Chapter 135: Zoom!💨

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It had been a month since Yichen quit working at the clinic. With him spending more time at home and Yijie and their mother coming by regularly to babysit things had been going well for Mochou and Yichen. They now had time to relax and spend time together as a couple again instead of barely making it through the day.

"I'm going to go start making dinner. Can you watch the Goji Berries?" Mochou asked. They had just finished study time with the picture blocks and now the babies were rolling around on the soft mat Yichen bought them. Yichen who had just come in from drying some herbs was happy to watch them.

"No problem. What are you making for dinner tonight?" Yichen said as he knelt down to play with the twins.

"I'm making braised pork belly with rice and stir fry greens tonight." Mochou said.

"Sounds delicious."

Mochou went into the kitchen to prepare dinner while Yichen stayed with the Goji Berries. Given their age their favourite game to play was peekaboo. Yichen moved both babies so they were facing each other. Then he placed a blanket between them. When he raised the blanket they lost sight of each other. Then he'd drop the blanket and say, "Peekaboo!"

Every time he did Little Goji would show a shocked expression with his mouth and eyes wide open. Big Goji was different. He'd flap his fat arms up and down crazily with a loud giggle and shout. Yichen never got tired of watching their exaggerated reactions.

After raising and lowering the blanket over a dozen times Yichen used it to hide himself instead. Each time he lowered it he'd make a funny face which made them bang their little arms and legs. The game continued until Yichen got a whiff of something rotten.

"Are you two nothing but poop making machines?" Yichen said as he stared at the two innocent looking Goji Berries. With no other choice Yichen got up off the floor and walked over to the bedroom to get everything he would need to change their little diapers.


Mochou was busy in the kitchen cooking dinner. The braised pork belly was finished and set aside to cool. Next was the eggplant. Yichen liked it with garlic so Mochou started it off by adding a generous amount of garlic into the pan. He took a deep breath through the nose hoping to smell the wonderful scent of garlic.

"Cough* what died?" Mochou exclaimed. Expecting the delicious smell of garlic but instead getting a nose full of something awful. He glanced around the kitchen in search of the rotten food that was giving off the stench.

"Did some meat fall under the cupboard or something?" Mochou wondered as he looked down.


"How did you get in here?!" Mochou exclaimed in shock. By his feet was Big Goji on his hands and knees looking up at him with a smile.

Mochou looked around hoping Yichen was playing a practical joke on him. But he was nowhere to be found. Confused and a little angry Mochou bent down to pick up Big Goji.


Just as he was about to grab him Big Goji turned over and scuttled away.

"Wait... What? When did you start crawling you little bugger." Mochou shouted as he chased after his son. The excited baby crawled under the table out of reach. Mochou had to go down on his hands and knees to reach under the table and get him. Reaching for him Mochou managed to graze his little leg before he zipped away again. Determined to catch the stinky baby Mochou crawled after his son all over the kitchen. The little baby squealed and giggled as he ran away from his fumu.

"How the hell are you so quick! Have you been practicing how to crawl when I wasn't looking?" Mochou asked Big Goji Berry as he stopped to catch his breath. Watching his son zoom across the floor on all fours Mochou was in awe.

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