Chapter 110: I Want Them Out!!!! 🐣🐣

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"Yichen!" Mochou shouted loud as he struggled to move.

He had been stuck on the sofa for nearly ten minutes. With arms and legs flailing he tried to stand but his stomach had grown too large. He couldn't get the momentum needed to get up. He tried turning but short of rolling off the sofa he could only helplessly remain where he was.

"You rang?" Yichen said as he popped into the room.

"Stop smiling." Mochou grumpily snapped.

"Impossible. Life is too great to frown," Yichen happily exclaimed a he sauntered over to the sofa.

"Great for you. Great for these parasites that refuse to leave. But it's a nightmare for me!" Mochou shouted at his belly.


"I don't need to breathe. I need you to get these things out." Mochou said.

"Be patient. They should be ready to come out any day now."

"You've been saying that for a week already. I'm tired of waiting. Go get a knife! We're cutting them out today." Mochou dramatically proclaimed.

"Stop being dramatic. We aren't going to cut them out."

"Why not. Just cut along that damn purple ridge and scoop them out."

"You're talking like a crazy person." Yichen said as he sat down next to Mochou.

"If I'm crazy it's only because I've been pregnant for too long." Mochou said with his legs kicking up and down as he tried to get up.

"Due dates are never accurate. It's not unusual for labour to start anywhere between a week before or after the expected date." Yichen said as he grabbed Mochou's hands to help him finally escape the sofa.

"You told me they would come out eight days ago."

"Babies are unpredictable."

"You know what isn't unpredictable? A knife." Mochou said his eyes focused on the kitchen door.

Yichen wrapped his arm around Mochou's waist to stop him from walking away. Yichen knew Mochou was reaching his limit. Unfortunately, there really was nothing he could do.

"Mochou endure for a little longer. Once the babies are born I'll take over. You'll be able to rest or do whatever you want." Yichen said.

"That's doubtful. I bet the moment the first one takes a breath your mother will be here trying to to take control."

Yichen wished he could tell him that wouldn't happen but Mochou was right. It wasn't as though he could keep the birth of the Goji Berries a secret. In fact, he hadn't said anything to Mochou but the midwife was currently living at his parent's place waiting for him to call them over.

He massaged the anxious Mochou's lower back in an attempt to calm him. His large dexterous hands worked wonders to ease Mochou's strained muscles. Mochou felt his frustration begin to dissipate.

"I won't lie. My mom will be here. Chances are my whole family will come to the house." Yichen said.

Mochou immediately grimaced at the thought.

"They'll be here but I'll run interference. All you'll have to do is say the word and I'll chase everyone out of the room. No exceptions." Yichen promised.

"What word?" Mochou curiously asked.

"Whatever word you want. You choose."

"Peanut butter." Mochou suddenly said.

"Peanut butter?"

"Yup! Peanut butter."

"What's peanut butter?" Yichen questioned.

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