Chapter 79: Decision

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"What are we going to do?" Yi Xuan asked his father as they walked back to the house.

"It won't be easy. Those involved in the attack are children. Once we identify who they are their parents will have to pay for their crimes."

"Big brother won't be satisfied. Unless those kids are also punished."

"You're correct. We can arrange for the entire family, children included to be punished. Something along the lines of a fine may be appropriate." Yichen's father, Yi Peng mused.

"It still isn't enough. Unless we make their families an example and severely punish them the other villagers won't change. We should also make a new rule or something so everyone knows what will happen if their children tease, bully, or harm sister-in-law in the future."

"I agree. However we cannot abuse our authority for a personal vendetta. Any rules we enforce must benefit the village." Yi Peng said. Despite his anger over what happened Yi Peng had pride in his role as Village Leader. He would do whatever he could but only if it was within his authority.

As for Yi Xuan he loved puzzles. He saw their current situation as a puzzle that needed to be solved. One where Yichen was satisfied, his father remained a fair village leader, and the villagers stopped harassing Mochou. Discovering how to make it all fit was what interested him the most.

"Right now I think keeping the Yamen out of it is good, but it would be helpful if we could use their title to support our decisions."

"Involving the Yamen, even if only in name can have unforeseen consequences. It's best to stay far away from them.

"We need something stronger than just a few words. Otherwise the villagers won't listen." Yi Xuan said.

The two men continued to ponder over what to do. They bounced ideas back and forth but none seemed appropriate.

"Dad you had plans to expand the farmland in the south right? It's a big job that requires a lot of work. Work the young and old can do."

"Are you thinking about having them do hard labour?"

"I'm thinking we can make it so that anyone caught abusing or harming others within the village will be subject to manual labour within the village. Right now it will be the expansion on the southern farmland. A task that will benefit the town in the long run." Yi Xuan suggested.

"That would help the village but will your brother be satisfied? What happened to Mochou deserves more than something so simple. Especially if the worst should happen and he loses the baby." Yi Peng said.

"In that case let's make the rule that anyone caught disrupting the peace are subject to hard labour within the village. For those who commit worse crimes like what those boys did to Mochou are subject to hard labour and some sort of corporal punishment."

"Corporal punishment? What kind do you suggest?"

"Well they threw rocks and Mochou so let's throw rocks at them."

"I cannot condone throwing rocks at children."

"Then let's throw them at the parents. Then the family will work at the Southern farm as punishment for disturbing the peace in the village."

"The rule about disturbing the peace and manual labour is a good idea. It benefits the the village, while the sandstone it promots better behaviour between villagers."

"But you still don't like the idea to throw rocks at the children's parents."

"The punishment of stoning is often associated with the death penalty. Usually reserved for adulterers. Although it could be seen as an eye for an eye situation it can also be associated with the other. It's an association we cannot afford."

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