Chapter 154

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"Are there any traces of the deer?!" When Moore learned the news, he was dealing with several male-protecting military females.

On the insect planet he rules, there is no need to elevate the male insects to the sky, let alone those male-protecting factions who only care about the male insects. He wants to tear the insect wings of these military females, crush their information capsules, and reduce them to nothing more than nothing. The lowest female insect.

Let all females know the fate of those who protect the male.

But after hearing the news about Dulu, Moore was in a good mood. He was even willing to let go of those military females who disobeyed him. He just waved his hand, deprived them of their military ranks, and kicked them out of the military headquarters.

All of Moir's thoughts were focused on Du Lu.

He couldn't wait to drive, so he directly unfolded his huge bone wings and flew into the air, holding a military terminal in his hand: "What's the situation?" "

Your Majesty?" The military female who was reporting the situation did not expect that the Insect Emperor would answer it in person, and she was a little nervous. , "I, we saw a high-level male insect, his appearance is very similar to the emperor's husband, the smell of pheromones is very high-end, just smell a little, we..."

Moore pressed his hand hard, and several cracks appeared on the terminal screen.

Fortunately, the quality of the military supplies was very good, and the military female who reported the situation did not feel anything strange. She continued: "Now I have sent troops to surround this area, but in order not to scare His Royal Highness, we have not started a large-scale attack yet. Search."

Moor Yinhong's eyes dimmed slightly, and he ordered: "Stand where you are, wait for me to come."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

When Moir arrived at the place where he was suspected of finding traces of Dulu, there Already surrounded by military females.

The army females heard that they had found the imperial husband, and heard a few words from the first few army females who saw the emperor's husband. They all looked forward to it. Some females even sniffed and tried to get out of the palace. The air contains pheromones that are rumored to be 'fresh and good-smelling, making the female feel refreshed'.

"What's going on?" Moore put away the huge bone wings and asked before his toes even touched the ground.

The female military leader stationed in this area immediately stepped forward and replied: "We haven't started taking action yet, but after discovering the traces of His Royal Highness, we immediately blocked all passages to ensure that no insects leave here."

Moore frowned. Stretching a little more, he raised his hand casually and waved forward: "Start searching."

After saying that, he pondered for a few seconds, and then added: "Don't move too much, don't scare him."

His Majesty really cares about the emperor. Your Highness, my husband, is deeply in love. The female leader of the army sighed silently in her heart, immediately unfolded her bone wings, and started searching with her men.

The military female, who was a bit slower than Moll, was also late at this time. Seeing Moll's focused expression, he did not dare to disturb him. He retracted the bone wings with as little movement as possible and landed behind Moll.

Moll, who was always vigilant, didn't realize it, or he didn't care at all. His eyes still stayed in front of him. If you observe carefully, you can still faintly see a hint of anxiety and worry in his eyes.

I don't know why, but my confidants always have an ominous premonition that things will not develop so smoothly.

But seeing Moir's most peaceful demeanor in recent times, his confidants could only comfort themselves secretly: Dulu was just a young male insect who had just grown up a few years ago. It was his luck to escape for so long, and now the Insect King is personally Once it comes, he will definitely not be able to escape.

[Chuanchuan, they are coming! 】001 hijacked the network monitoring system and informed Lin Hanchuan all the time.

After hearing this, Lin Hanchuan's expression did not change. He looked away from the imperial capital. When the enemy was approaching step by step and the atmosphere was tense, he suddenly thought of Lin Jianshen.

I don't know that he left Teito with those male insects.

I wonder...if he would be worried. The ice in Lin Hanchuan's eyes melted, like spring water.

【Chuanchuan! They're going to touch your spot! 】At this critical moment, his host was still in a daze, which made System 001 so angry that he kept shouting, "I can only block technological supplies. If they see you with the naked eye, they will really find out." You got it! 】

At that time, your host will be trapped in the harem of the Insect King and jealous of others, just like in the original article!

After leisurely coming back to his senses, Lin Hanchuan's ears, which were not as keen as females, also heard the movement. His eyes sank slightly, then he closed his eyes and wrapped himself up with mental power. The next second, two military females walked in with weapons. sight.

Enveloped by spiritual power that was as gentle as a veil, the two military females turned a blind eye to the male insect that was so close. They glanced roughly around and communicated with each other.

