Chapter 89: Let's Do Things Differently

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Mochou fell asleep leaving Yichen laying in bed thinking about the pregnancy. Losing their Little Grape was difficult. Even so Yichen couldn't help but feel excited about the  new life growing in Mochou's belly.

"Hehehe! I'm going to be a daddy again." Yichen thought with a funny grin on his face. Although he was happy about the pregnancy he didn't let his joy get in the way of reality.

"We need to do things differently this time. I'll tell my family and ask for their help to make sure Mochou is safe even when I am working. With Doctor Yen's aide I'll prepare medication and a plan to deal with his and the babies health. I also need to insure Mochou relaxes and doesn't feel stressed or anxious."

Yichen mused over everything he could do to make sure this time wouldn't end in tragedy. Unable to remain still he slipped out from underneath Mochou. While carefully slipping the quilt back over Mochou's shoulder he gently down to kiss the sleeping Mochou.

"Don't worry my love. I'll take care of both of you." He whispered.

He first headed for the little clinic to prepare some medicinal teas, incense, and anything else he could think of to help reduce stress and promote a healthy birth. He had made the tea for him a few times along with his acupuncture in the past but this time he planned to do more. He also needed to think about Mochou's diet and level of exercise.

"Last time I tried keeping him locked away so he wouldn't push himself or get hurt. I thought it was for the best but Mochou was clearly unhappy. He loves keeping busy and feeling like he is contributing. I think I should give him more freedom. That way he'll be able to relax and enjoy the pregnancy instead of being tied down and afraid." Yichen thought. This was their second attempt and he didn't want Mochou to hate it.

"I hope Mochou can be as excited as me to welcome our Little... passion fruit or maybe mangosteen... hmm... this is difficult. I'll need to talk about it with Mochou later." Yichen thought with a silly little smile.

Thinking about how to help Mochou relax and enjoy the pregnancy more Yichen pulled out a paper and began writing all the things Mochou loved doing. When he was done he realized that Mochou was very active.

"Hunting, gardening, raising the chickens, fish, rabbits, smoking meat, woodcarving, cooking, cleaning, collecting edible plants and herbs, building new things for around the house, studying to read and write. This list is extensive. Yet during the first pregnancy all I did was let him cook and do woodworking. Most of these require walking through the forest, to the river, and so much more. Yet I forced him to stay home. In fact, if I had my way he would have been bedridden..."

Yichen reflected on his actions during the first pregnancy. Mochou was already uneasy about it and he certainly didn't help by restricting everything he could do. Regretting his behaviour Yichen vowed to do things differently.

"I'll talk to him and together we will decide what he should or shouldn't do during the pregnancy." Yichen concluded.


Mochou woke up alone. Not having Yichen there filled him with a sense of loneliness. He slowly got out of bed and headed out in search of his missing husband. Leaving the bedroom Mochou felt something off about the living room.

"Why did he move the sofa?" He wondered. They originally had the sofa against the wall as cross from the kitchen. Now it was against the adjacent wall facing the courtyard.

Curious Mochou kept walking through the house in search of Yichen. Next, he looked in the kitchen. There was a small fire burning in the stove but nothing cooking.

"He wouldn't go far with a fire burning." He thought. With no Yichen in sight he left the kitchen.


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