Chapter 102: Bladder Be Damned

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The next day Mochou woke up late and alone. He wasn't surprised because Yichen had told him the night before that he was planning on going to town with his brothers. He was feeling lazy and warm in his bed but couldn't stay because of his uncooperative bladder.

He rolled out of bed and to his dismay not far from it was the disgusting chamber pot.

"Real funny." Mochou sarcastically said while he lightly kicked it aside with his foot. Before walking out of the room intent on using the real toilet even if there was a snowstorm outside.

Luckily, it was a beautiful warm day. The sun was shining and birds were happily chirping in the distance. Mochou breathed in the crisp cool air. He carefully stepped outside to walk over to the toilet. Looking around most people would be glad for the beautiful day. Mochou however wanted to cry.

"All the snow is gone."

In a depressed mood he did what he had to do before returning inside. His mood picking up again when he saw the little breakfast Yichen had left him. It was nothing extravagant. Just a little bowl of nuts and dry fruit with some steamed egg and buns. Yichen had tried to keep them warm under a bowl but they had long cooled while Mochou slept.

While he ate he thought about what he could do until Yichen returned home.

"I should check the garden. I also need to start making things for the babies. I thought it would be fine to wait but now that we are expecting two of them I need to do twice as much. It would be better to start earlier than later. I can't sew no matter how hard I try. I must make up for it in other ways." Mochou mused.

With that in mind he went to the workshop out back to look at the wood he had. There were many options. Yichen frequently brought back random pieces of wood whenever he went into town or visited Jie Hong. It was mostly the cheap scraps leftover from the carpenter's workshop. Although Mochou did sometimes ask for something specific or larger.

Looking at what he had Mochou was inspired to make a mobile.

"Babies like mobiles right?"

He took a basket and filled it with several pieces of wood of similar sizes but different types. He thought the mixed wood would make things more interesting.

"I'll make a bunch of little animals. Animals are cute and easy enough to carve. I can carve a forest animal landscape into the crib. Shit we need to buy another crib. I wonder if Yichen will remember to talk with the carpenter." Mochou mused as he returned inside.

He went towards the courtyard out of habit but soon stopped. He remembered the promise he made to Yichen the night before. He changed direction and went to the kang room to snuggle up in the warm heated bed.

Before laying in bed again he decided to remake it. There was something comforting about slipping into a perfectly made bed then twisting and turning until it was perfectly formed to his body.

Despite his desire to slip into the perfect bed he struggled to make it. The kang was a waist high bed that in modern terms would be considered king size. Mochou needed a stepping stool to get in and out of it. Standing on the stool he tried his best to reach the edges. To his dismay his stomach got in the way and he could barely reach a quarter of the distance. He tried throwing the quilt but it only flopped down limp and pitifully wrinkled.

After fighting with the quilts for a long time Mochou felt cold. He placed his hand on the bed and noticed it had cooled. He gave up on the quilts and turned his attention to adding wood to the little stove attached to the bed.

It took some work to get the fire blazing again. When he finally finished he grabbed the edge of the bed and with a lot of effort and grumbling he pulled himself up. He looked at the bed that was still unmade and pouted.

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