Chapter 132: Orange

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"So what do you need to get first?" Yijie asked as they approached the market.

"We need to get some pork. Specifically, pork bones, pork belly, and some pork shoulder would be nice but I'm flexible." Mochou said.

"What do you plan to do with all that meat?"

"We have the smoker at the house so I'm going to cure some, smoke some, and braise some of it. Yichen also has a huge appetite. We could probably buy a whole pig and none of it would go to waste with how much he eats." Mochou said with a light laugh.

"I understand. Growing up with four brothers it was always amazing how fast food disappeared." Yijie said.

"By the way, have the twins started eating food yet?" Yijie curiously wondered.

"Not yet, should they?" Mochou asked not quite sure himself.

"I don't know, but I think Meng Yao started giving my nephew sweet potatoes or mushed up vegetables around five or six months old. You'll have to ask them for more details." Yijie explained.

Mochou looked at his chubby Goji Berries. They certainly didn't look to be starving or lacking in nutrients, but that could quickly change if they were supposed to start eating food instead of the strange bloody liquid that came out of his and Yichen's wrists. Yichen noticed his gaze and wondered if there was something he needed.

"Is everything okay?"

"It's fine. We just need to talk with your mom today or tomorrow." Mochou briefly replied before looking forward again. Yichen didn't quite understand why but he also didn't feel the need to question it.

When they reached the market's butcher Yichen walked up and ordered everything Mochou wanted as well as some meat from the list for the rest of the family. While he did that Yijie looked around and noticed some young chickens.

"ShiShi, when the house is built we should raise some chickens. What do you think?"

"We'll have to speak with the construction crew about adding a chicken coop but it is worth having. Owning our own chickens will provide us with eggs and the occasional poultry to eat." Shirong answered with a smile.

"Should we also raise a pig? We could slaughter it for New Year."

"Pigs are a lot more work." Mochou said. He had also considered it at one point but after looking at the cost, space, and time needed to care for a pig it wasn't worth it.

"I agree. Let's start with just the chickens and if things go well we can consider adding a pig later." Shirong said.

"That reminds me, do you own a cart and mule or ox?" Yichen asked.

"We did, but I told the staff to return it to the main house after we arrived here. Having a cart seemed unneeded given the proximity to work and the several options available. If we need to travel further we could always rent a cart." Shirong explained.

"You don't intend to travel anymore?" Yichen asked a bit concerned because he knew Yijie loved traveling.

"We do, however not until after the house is built and things have settled." Yijie mentioned.

"Mochou and I are also planning to travel once the Goji Berries are a little older." Yichen said.

"You are? That's wonderful. Maybe we can travel together." Yijie said.

"Maybe." Yichen said. He loved the idea of traveling with his sister but he couldn't commit to anything without talking with Mochou first. Mochou who had been listening in noticed the twinge of excitement Yichen showed when his sister mentioned traveling together.

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