Chapter 80: Rage

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That night Yichen held Mochou in his arms. Thinking about what would happen the next day he stared up at the ceiling. Knowing his father's plan he was conflicted. He debated about telling Mochou about how the parents of the children would be punished.

"Will Mochou be glad to know they will be punished or will it only cause him stress?" Yichen wondered as he lay there quietly stroking Mochou's back. Without any effort Mochou solved Yichen's problem and brought it up himself.

"What did your father say?" Mochou asked. He could tell something was bothering him ever since his parents came by that evening.

"He explained the new rules he plans to announce in a village meeting tomorrow."

"New rules? What kind of new rules?" Mochou asked.

"Anyone caught disrupting the peace within the village will be subject to forced labour. They and their families will have to work to expand the village farmland without pay." Yichen explained.

"Did he make that rule because of what happened to me?"

"He did. I told him things couldn't continue in this way. That it was ridiculous that you couldn't even walk down the street without being verbally or physically attacked by others."

"Will my younger brother be forced to work?"

"No, he and the other boys that hurt you will receive a different punishment. Because they viciously attacked you my father has decided their parents will be canned in public at the meeting tomorrow."

"Canned? What is that?" Mochou asked.

"It's when a person is hit with a bamboo cane a specific number of times as punishment for a crime."

"That sounds a bit excessive."

"It isn't. After what they did to you they deserve to be beaten half to death." Yichen said his body tensing from anger.

"Yichen no matter what happens you cannot attack others. My injuries can heal but if you get arrested... What would I do without you? I need you be my side." Mochou said his eyes glistening in the moonlight as he stared at Yichen.

"Mochou, I need to protect you."

"Being by my side is protecting me. Everything else is just useless grandstanding." Mochou stubbornly stated. He always dreamed of a man who would protect him, but now that he had him he couldn't care the thought of losing him.

Yichen hugged Mochou tighter while keeping in mind not to squeeze too hard because of his injuries. His love for him growing stronger by the second.

"Mochou, I love you."

"I love you, too. Now go to sleep. It's getting late." Mochou said while patting Yichen's muscular chest. With each loving pat Yichen could feel his body relax.

The firmness of Yichen's chest didn't make for the most comfortable pillow. However, for Mochou being able to listen to Yichen's strong steady heartbeat as he slept mattered more than comfort.


The next day things were looking better for Mochou. He felt well enough to sit up in bed on his own. If Yichen had let him he would have tried going to the bathroom by himself.

"Your ankle was twisted in the fall. Walking on it before it has time to heal will prolong the healing time." Yichen explained as he carried Mochou back to bed.

"Are you going to the meeting this evening?" Mochou asked. He could tell Yichen was thinking about it because he kept checking the time.

"No need. I'm fine right here with you." Yichen said with a smile. Unconvinced Mochou intended to ask again, but then he felt it. A dull foreboding twinge in his abdomen.

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