Chapter 88: Miracle

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"Doctor Yichen, thanks for taking care of all of us. If you and Doctor Yen didn't come I swear half the people would be rotting dead in the streets." An older man exclaimed.

"It's nothing praiseworthy. We should all help when disaster strikes." Yichen humbly replied.

"You say that as though this world were only filled with good people. But the reality is that not all men are good. Just look at the doctor from Shanshi Village. He was here for one day before he left again. You've been here for four."

"It can't be helped. Shanshi Village is far and the doctor was worried the villagers would need him. It is not strange that he left again. Doctor Yen and I are also planning on leaving in another day or two." Yichen said.

Including the time it took to travel to the village Yichen had been away from home for five days. Everyday he hoped Doctor Yen would say they were returning home but he refused to go until everyone's condition was at least stable and the other doctors had enough herbs to handle the demand. As his apprentice he was stuck staying there with him.

"Damn, that's too bad. We'd love it if you could stay longer." The man said with a disappointed look.

"I can't my spouse is waiting for me at home and I miss him dearly."

"Double damn. So you are married. My wife has been bugging me to introduce you to our daughter. She'll be sixteen in a month." The man said.

"Sorry but I am happily married and have no desire to meet other women or GERs." Yichen politely rejected.

"They must be amazing to be able to hold you down." The man joked.

"They are the absolute best." Yichen sincerely said with a forlorn look. He missed Mochou and not a second went by where he didn't think of him.

"Whether the doctor wants to stay longer or not I should tomorrow. I can't bear to be away from my bae any longer." Yichen thought as he hurried back to the village leader's home. Because most of the houses were destroyed by the fire he and the other doctors were staying at his house.

Entering through the gate he saw his youngest brother talking with Doctor Yen. As though he were kicked in the stomach Yichen felt a pain in his gut and the world around him seemed to darken. He ran forward desperate to find out why his brother was there.

"Yi Xuan?!" He exclaimed sounding more panicked than he anticipated.

"You're back." He replied calmly.

Yichen stared at him unblinkingly. Both Doctor Yen and Yi Xuan understood why. Without delaying Yi Xuan explained why he had come.

"Third Bbig brother Yichen, I don't want to worry you and it's certainly possible we are overreacting but sister/-in-law Mochou..."

"What happened? Damn if I knew I should never have left him. Get me a horse or ox, even a mule will work. I'm going back now!" Yichen shouted without even listening to his brother finish talking. All he needed to hear was worry and Mochou to fly into fit of regret, worry, and panic.

"Yichen calm yourself and listen!" Doctor Yen shouted.

"How can I be calm when something has happened to my Mochou again! Was he attacked? Sick?"

"Nothing like that. He... well we don't know what happened. Two days ago he refused to open the gate and told us he wanted to be left alone. Since then no one has seen him. Mom's worried so she asked me to come get you."

"Did some of the villagers try to trick him again? What about the last time you saw him, was he feverish?" Yichen asked.

"No, he seemed fine. He even gave mom a new hairpin he carved for her. Then without reason he shut us out the next time she went. Dad and I asked around and no one has been near your place. That whole area has become off limits in the eyes of the villagers." Yi Xuan explained.

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