Chapter 134: Future Plans

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The date was abruptly brought to an end. The thought about going out again after some rest was discussed but before a decision could be made the sound of the waking babies came from the direction of the bed.

Yichen hurried inside while Mochou remained on the sofa. When he went inside both babies immediate locked eyes on their father and smiled. Their little hands waving around excitedly as though greeting him.

"Did you sleep well my sweets?" Yichen asked as he moved closer. Both of them giggled in response. Yichen was incredibly happy to see that they were in a great mood. Wanting to give them a hug he bent down but before he could grab them he was hit with a bad smell.

"Is that why you woke up?" Yichen asked. To young to understand or answer back they stared up at their father. Yichen didn't mind. He quickly went to work changing their dirty little bums. Because this world didn't have disposable diapers Yichen had to wrap them up and seal them away in wax bags to be washed the moment they got home. Dealing with their mess Yichen couldn't help but look at them and tell them,

"As soon as you guys can walk we're potty training you." Neither of them understood what he meant. Their only response was to cutely roll around grabbing at their toes like little rolly-polly pill bugs.


With the Goji Berries awake Yichen and Mochou decided to return home. It was easy to do because they had the mule cart. On the way back Mochou leaned against Yichen.

"Tired?" Yichen asked as they moved along the road.

"Last night was exhausting and today has certainly been busy." Mochou admitted while fighting back a yawn.

"When we get home do you want to take a nap?" Yichen asked him knowing how tired he looked.

"Maybe, but there is something we need to talk about." Mochou said. Yichen gulped and his body tensed from his words. A nervous sweat forming on his brow.

"Does he know what I did?" Yichen thought.

"I've been thinking maybe we should reconsider all the work we do every day." Mochou added after a little time.

"What do you mean?"

"Well with the gardening, woodwork, babies, herb gathering, hunting, fishing, medicine making, acupuncture, chickens, clinic, and so on it's a lot to do. When something happens like I get sick or we need to go to town you also need to take time away from going the clinic and working with Doctor Yen or we can't check on the traps. It feels like we are over extending ourselves. Plus when they Goji Berries start walking or we start to travel it's hard to imagine how we'll do it all." Mochou said.

He had been worrying about it for quite some time. He understood that most of it was necessary. In order to afford the life they wanted they needed to work. Not only work but also keep up with numerous chores. Despite the reality Mochou hoped they could find a better balance.

"It is a lot. If I quit my work at the clinic I can devote more time to making and selling herbs and medicine. I can also focus on doing acupuncture. All of which can be done at the house and during our walks through the forest." Yichen mused aloud. Listening to him, Mochou had to agree it would be nice having Yichen around the house instead of away at the clinic.

"Will Doctor Yen be upset with us if you stop working for him but continue making medicine and doing acupuncture from home?" Mochou asked despite thinking it was a great idea.

"I think it will be fine. It honestly isn't much different from what I've been doing for him now. However we won't have the guaranteed income. Some days when there are no acupuncture patients or herbs to sell we won't make any money." Yichen said.

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