Chapter 73: The Next Morning

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Walking back to the hut Mochou stopped short and looked at the tub in the yard. It no longer had any fish and was now leaning against the hut.

"I know it's late but how about a bath?" Mochou suggested. He didn't feel particularly dirty but Yichen on the other hand seemed to need one.

Yichen was tired and wanted to sleep. He planned to object but when he looked back at Mochou and saw him wrinkle his cute little nose Yichen could no longer refuse. He grabbed the tub and carried it inside. Mochou followed behind him with a smile.

Once inside they started to prepare the bath. Neither had to speak or ask the other for help. They knew exactly what to do because it was something they had done together several times.

When the tub was finally filled Mochou undressed and step into it. The water was perfect, if only it covered more than just his lower half once he sat in it.

"I'm not as dirty as I thought I would be after sleeping for two days." Mochou commented. In fact he felt very clean.

"Of course I gave you a bath and every day. I also changed your clothes and cleaned you when you soiled yourself." Yichen revealed without shame.

"When I soiled myself? Yichen don't tell me I wet the bed!" Mochou exclaimed horrified of the possibility.

"Don't worry. I put a mat between you and the mattress so it wouldn't get dirty when you did. The bed is clean and I washed the dirty laundry with well water in the yard. Everything is clean." Yichen said thinking that was what Mochou was worried about.

"I'm so ashamed. How could I wet the bed at this age?" Mochou groaned in despair.

"Mochou you were unconscious for two days. I would be more worried if you hadn't. Actually I am worried. You urinated but you didn't... Mmph?"

Mochou quickly covered Yichen's mouth before he could finish that sentence.

"Please don't say it. And... and if I ever do that don't ever tell me." Mochou pleaded.

"There is nothing to feel ashamed of. All living things do it." Yichen comforted.

"We might all do it but none sleep in it." Mochou rebuked.

Yichen couldn't deny Mochou's counter. It was true. He couldn't think of a living creature that actually slept in their own feces. However he did think of something.

"They don't sleep in it but rabbits sometimes eat it. My uncle once told me it's good for their health." Yichen said.

Mochou nearly puked at the thought. No wanting to continue talking about it he smacked Yichen and gave him a dirty look before stepping out of the tub.

Yichen didn't mind. He wrapped him in a towel and planned to help him dry off and dress. However Mochou pushed him away before he could.

"I can dress myself. Hurry up and wash before the water gets cold." Mochou said. He then pointed to the pot that was left on the stove with hot water in it. Yichen cared more about Mochou so he ignore his request and proceeded to get Mochou's clothes.

"Yichen, you stink. Hurry up and wash." Mochou reiterated without remorse. Yichen flinched at his words. Then as though he came to a conclusion he started to undress. Satisfied Mochou smiled happily.

Yichen planned to wash up quickly but Mochou wouldn't let him out of the little tub until he was squeaky clean. If it was the daytime he would have also forced him to wash his hair.

"I miss the days when my hair was short and I had a hairdryer." Mochou thought when he looked at Yichen's hair that almost reached his firm ass. His eyes lingering at the tasty sight.

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