Chapter 71: No Longer Peaceful

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That night Mochou and Yichen enjoyed their fish for dinner. They grilled two and turned the third into a fish soup. Along with some stir fry vegetables. Dinner was uneventful except for one thing.

"Stop checking my forehead. I don't have a fever." Mochou complained when Yichen touched his forehead for the umpteenth time that evening.

Yichen pulled his hand away feeling a little embarrassed for getting caught. Mochou had complained earlier so he pretended to sweep away some of Mochou's hair from his forehead in an attempt to hide his true intentions. Unfortunately, Mochou saw right through his little act.

"I can't help it. I'm worried." Yichen admitted.

Mochou couldn't get angry knowing Yichen was only worried about him. However he was beginning to get a little annoyed. The next time Yichen reached for his forehead Mochou bit him instead.

"Wha... what are you doing?!" Yichen asked while Mochou held his hand in his mouth. He wasn't biting down hard or anything but the situation was completely surreal. Mochou grinned mischievously after letting go of his hand.

"Go ahead and try checking my forehead again." He threatened.

Yichen stared at Mochou who had just threatened him. At first he was flabbergasted by it, then intrigued.

"Why?" Yichen questioned as he once again moved his hand towards Mochou's forehead.

This time it was Mochou's turn to be flabbergasted. Unable to think of what to do next Mochou could only sit their wide eyed and watch as Yichen successfully placed his large hand on his forehead. After touching him Yichen grinned triumphantly.

"Tell me. What will you do now?" He goaded.

Mochou's mind was blank. He couldn't think of what to do. Despite threatening to do something he never actually planned what that something would be. The next second he did the only thing he could think of... he ran. He escaped out the door and as he left he yelled back.

"I need to use the bathroom."

Seeing him run Yichen broke into a laugh. Then remembering that Mochou was pregnant he got up and ran after him.

"Mochou don't run! You could fall!" He shouted as he tried to catch up with his fleeing little bae.


The next day Mochou was woken up by Yichen.

"Mochou, it's time to wake up. Let's have breakfast together." Yichen said.

"Not hungry." Mochou grumbled as he burrowed into the quilt.

"Mochou I know you are tired but you need to eat. If you don't feel like cooking I'll make the egg porridge myself." Yichen said. When he did Mochou grumpily sat up in bed. He found it sweet that Yichen was the kind of man who would cook for him. However he didn't want to eat the strange medicinal porridge Yichen liked to make.

"Give me a minute." Mochou said with a big yawn. He then got up and headed for the door.

"Stop. Don't go outside in your night robe." Yichen said.

"Why not? No one will see me but the birds." Mochou said without stopping.

"Jie Hong and the others arrived a little while ago. I want you to dress properly.

"The walls are tall. They won't see me unless they are in the yard." Mochou said not entirely convinced.

"Mochou, please." Yichen insisted while holding up his clothes.

Mochou checked with his bladder and it seemed to be no problem if he took a minute to get dressed first. He took the clothes and began to dress.

"I talked to Jie Hong and he promised not to bother you today. If you need help though you can go see him." Yichen said.

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