Chapter 58: Dumpling

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"Do you need my help?" Yichen asked.

"Could you to help me fold the dumplings?"

"I can. Let me wash my hands first." Yichen said before disappearing outside. While Yichen was washing up Mochou looked down at his belly.

"Little Grape, I'm serious. You need to be good. I like cooking for your father so don't make me sick. It's already hard enough to cook with a fractured arm. I don't want to be nauseous as well." Mochou quietly whispered while poking his flat stomach.

When Yichen returned Mochou had everything ready to start making the dumplings.

"What do you need me to do?" Yichen asked a little excited to help.

He had eaten dumplings before. Every Chinese New Year his mother would make them for everyone. However as a man he was never asked to help make them.

Now, Mochou was asking for his help and he was excited to do it. He enjoyed doing things with Mochou even if they were things men normally didn't do.

Mochou placed a wad of dough on the table. He then used the wooden roller pin to quickly flatten it into a circular shape.

"So talented. Do you want me to make the others?" Yichen said as he admired Mochou's movements. He wasn't great at it but to Yichen who had never seen his own mother make dumplings he found it amazing to watch.

"No, I need you to fold them. I'll flatten the dough then we add a little stuffing in the centre." Mochou said as he added a spoonful of his pork and cabbage stuffing with a lot of garlic.

"Now, it's your turn. I want you to fold the dough in half carefully." Mochou instructed.

Yichen used his large thick fingers to pick up the dough. At first Mochou was worried Yichen might tear the thin dough but to his surprise Yichen was very dexterous and gentle.

"I wonder if it's because he does acupuncture?" Mochou mused while he watched Yichen expertly fold the dough in half.

"Is that all?" Yichen said a little surprised be the result. They didn't look like the dumplings he mother made and the task seemed easy enough to do one handed.

"Next, I want you to use your thumbs to pinch and fold it flat."

Yichen used his thumbs to fold the edge but Mochou stopped him.

"Not there. You should start from the middle and alternate from one side to side until it's finished all the way across." Mochou clarified for Yichen.

Yichen repositioned his fingers and thumb to yhe middle of the folded edge of the dumpling. He then once again tried pinching and folding the dough. He moved slow but carefully. When he was done he placed the dumpling on his palm and showed it to Mochou.

"How is it?" He asked nervously.

"It's wonderful. Are you sure you've never done this before?" Mochou genuinely praised.

"I haven't made them before but if you want I can help you fold them from now on." Yichen offered.

"I'd like that." Mochou said.

He grabbed the perfectly folded dumpling and placed it on a plate. He then took another wad of dough and rolled out a second wrapper. Yichen took the wrapper and added a dollop of stuffing to the centre before he started folding it.

Neither spoke but it wasn't awkward or strange. It was warm and comfortable. They continued working in this way until all the dumplings were made and it was time to start cooking them.

"Do you want crispy or soft?" Mochou asked. He wanted dumplings but didn't have much preference when it came to cooking them.

"What do you mean?"

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