Chapter 52: Chicken Coop

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Yichen and Mochou had already made a simple box with some hay inside as bedding for the little quail. It wasn't elaborate or fancy and they didn't even have a fence stopping the little quail from roaming around the yard.

Even so Yichen took great care of his little MoMo. Even when Mochou laughed at him for keeping it Yichen was determined to raise it.

Now Yichen had to build something larger for the chickens they bought. He considered building a fence but Jie Hong didn't have enough wood to build one.

"You guys are lucky. This big yard will be yours to roam around as you wish. All we ask is that you don't go in the hut or poop all over the place. Stay in this area." Yichen lectured.

Lining up the wood and making a plan was the first step to what Yichen imagined to be an amazing chicken coop or at least that is what he was hoping for.

He wasn't great at building things. When he and Mochou made the first one, Mochou told him what to do and he only had to listen. Now on his own he found himself struggling.

"Little MoMo, should I nail this piece here or there?"

"Why are you asking a bird for help?" Mochou suddenly asked from behind him.

"Mochou, is everything okay?"

Yichen stood up and looked over him with concern. Not long ago Mochou was quivering in bed frightened and unstable. He had left their little hut to make the coop because he thought Mochou needed some space after their conversation. To help Mochou feel like he could be alone without fear.

Despite giving Mochou space it didn't change the reality of what happened or how worried he was about him. He looked at Mochou and noticed how he wasn't trembling and the colour returned to his face. All he needed now was Mochou to say that everything was okay himself.

"I'm fine. I came out to tell you that lunch is ready. I changed my mind while cooking and decided to make something simpler. I'll use the vegetables I cut later for dinner. For lunch I made some scallion pancakes instead." Mochou said while holding out a plate full of crispy warm pancakes.

"They look delicious." Yichen said before wiping his hands with a handkerchief and grabbing one.

Mochou watched him happily eat the scallion pancakes he made.

"Are they good?"

"Once again you've cooked something delicious. They are perfectly crispy and full of flavour." Yichen praised.

"I'm glad you like them. Do you need help with the new coop?"

"I do. Can you help?" Yichen asked while grabbing another pancake from the plate.

"Of course." Mochou said. He knelt down and started helping Yichen build the new chicken coop for the birds.


As they worked Yichen snacked on the scallion pancakes Mochou had made. Since Mochou's arm was fractured Yichen did the work while Mochou told him what to do. They had done it before but this new one wasn't as easy making as the small old one from before.

"Yichen not there. Over here. If you put the nail over there it will collapse." Mochou said as he tapped on the plank of wood.

"I thought..."

"Yichen trust me. We need to add a nail here." Mochou adamantly insisted.

"Okay, okay. I trust you. You want a nail here?"

"Good. Next add one here, here, and here next."

"Yes dear." Yichen said as he obediently hammered in nails everywhere Mochou asked.

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