Chapter 72: Snaketastrophy

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*the News*

"Today's news, tomorrow's history. I'm Dan Vaapit and this is Ninjago City News. Chaos. Fire balls. Serpents. Our city is under attack. Again. We're going live to our number one reporter, Fred Finely, to bring you this breaking story. Fred?" Dan said.

"Fred Finely here, five-time award-winning reporter, in downtown Ninjago City to report an inclement weather pattern, fireballs falling from the sky" Fred explained while the camera showed the fire snakes blasting fireballs at people. "And these aren't ordinary fireballs. These flaming spheres transform into fire snakes" Fred said with a smile.

"Did you say, fireballs that turn into fire snakes?" Dan asked in a worried and concerned tone, "I did, Dan. And as I'm sure you can hear the terrified, shrieking screams of the citizens of Ninjago behind me, the burning question on everyone's mind is, where are the Ninja? Not a single one of our sworn protectors has shown their face in this dire time. Why have the 'heroes' of Ninjago chosen to abandon us in our hour of need?" Fred asked as pictures of the Ninja were shown on screen.

"Back to you, Dan" Fred said as the sounds of people screaming were heard in the background. "A topical report, Fred, and somewhat concerning. We'll be sure to check back on the destruction of our city. But first, something less important. Our ever-reliable Gayle Gossip is reporting from this year's puppy-petting competition at Fur-Mart. Gayle?" Dan said with a smile.

"Oh, why do they always give the breaking news reports to that blowhard Fred? I'm twice the reporter he is. Just because he bleached his teeth, they think..." Gayle said, but Vinny started to wave at her to grab her attention, "uh, Gayle..." Vinny whispered, "don't defend him, Vinny. He's a conniving weasel, not a reporter" Gayle said while sipping her coffee. "Gayle" Vinny whispered again, "I'll tell you another thing–" Gayle said with a smirk, "Gayle, we're live" Vinny said in a slightly louder voice.

"What's more fun than puppies? Petting puppies. This is Gayle Gossip, here at one of Ninjago City's most charming annual events. Fur-Mart's annual Puppy Petting Competition" Gayle said before a fireball was shot towards them, and the snake fired at Fur-Mart. "Holy smoke. Tell me you got that" Gayle asked as she looked at Vinny, "I got it! I got it!" Vinny said with a bright smile. "There's been an unexpected interruption. The Fur-Mart has just been attacked by what appears to be flaming snakes" Gayle said as Vinny pointed the camera at the snake. "Gayle, we need to go" Vinny said as he looked at Gayle, "yes, we do. After those snakes. That's where the real story is" Gayle said as she and Vinny ran after the snake.

"We, uh, seem to be having some technical difficulties. Let's take this opportunity for a commercial break. We'll be back after these messages" Dan said as a few commercials went on, each of them having the fire snakes in them.

"Welcome back. Dan Vaapit here, checking in with multiple award-winning Fred Finely for an update of what people in town are now calling Snaketastrophy" Dan said as the screen then switched back to Fred, "Fred Finely here, six-time award-winning reporter, and I want to hear from you, the people on the street. The little guys. Let's ask, where are the Ninja? Sir?" Fred asked as a man ran past the screen, screaming in terror.

"Interesting perspective. You, ma'am?" Fred asked as he put the mic towards a woman with two cats in her arms, "they're probably hiding out in that temple of theirs" the woman said in anger as she ran off with her cats. "I haven't given up on the Ninja. In the darkest times is when we need to believe we can win the most, and the Ninja would never let us..." the little boy started before Fred cut him off.

"Uh-huh, yeah, sounds great, kid. Excuse me, Mr Serpent" Fred said as he ran up to a serpent, the camera man shaking the camera in no way, but reluctantly came up closer. "Fred Finely, NGTV. I'm a hard-hitting reporter looking for the truth. What is your real purpose in our city?" Fred asked as the serpent hisses beside him. "We have come to cause suffering and pain and to end your civilisation with the flames of torment" the serpent hissed.

"Let's check in with Gayle Gossip at the Fur-Mart" Dan said while sipping his mug of coffee. "I'm not at the Fur-Mary anymore, Dan. We're trailing the serpents. They don't appear to be mindless monsters. It's like there's a pattern to their movements. They're all converging on one point. Up here, Vinny. Look. They've been summoned by some kind of snake witch leader. We need to hear what she's saying. Come on" Gayle said as she climbed down a building to get closer to Aspheera and the snakes. "Oh, man. Today was supposed to be just puppies. Just puppies!" Vinny whined as he moved over to Gayle.

"Find the Treacherous Deceiver and bring him to me" Aspheera ordered. There was a growl as something was brought over to her, "what? Where did you find this?" Aspheera asked as she looked at it, there was another growl heard. "This is the weapon. This is the scroll the Treacherous Deceiver used against me. The Ninjago MUseum of History Presents Ancient Weapons of the First Age. Where is this museum? I will have this weapon and use it against the Deceiver" Aspheera ordered as she looked at the serpents.

