Chapter 139: I Should Have Asked

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As they drove through the street Yichen had a chance to see the world for what it was. It was horrifying. The closer they got to the settlement the more zombies appeared. Most likely attracted by the people. Yichen could only hold tight and try his best to stay out of the way as the other members of the team killed the surrounding living corpses.

"That bow looks similar to the one Mochou made." Yichen thought in a brief moment of calm as they drove up to the settlement gate. He wanted to ask the man about it but now didn't seem like a good time to do it.

Once inside Yichen was in awe at the amount of people. The place was bustling with a mix of scruff and scantily clad men. They drove past a group of scrawny men that looked similar to a GER but without the red eyes. They were shirtless and in shorts. He felt ashamed to look and despite having no interests in anyone but Mochou he couldn't help his eyes from wandering.

"My bae's better looking than them." He told himself as he looked away with reddened cheeks.


Quian Duo and his team went straight to the Registration office and what was funnily called the Adventurer Guild for a little apocalyptic humour. There they would submit the wares they scavenged and drop Yichen off. The place was even busier than anywhere else in the settlement. It was not only filled with teams like Quian Duo's but also vagrants and people looking for help or had no other place to go.

Looking around Yichen once again felt a pain in his heart. The thought that not only did his bae once live in this world but had also returned hurt.

"He'll be okay. This world isn't new to him. He'll know what to do." He told himself.

Soon the jeep stopped and it was time to unload. Quian Duo grabbed Yichen's shoulder to break him from his reverie.

"This is your stop." He said as he urged Yichen to go down. Yichen was still a little out of it. But he understood that the group of kind yet dangerous looking men wouldn't be around to help him forever. So he did as he was told and jumped down.

"That building over there is the registration office. Head over and someone will help you register your information, get food, water, and a place to stay." Fei Long explained.

"Will they know where my spouse is?" Yichen asked. He didn't care about himself all he wanted to know was how to find Mochou.

"If he came here they'll have his information. If not they can post it on the missing people billboard located over there at the square." Another team member answered as he started to unload the jeep. Yichen could tell they were busy so he didn't linger. He headed over to the Registration Office to find Mochou.


Inside was relatively quiet. Yichen was able to walk directly up to an attendant the moment he entered. He saw strange glass windows with words and pictures flashing and moving on them. It was curious but he didn't have time to look at them. His only interest was finding Mochou.

"Good afternoon. How may I help you?" The attendant asked. She was a woman with rough tanned skin and a thin appearance. At first Yichen was surprised to see a woman working but then remembered Mochou saying women could do anything men could do in his world.

"I need to find my spouse. We were out hunting and fell. When I woke up he was missing." Yichen explained.

"Do you have your settlement ID?" She asked unmoved by his sincere plea.

"What's that?"

"It's an ID card all residents of this settlement are required to carry. It contains your information and settlement points." She explained.

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