house.


"Never mind. Where did you go?"

"I went to order some breakfast. They'll bring it up soon. Are you feeling hungry?" Yichen said.

"I bet they'll kick out any food I eat." Mochou scoffed with his hand placed on his stomach.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, I think I just need to move around and distract myself." Mochou said as he squirmed out of bed. Yichen took off his heavy jacket and walked over to get a set of clothes out of their luggage for Mochou to wear.

"Yichen where is my toothbrush?" Mochou asked as he waddled over from the bed. They always kept their toothbrushes in the kitchen but they didn't have a kitchen in their room so he was feeling a bit lost.

I put it over there by the wash table. You can drink and use the water from the jug next to it." Yichen said.

"Thank you." Mochou replied as he walked over to the wash table.

Knock... knock

"That must be breakfast. I'll go get it."

Yichen stood up to go get breakfast. He didn't mind that Mochou was still in his night robe because there was a dividing wall to block the staffs view of inside the room.

"What did you get?" Mochou asked when he came back holding a large tray.

"Nothing extravagant. There's some chamomile tea, buns, steamed eggs, rice porridge, and pickled ginger."

Mochou walked over feeling a little hungry and interested in trying the inn's breakfast. Yichen was glad to see him interested. Not wanting to keep him waiting he swiftly set the table and pulled the chair out for him to sit down. Mochou looked at the food and ate a little. He would have eaten more but as he expected it was difficult with how much the babies were moving.

"It looks a bit grim outside but the roads are clear of snow and the morning market is open. I also got a rough map from the innkeeper about some spice shops."

"Any events?" Mochou asked.

"There is a restaurant with some scholars reciting poetry."


"There is a winter garden viewing."


"The innkeeper also mentioned a restaurant that has music but they only play it in the evenings." Yichen mentioned last.

"Listening to music does sound interesting but it would be a waste not to eat dinner here considering it's included in the cost of the room." Mochou said.

"We could eat before going to the restaurant. We can have a late snack or enjoy some tea at the restaurant where they are playing music later in the evening."

"It won't be a problem?"

"Not at all. As long as we are paying customers we can enjoy the show." Yichen patiently explained.

He didn't mind if Mochou rejected all the events. Or if he chose to go to all of them. All that mattered was that Mochou was happy.

"In that case, let's explore the town until dinner and then enjoy the show in the evening." Mochou decided.

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