Season 1: Chapter 1: The Invitation

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*11 years ago*

The sky was dark, full of clouds which covered the sun. The wind was strong as Morro worked on his elemental power. Y/n played with her toys while Morro practiced, "Morro? Why do you want to become the green ninja?" Y/n asked as she looked up at her 15 year old brother. "I want to prove to sensei that I can be the green ninja, even without those stupid weapons to help me" Morro said as the winds grew stronger.

"But master Wu said without the golden weapons you can't be the green ninja" Y/n said as she put her toys down and looked back at the sky for a moment. "And that's why I am going to prove him wrong, even if it kills me" Morro said as the wind stopped and the sun soon came out. "I'm going for a walk, I'll be back later" Morro said as he jumped off the bench he was standing on, ruffled Y/n's hair, and started walking away, Y/n nodded as she picked up her toys and walked back into the dojo.

Y/n watched as Wu swung his staff around, Y/n giggled at how silly he looked. "Master Wu, what are you doing?" Y/n asked as she walked over to him, "I am practicing a move my brother taught me when I was younger. Where is your brother, Y/n?" Master Wu asked as he looked down at the young girl. "He said he was going for a walk and he would be back for dinner" Y/n said with a smile, Master Wu nodded as he continued what he was doing.

Later that night it was dinner time and Morro was still nowhere to be seen, Y/n looked down at her now empty plate and then looked over to see her brother's plate, still full of food which had now gone cold. Y/n looked over at Master Wu and noticed he looked uneasy, "Master Wu? When is Morro going to be back?" Y/n asked, Master Wu sighed "I don't know". Y/n looked down at her empty plate with a pout.

*Present day*

After days, weeks and months had passed Master Wu had finally come to the conclusion that Morro was either never coming back, or he had passed somewhere along his journey. Y/n had known Morro wasn't coming back after a month of searching. As Y/n grew up she stayed hidden, she had also known about the four ninja, she would watch them from afar and learn their skills as Master Wu found out she had all the elements. Master Wu had tried to see if she was the green ninja, but nothing happened. Y/n wanted to become the green ninja, not for herself but for her brother as it was his dream to become the green ninja ever since he started training.

It was a normal night in Ninjago, yet it didn't feel like it. Ever since the passing of the white ninja, known as Zane. Everything went downhill, nothing was the same without him, even the ninja were acting weird. Y/n was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, as she rested her eyes, flashbacks of her and her brother appeared in her mind almost immediately. Y/n's eyes shot open as her heart rate started to increase. "God, get out of my head" Y/n said as she rubbed her temples, Y/n groaned as she sat up in her bed, brushing her hair with her fingers. Master Wu's voice rang through her mind "you must set a good example, the ninja need you, Y/n. You have to become their leader" Master Wu said, Y/n rolled her eyes "I don't want to be their leader" Y/n said as she looked up at Wu, "then be their best ally" Master Wu said before he left Y/n to herself.

Y/n sighed as she got up and walked to her closet to see her ninja uniform. Y/n set her uniform down and rubbed her eyes, "I can't believe I'm actually doing this" Y/n said as she started to put her saggy beige pants on, then her red top. Y/n quickly put her shoes on and wrapped her biceps and put her mask on which only covered her nose and under.

Y/n quickly packed her bag full of things she would need as Master Wu said she would be going somewhere to meet the ninja. Once Y/n was done she went downstairs and saw Wu waiting by the door. "Ok so where am I going exactly?" Y/n asked as she looked at Wu, "you are going on an island with the ninja. It's full of elementals just like you and the boys" Master Wu explained, "so then why can't they go by themselves?" Y/n asked as she shrugged her shoulders.

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