Chapter 085 After being reborn in the apocalypse, he fought with Zha Gong.

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"What gift?" Lin Hanchuan was stunned. Although he had received many gifts, he only regarded them as thank-you gifts for helping his classmates this year. There was no college entrance examination gift in his mind. idea.

Wan Lishuang has wanted to give this gift for a long time. Before that, he specifically talked to his parents and decided to give this gift after getting their approval.

Wan Lishuang took out a contract and handed it to Lin Hanchuan.

The moment he saw the contract, Lin Hanchuan's pupils shrank suddenly. It turned out to be a share transfer agreement, Wan's father's company had 10%, and Wan's mother's company had 5%.

It may not seem like much, only a few percent, but with the size of Wanpa's and Wan's mother's companies, the sum of these shares can make Lin Hanchuan a billionaire.

Money is only the second most important thing. Having shares in a company gives you the right to speak. If it were ancient times, this would be equivalent to the emperor allocating his rights to others.

"Nonsense!" Lin Hanchuan frowned, "I won't accept it."

After sternly refusing, Lin Hanchuan said angrily: "Are you worthy of Aunt Wan and Uncle Meng by doing this? You can't accept their company." Such a prodigal..."

"They know." Wan Lishuang interrupted Lin Hanchuan, his smile remained unchanged and said, "They are the actual people in charge of the company, how could they not know about this." "

They are also accompanying you. Are we messing around together?" Lin Hanchuan frowned even more tightly.

"It's not nonsense." Wan Lishuang said softly. He looked at Lin Hanchuan intently, his pupils reflecting the face of the person in front of him, "I hope you can truly become a part of my family. Let's celebrate the New Year together and visit relatives. I can confidently introduce who you are, and you don't have to be questioned because of your embarrassing identity..."

The most important thing is... Wan Lishuang's voice was very soft, but there was no hesitation or rashness in it. He seemed to have been tossing and turning for a long time, and After a lot of psychological struggle, he finally accepted it calmly: "I hope we can be together forever."

Lin Hanchuan was stunned.

"It sounds a bit shy. I figured it out some time ago. I seem to like you." Wan Lishuang continued as if she didn't see Lin Hanchuan's expression. He said he was shy, but he didn't look shy at all. It's like stating a plain fact, "With your personality, you shouldn't alienate me because I'm gay; we've been through so many things together, and you won't treat me as a friend just because I like you."

" In this case, don't blame me for going too far and trying to tie you up in this way."

"I don't ask for more, I just ask that you don't hate me and give me a chance to pursue you for three years, five years, ten years ...I can accept it. I don't seem to have much potential. Once I make up my mind, I won't change it."

Lin Hanchuan listened to Wan Lishuang's words in silence. The more he listened, the more he felt dumbfounded. Wan Lishuang was blatantly acting She plotted against him as if it was his fault, but he couldn't refute it because he really couldn't be so heartless.

After a long silence, Lin Hanchuan asked, "When did you discover... your feelings for me?"

"Not long ago." Wan Lishuang's eyes flashed with joy, and he knew that Lin Hanchuan had compromised.

After Wan Lishuang came up with the idea of ​​giving away shares, she immediately went to talk to her parents. At that time, Wan's father and Wan's mother looked at each other, and then asked him why. They would not agree without a suitable reason.

After the idea was knocked back, Wan Lishuang thought and thought, thinking day and night, and finally had a flash of inspiration and knew why.

Why doesn't he like Lin Hanchuan giving lectures to other students? Why doesn't he like Lin Hanchuan to be closer to other people? Why does he not want to be separated from Lin Hanchuan? Why does he work so hard to study in the same city as Lin Hanchuan? Why does he feel distressed... The fog in front of his eyes cleared, and his sincerity was finally revealed.

He originally thought that his parents would object, but he didn't expect that they had already noticed Wan Lishuang's feelings that he was unaware of, and agreed to give away the equity.

Wan's mother's original words were: Your father and I both recognize the character of a person and never look back. We estimate that you do too. The person you like is also a very good child. We have no objection, just like I did back then. My parents have no objection to me being with your father who has nothing... just go for it if you like it.

Lin Hanchuan didn't know how to react for a moment.

He looked at the stubborn Wan Lishuang, and in a daze, he seemed to see the passionate Ran Xing and Qi Yuyu who was persistently asking for a chance.

He sometimes felt that Wan Lishuang's personality was different from that of Ranxing Qi Yuyu, but at certain special moments, they seemed to have the same essence, even if their personalities were different and their appearances were not similar.

"You can find time now to go to the notarization with me." Wan Lishuang said with a smile. Giving away equity is not only sending money to Lin Hanchuan, but also tightly tying Lin Hanchuan to his side. This is his selfish intention , but he didn't want to change.

Anyway, he is a vicious, willful, arrogant and domineering young master, isn't he?

