Chapter 145: Reunited At Last

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Once in the clinic Yichen was put down on the small single bed. It had never been used before but Mochou made sure it was cleaned regularly.

Doctor Yen walked over and quickly went to work checking Yichen's injuries. Yichen wanted Mochou to be cared for first but everyone knew his injuries could wait when compared to him.

"Yichen be good and let the doctor treat your injuries." Mochou said as he pressed him down on the bed again.

"I'm fine. Your leg needs to be tended to first. Get me my needles and I'll help reduce the swelling and..."

Mochou placed his hands over a Yichen's mouth. The fever was getting worse and he was beginning to ramble.

"Yichen, listen to me and Doctor Yen. Otherwise we won't be able to see or Goji Berries." Mochou whispered. Yichen looked around the room. There was Doctor Yen, his mother, brothers, and Mochou but no Goji Berries.

"I want to see them." He mumbled.

"I do, too." Mochou said.

Yichen went quiet and Doctor Yen was able to begin treatment. Yichen's mother went inside to get a change of clothes for Yichen and his brothers went out to thank the men that helped with the search. Mochou who was feeling tired but overall okay helped Doctor Yen wash and tend to Yichen's injuries.


By the time Yichen's injuries were dealt with and they were cleaned up Yichen was barely awake from the fever.

"His fever is so high. Will he be okay?" Mochou asked Doctor Yen.

"The fever is caused by overexertion. Once he rests and the medicine begins to take affect it will subside." Doctor Yen said as he wrapped a splint around Mochou's leg. Just like Yichen thought it was fractured.

"I have some crutches at the clinic. I will bring them by tomorrow. For now keep your leg elevated and don't walk on it." Doctor Yen told Mochou.

"What about Yichen's injuries? What should I do?"

"They look terrible, however most of them are superficial. The worst are located on his back. Nothing is broken however his ribs and spine are badly bruised. He'll need to rest and avoid any heavy lifting for a period of time." Doctor Yen said.

"I'll try my best to make him rest but it isn't easy stopping him. My husband doesn't know how to rest or laze around in bed all day." Mochou said.

"Although he did try when we first got married." He secretly thought to himself.

"I'll come by every day to help change your bandages and check to make sure you've both been resting properly. If necessary I'll also give Yichen a good lecture about taking it easy so his body can heal." Doctor Yen said.

"Shishi and I are also going to stay over to help take care of the twins and do the chores." Yijie said as she popped her head into the clinic room.

"Yijie, you've done so much already. We couldn't possibly ask you to do more." Mochou said. He was grateful but also feeling guilty for leaving the twins in her care so long.

"It was my pleasure. I love the twins. Plus they'll be easier to take care of now that the two of you are back. When they cry I can just hand them over to you." Yijie said.

"Did they cry a lot?"

"I've never heard them cry so much. It was heartbreaking to see their tiny little faces go red and wet with snot and tears. They really missed the two of you. When they wake up to see the two of you I'm positive the smile they have will be the cutest ever." Yijie said.

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