Chapter 123: Spring Full Of Love (NSFW)

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"Look he's smiling!" Yichen lovingly exclaimed while playing with Big Goji Berrie's feet.

"He's gassy. They both are."

"It isn't gas. He's smiling because he loves his daddy and he's happy to see me." Yichen said.

"I'm telling you it's gas. And don't put your face too close or you'll regret it." Mochou warned.

"How could I ever regret getting a taste of my son's little toes." Yichen said as he leaned down to kiss them.


Cough* cough

Suddenly Yichen pulled away from his son and coughed.

"I told you it was gas." Mochou smirked.

"It can be gas and a smile." Yichen retorted as he waved his hand over his son to dispel the noxious gas he had just released.

"Hehehe... Go ahead and think that. I on the other hand won't be placing my head anywhere near them when I see that expression." Mochou said while opening the window. It was now spring and he no longer had to endure the twins smells in an enclosed space. With the window open a fresh refreshing breeze passed through the house.

Ding* ding*

The little bells Mochou placed on the babies mobile began to ring causing the little babies to squeal and clap their hands. They loved the sound of the bells.

"Take a look Yichen. That is a smile." Mochou pointed out. The tiny little faces were scrunched up in distinct toothless smiles. With rosy cheeks they reached up and grabbed at the light that shined around them.

"Adding the bells and polished metal to the  mobile was a brilliant idea." Yichen said as he gently spun the mobile above the babies heads.

"They're only three months old. The things they like aren't difficult to guess." Mochou humbly replied.

"Even so, the things you make them are always a hit. Unlike all that junk I bought." Yichen said while pointing at a pile of toys left in the corner of the room. Yichen had bought them toys throughout Mochou's pregnancy. He thought the babies would love them but each one of them couldn't compare to the mobile Mochou had made.

"They're too young for those. You'll see. Once they can crawl around they'll be happily playing with everything you bought." Mochou comforted him. But Yichen wasn't so sure. Feeling a little down he began to tickle the babies little feet. The sound of their joyous babbling could be heard and Yichen began to cheer up.

"You know what I think?" Mochou said as he leaned against Yichen's back. His arms hanging over his shoulders.


"I think our Little Goji Berries have something they love more than the mobile I made." Mochou whispered with a sneaky grin.

"They don't. They love your mobile the most." Yichen said doubtful of Mochou's claims.

"But they love playing with you more." Mochou said. Yichen blushed a little from Mochou's words. Enjoying his shy response Mochou decided to say a little more.

"I also love playing with you."

His hot breath burned Yichen's ear as he spoke. Yichen didn't need him to say more to know what he really meant. Like a switch being flicked his body reacted.

He immediately turned and grabbed the back of Mochou's head so he couldn't escape his passionate kiss. Like a hungry beast Yichen nibbled at Mochou's sweet lips. His tongue then dug deep to savour his flavour. Mochou's arms tightened around Yichen's neck. If not he was certain to collapse.

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