Chapter 100: Heartbeats

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"What do you need my beautiful bae?" Yichen said as he rushed into the courtyard.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Mochou said. His arms raised helplessly. He was currently located on the chaise buried under a pile of thick quilts and layers of clothes. The weather had cooled but Mochou insisted on spending his days in the courtyard.

Yichen smiled but was careful not to laugh as he hurried over to help. Mochou had become very sensitive about his size and inability to get up from any sitting or laying position.

Knowing what he wanted Yichen took Mochou's hand and wrapped his arm around his lower back to support him as he pulled him out from under the thick heavy quilts.

Once standing Mochou stood with a horrible scowl. He hated how helpless he had become. It was so bad that Yichen had to ask Doctor Yen to let him work from home.

"This is ridiculous. Yichen I'm only four months why am I bigger than Meng Yao!"

"You aren't bigger than Meng Yao."

"I don't remember seeing her tipping over from her own weight."

"You aren't tipping over. It just feels that way because you aren't used to the extra weight." Yichen reminded him again. Mochou adjusted his posture never once smiling.

Yichen supported Mochou's lower back as he stepped up to get out of courtyard. He wasn't really that large but the thick layers of clothes added to his weight and Mochou was unnaturally thin before the pregnancy.

Mochou shuffled across the hall and reached another step. He grabbed Yichen's arm and slowly stepped down. Lightly grumbling under his breath about the number of steps in the house. Yichen ignored it and walked him over to the bathroom.

While Mochou relieved himself he stood outside quietly laughing. Mochou wasn't even half way through the pregnancy and he was already having a difficult time moving throughout the house.

"It's funny how excessive and dramatic he is about his size. He is a little bigger than expected but this  is only the beginning. He hasn't even reached the waddling stage of the pregnancy." He mused. The more he thought about it the more he wondered why Mochou seemed unusually large.

"I'll ask Doctor Yen to give him a check up. My experience with pregnancies is too limited. Outside from knowing acupuncture techniques for miscarriage prevention and nausea relief I barely know anything. If there is a chance his larger than normal four month along belly is a problem it would be better to know sooner rather than later." Yichen mused as he continued to wait for Mochou.

When Mochou reemerged from the bathroom he was escorted back to the courtyard where he proceeded to burrow back into his pile of warm comfy quilts.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Hm." Mochou hummed as he settled into a comfortable position.

"My productive little bee has become a snuggle bug." Yichen lovingly said as he adjusted the quilts so Mochou was properly covered.

"I'm still productive. Bring me the light yellowish block of wood from the workshop. I need to start making the sculpture of the mandarin ducks." Mochou said a little insulted that he was being called a snuggle bug.

"Is that the one you were asked to make for the Qian family's wedding?"

"It is. I need to deliver it by the day after tomorrow."

"Isn't that piece of wood big?"

"I decided to make it one piece instead of two separate duck sculptures. Both ducks will be sitting on a stand that looks like water with a cute little lotus flower floating next to them." Mochou explained.

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