Chapter 137: Precipice

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Mochou and Yichen decided to take advantage of Yijie's presence to go hunting. Mochou had found roe deer tracks heading deeper into the forest. After some convincing Yichen finally agreed to leave the Goji Berries with his sister and attempt to hunt the roe deer along with him.

"Bye Bye my sweet Goji Berries. Fumu and I will be home soon. Be good for your auntie. Muchen don't fuss when being carried. It's dangerous. Muyang, I know you love playing with your blocks but try to move around a little more." Yichen said as he gave them sweet kisses.

Mochou stood by the door feeling impatient. Yichen had been saying goodbye to the Goji Berries for over ten minutes.

"Come on! Big Bro I know you love them but this is terrible. If you don't leave soon I'll start to think you don't trust me." Yijie complained.

"One more..."

"No more!" Yijie said as she pulled Yichen away from the playpen." Yichen found it hard to leave them. After quitting his apprenticeship at the clinic he could spend all day everyday with them. This made leaving harder. If it was only for a few hours like when he and Mochou did the chores it would be fine. However, they would most likely not return until the evening which made him missed dearly.

Reluctant to leave Yichen stared at his babies. Yijie wasn't strong enough to push him away so Mochou had to come and help. With both of them pushing him Yichen could only give in and move. But not before blowing his little ones some sweet kisses. Muchen and Muyang had recently learned how to blow them back and happily showed off their new skill.


With their chubby hands smacking their little lips they sent their father several kisses that flew directly to his heart.


Trekking through the forest Mochou moved with light steps. Yichen followed behind carrying the baggage and picking plants, herbs, fruit, or anything else of interest he found along the way. His periodic disappearing to gather things didn't bother Mochou. He knew Yichen could easily catch up to him so he hurried ahead.

"Mochou I found a field of strawberries on the other side of those trees. They aren't ripe yet but we should return to this area in a couple weeks to pick them." Yichen proudly shared with Mochou.

"That's great. We could make jam and dry some for a healthy snack." Mochou said as he glanced around the area for signs of the roe deer.

"Do you think the twins can eat strawberries?"

"I don't doubt they'll be able to eat them. Little Goji Berry will especially love them. He has a sweet tooth like you." Mochou said.

Currently the twins enjoyed sweet potatoes, peas, apples, pumpkin, carrots, rice porridge, peaches, plums, soy beans, and steamed eggs. Muchen ate everything greedily while Muyang preferred the sweeter foods.

They thought about introducing meat but Mochou was worried because he couldn't mash it enough. Despite not eating meat yet Yichen insisted they had a balanced diet. For protein they were fed either steamed eggs or soy beans once a day.

"I wonder if Big Goji Berry's preferences will be more like you and he'll like spicy food?" Yichen asked.

"I don't know if it works like that? But it will be awhile before we find out. The food they are eating right now has no seasoning." Mochou said.

"It's hard. There is so much wonderful food but we can only introduce them to it a little at a time."

"I'm more looking forward to when we don't have to feed them our own juices. It's okay when I only have to feed one of them but I swear I feel drained if I need to feed them both myself." Mochou said as he rubbed his wrist.

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