Chapter 95: Yichen, Help!

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Mochou leaned into Yichen's arms. One month into his pregnancy and his grand ideas of keeping busy everyday were quickly dashed. Even though Yichen gave him the freedom he craved during the first pregnancy he couldn't enjoy it. All he seemed capable of doing was sleep, sleep, and sleep some more.

"Tired?" Yichen asked as he wrapped his arms around him.

"Do you even have to ask? I swear our Little Goji Berry is some kind of parasite that's stealing every ounce of energy from my body." Mochou complained as he made himself comfortable.

"It will get better. The first few months are the toughest. You'll get your energy back soon." Yichen comforted.

"It wasn't this bad last time." Mochou grumbled as he reminisced about his previous pregnancy.

"Not every pregnancy will be the same. Just look at Meng Yao. She had terrible morning sickness but you haven't gotten nauseous at all." Yichen said.

"Don't jinx me." Mochou warned.

The biggest pregnancy symptoms Mochou suffered from this time was his constant fatigue and grumpiness. Yichen didn't mind. He found it cute. It also helped that along with his grumpiness and fatigue was a constant need to cuddle.

Mochou lay in Yichen's embrace and felt himself falling asleep again. Not wanting to sleep he looked to Yichen for help.

"Tell me about your day."

"It was uneventful. We had a few patients who came in with minor injuries. A little girl had a runny nose."

"Does she have a cold? Be careful you don't catch it." Mochou said.

"I am very healthy. If you doubt it I can show you." Yichen said his hand tugging at Mochou's robe.

"I'm not in the mood." Mochou said while lightly tapping his hand away.

"It's been a few days..."

"I know but I'm too tired. My body feels heavy and I could fall asleep at any second."

"I'm confident you won't fall asleep." Yichen said. His hand trying to sneak over to Mochou's inner thigh.

"Shoo..." Mochou said his eyes already shut tight as he started to drift off.

"Before you fall asleep I need to talk to you about your woodcarving." Yichen said in a small rush. Once Mochou fell asleep he always found it incredibly hard to wake him up again.

His words caught Mochou's attention and he forced his eyes open again. He twisted his head and stared at him waiting to hear more.

"My brother spoke to Lane at the shop. They are running low on your woodcarved items. Specifically the hairpins and combs. He also had a few people who showed some interest in your sculptures." Yichen explained.

"I have a few dozen items in a box in the woodshed. You can give them to your brother tomorrow. For sculptures I'm willing to take requests." Mochou said his voice growing softer as he spoke.

"Okay." Yichen said as he rubbed Mochou's back.

"Should I wake you up in an hour like usual?" He asked but Mochou had already fallen asleep.

"My bae is adorable when he sleeps but it's difficult having a conversation with him recently." Yichen mused as he moved Mochou from his arms to the sofa.

He loved cuddling together but unlike Mochou he couldn't sleep all day. There was a lot that needed to be done and he was a young energetic man. He needed to move his body so he decided long ago that he would cuddle with Mochou until he fell asleep then slip away to get his work done.

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