[Chuan Chuan, you can't agree. ] 001 suddenly floated out and said anxiously, [If he is Ran Xing and Qi Yuyu, they will always meet in the next world, but don't you think it's a bit strange that he has always been in the same world as you? 】

001 does not want his host to be affected and stays in any world. If there is another system that is always following it... 001 shook his chubby body and felt the fear of being followed by humans.

001 shivered.

After Lin Hanchuan was in a trance for a short time, he looked at Wan Lishuang steadily: "I promise you."

[Host! 】001 screamed.

Wan Lishuang laughed, proud and determined to win.

Lin Hanchuan stayed in this world for three years. He thought he could spend his whole life with Wan Lishuang, but after two years, Wan Lishuang's body gradually became weak, and no problem could be found in the hospital.

Lin Hanchuan looked at the pale Wan Lishuang. The healthy boy in his memory had become so thin that he had only a handful of bones left. Wan's parents had also become much weaker because of this incident.

In the end, Lin Hanchuan chose to leave this small world.

During the past three years, he studied experiments with Lou Weicai and became the youngest talented researcher in the Ministry of Aerospace. Because of his handsome appearance, everyone in the department unanimously recommended him as the spokesperson. Whenever there was an interview, he was referred to Lin Hanchuan.

At the beginning, some people scolded him as a connections man who only cares about his appearance, but then there was no such voice anymore.

Lin Hanchuan developed the latest stabilizers and thrusters, and improved a lot of equipment. When he developed a system called "Shuanghan", the whole country was shocked. The Shuanghan system is fast, stable, safe, and highly confidential. It is used in various fields of the military, and the frost system for civilian use was soon put into use in Wanbapa's company.

Shuanghan mobile phone, Shuanghan computer... have become well-known products. What is even more shocking is that just a few months later, the lightweight reusable rocket developed by Lin Hanchuan unprecedentedly brought back information from all planets in the galaxy. Soil and minerals put flag-dyed robots on these planets.

This is just an experimental beginning. If research continues, reusing rockets can save the country hundreds of billions of dollars.

In prison, Zhou Yushu, the elder of the Zhou family who dreamed of being famous in history, listened to the excited discussions of the prisoners around him. He buried his head and let the violent Jiang Luo punch and kick him to vent his anger; Zhou's mother and Zhou Ziming both looked at the cold expressions in the news. The young people had tears in each other's eyes and felt owed, but they had lost the qualification to find him. Fortunately, Zhou Ziming went to a prestigious university. After the Zhou family went bankrupt, he could still have a job and support his mother and Zhou Zhengqing, who was in a coma.

In the slums, a man with ugly raised scars on his face looked at the TV in the teahouse. He didn't move for a long time. The middle-aged man who limped out and found him slapped the man on the head: "Look Damn it, you think he is still something you can imagine..."

Zhou Yuntang numbly allowed Zhou Gaodan to beat and scold him. He did not take the college entrance examination and chose to drop out of school. With no education or ability, he could only be raised by Zhou Gaodan. At first, he After being able to live in peace, the two people who were living in poverty began to hate each other, but Zhou Yuntang could only cling to Zhou Gaodan, and Zhou Gaodan was also obsessed and refused to let go.

When leaving, Zhou Yuntang looked back for the last time at the high-spirited young man on the TV. He was suddenly in a trance. If he had been nicer to Jiang Tian and been with Jiang Tian, ​​would everything have been different?


As soon as Lin Hanchuan opened his eyes, he heard the noise coming from outside.

Looking around warily, this seemed to be a newly built rural house. It was very spacious, but things were placed very randomly. The ground was full of dust, leaving messy footprints.

Not sure if it was his imagination, Lin Hanchuan always felt that there seemed to be a faint rancid smell lingering on the tip of his nose, like the smell of meat that had rotted after being left out for several days in the summer.

Just as he was about to contact system 001, the door to the room was suddenly banged open. A man who was wearing tight clothes without showing any skin walked in and said angrily: "Boss, that pretty boy is causing trouble again. Do you care? ."

"What is he going to do?" Lin Hanchuan's eyes moved and he followed his words, calling 001 in his heart.

But 001, who always replied immediately, did not appear this time. There was no ball around that changed color according to his mood, and there was no sound.

"He clearly knows that the village is very dangerous. He insists that there are still living people in the village and we must rescue him. He makes a lot of noise there without fear of attracting zombies..." The man said dissatisfiedly, which seemed to match what he said. The pretty boy has been holding grudges for a long time, "Boss, there were many good-looking men seducing you when you were in prison, but you were unmoved. Why are you so fascinated this time when you see that weak pretty boy?"

Zombies. Catching the key words, my heart skipped a beat. It seemed that this world was far more dangerous than the first three worlds.

He stood up from the bed, and the moment he stood up, he found that he was actually dizzy. He sat on the edge of the bed to calm down, and heard the man curse: "Fuck, boss, you just lay down for a few days just to wipe the pretty face's ass and use up your powers." Within hours, he's looking for trouble for you again, he really wants you to die."

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