"There you have it, viewers at home. In an NGTV exclusive, we've broken this story wide open" Gayle whispered with a proud smile, "uh, Gayle?" Vinny croaked. "The Pyro Vipers rampaging through our city are seeking an ancient scroll. Possibly a weapon or a magical–" Gayle said, but was cut off when the boxes crashed and thuded on the ground.

"Who are you?" Aspheera hissed as she looked down at Gayle. "I'm a citizen of Ninjago City. And I'm not scared of you" Gayle said in a confident voice, "I am Aspheera. And you should be" Aspheera hissed, "uh, the Ninja will stop you" Gayle said as she looked at Aspheera, "Ninja? Those fools who released me?" Aspheera asked in a mocking tone. "Released you?" Gayle questioned, "I entombed them in a pyramid and left them to burn in the flames of my wrath. You will never set eyes on the Ninja again. They are gone" Aspheera threatened as she glared down at Gayle.

"Other villains have thought so, but they were wrong. The Ninja will be back" Gayle said confidently. "Your faith is misguided. Tell me where this museum is, and I will spare your life" Aspheera threatened as she pointed her spear at Gayle's neck. "Three blocks that way. Oh, uh, whoops" Vinny said as one of the serpents grabbed Gayle, "bring them" Aspheera ordered as another serpent grabbed Vinny as well.

"As we all know, Snaketastrophy has become a serious issue in our community. So NGTV has gathered an expert panel to discuss. Point, counterpoint. City Councilwoman Andrea Thomson, what is your opinion on Snaketastrophy?" Dan asked as he looked at a woman with dark brown hair, which went down to her shoulders.

"I find raining fireballs, mass destruction, and the armies of evil snake warriors dangerous for our local neighborhoods" Andrea said as she looked at Dan and the camera. "Good point. And you, City Councilwoman May Robsen" Dan asked as he looked at the lady with a light brown bob cut. "I agree" May said as there was silence for a moment. "Well, uh...back to our number one reporter, Fred Finely" Dan said as he smiled at the camera.

"And they just let Gayle Gossip scoop my story. Me, a seven-time award-winning reporter, who–" Fred said but cleared his throat and laughed as he backed up, "who is currently doing person-in-the-street interviews with...where did everyone go?" Fred asked before a serpent took him in its mouth and lifted him in the air. "Help! Somebody help me!" Fred shouted, as just as the serpent threw him in the air and was about to eat him, Kai's car jammed into the serpent and caught Fred in his arms.

The serpents threw a fireball in between Lloyd and Y/N as they both moved out of the way. Y/N jabbed her index and middle finger towards the serpent as lightning came out of her fingers, while Lloyd shot his energy balls at the serpent. Nya broke a fire hydrant as she used her water element to wash down its flames, before Zane managed to get rid of it with his ice.

Y/N and Lloyd walked over to Kai and Fred as Kai helped him out of his car. Fred smiled as he held onto Y/N's shoulder, "thank you. You're back. Thank you. I thought that thing was gonna eat me!" Fred shouted in fear as he gripped her uniform shirt, "it's okay. You're gonna be fine" Lloyd said as he grabbed Fred's hand and took it off of Y/N, "I'm not gonna be fine. I'm not. I'm gonna be scared for the rest of my–" Fred started but Cole cut him off, "hey, buddy, it's okay. You're all right" Cole said as he placed a hand on Fred's back.

"Okay, yeah. I'm...I'm okay now" Fred said with a slight smile, "look, we have to go. We've got to find Aspheera. She's the cause of all this" Lloyd said as he placed a hand on Y/N's lower back as he looked at Fred as he sniffled.

"Gayle Gossip already found her. Aspheera is on her way to the Ninjago Museum of History" Fred said as he looked at the Ninja. "What are we waiting for? Let's hit the road" Y/N said as she nodded at Cole as she followed Lloyd to the Land Bounty. "Fred Finely here, in time–" Fred said as he coughed while the cars drove past him.

"How does this work? Am I doing it right?" Aspheera asked as she looked at the camera, "uh, yes, ma'am. You just say whatever you wanna say, heh" Vinny said nervously. "Very well. Hear me, citizens of Ninjago. Among you, somewhere, lurks the Treacherous Deceiver. The traitor. The one who imprisoned me for thousands of years. And during all that time, one single thought sustained me. Revenge! And I will have it. I swear it! I will find you or watch all Ninjago burn. Burn!" Aspheera shouted through the camera as it switched back to Dan.

"I'm afraid that's all we've got time for today. Be careful out there, Ninjago City. Looks like it's gonna be a hot one. That's today's news and tomorrow's history. Thanks for watching" Dan said as a snake sent a fireball at the camera, followed by statics.

AUTHORS NOTE: here is Chapter 72!! Sorry for the later update, I was hoping to update earlier, hoped to do it before school but I was busy sadly. I am hoping to get back into routine with posting a few times a week, if not once or twice a week!

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