"I don't know how tempting the top male insect is to make the insect emperor so crazy that he will use all the power of the imperial capital to search for a male insect."

"You want to know what the top male insect tastes like?" Another military female asked. He raised his eyebrows with a secret expression.

The military woman who started this topic was suddenly startled and stopped her quickly: "Don't talk nonsense. If the Insect Emperor hears it, we will both die!" "

I didn't mean Your Highness, have you heard that there is a person in the palace? The top male..." At this point, the military female suddenly approached the other military female and lowered her voice, "That male offended His Majesty the Insect Emperor, so the Insect Emperor punished him and locked him in a side hall. All high-level female insects can go to him..."

The military female took a breath of cold air: What's the difference between this and being thrown into the military camp as a shared male insect! That's a high-level male insect!

"So, as long as you work hard, get promoted to a few more positions, and when you can enter the palace, you will know what it is like to be a top male insect." After saying that, the military female sighed, "That is the male insect of the Insect King. "

Lin Hanchuan listened to their conversation and after thinking for a while, he knew who the so-called 'top male' was.

【Shelley? 】001 was also surprised, 【In the original text, he shouldn't have ended up like this. 】

Lin Hanchuan was also a little puzzled, but he was not curious. He just watched the two female insects passing by him and drifting away.

From the relics of the male insect president, Lin Hanchuan learned the method of spiritual power cultivation, and now he is more comfortable with the use of spiritual power. However, he only has too little time to practice, and he is still not very proficient in the extremely lethal moves.

And he has been able to master this kind of visual effect of using mental power to hide his traces and deceive others.

It was precisely because of this that Lin Jianshen agreed to let Lin Hanchuan be used as bait to divert the attention of the military female.

The army females searched carefully for several hours, almost digging three feet into the ground, but could not find any trace of the male insect. The longer time passed, the worse Moll's face became.

All the insects were trembling with fear and did not dare to say anything. The leader of the military females came to Moore with the several military females who reported the news at the beginning: "Your Majesty the Insect Emperor, they are the ones who saw traces of His Royal Highness."

These military women never imagined that they could actually have a direct conversation with the Insect King. They fearfully told the situation at that time. After speaking, no one dared to look at Moore's expression.

It's just a male that has just grown up. There are so many military females chasing and blocking here, but no one can be found. Either the male is too powerful, or they are too useless.

And the conclusion is self-evident.

Moore's crimson pupils shone with a faint light, and in the gradually darkening sky, he looked like a beast that chooses and devours people: "Continue to blockade and look for me!" "If you do

n't find him, you don't have to live. "

For a moment, all the female insects tensed up.

It was Moore's cronies who couldn't stand it anymore, and whispered advice from the side: "Your Majesty, maybe they just saw the wrong person, His Royal Highness may not be here..."

Before he could finish speaking, the cronies were hit hard on the chest. After the attack, he flew backwards in embarrassment. The bone wings behind him subconsciously stretched out. He spat out a mouthful of blood and knelt on the ground, not daring to speak any more.

"If he's not here, where could he be?" Moll tried his best to keep his expression calm. Even if he kicked his cronies away in front of all the female soldiers, he didn't care. He only wanted to find his male insect paranoidly. "You guys are a bunch of trash. You haven't seen a trace after searching for so long. If you still can't find it this time..."

Looking around with a sneer, Moore did not hide the bloodthirsty and madness in his eyes. The insect marks on his neck were looming: "Trash We shouldn't occupy the insect planet's survival resources."

This new insect emperor is so violent!

This time, no insect dared to speak. The military females spread their wings and even appeared in insect form and overthrew the wall on the roadside... This time, they searched vigorously for three days.

During the three days, a group of female insects finally confirmed that Huangfu Dulu was indeed in their encirclement.

Large-scale demolition of walls and digging of ground left Lin Hanchuan, who could hide his body, nowhere to hide. He was almost caught several times. Fortunately, the mental strength of these female insects was much lower than that of the male insects, so he was able to escape every time. escaped.

But as time passed, the encirclement became smaller and smaller, and Lin Hanchuan's situation became more and more dangerous.

[This lunatic, why are you pestering me? ] Even the system was about to collapse, shouting in pain, [Wait a minute, there are military females coming from all around! 】

Lin Hanchuan didn't care to talk to 001 anymore. He hid lightly in the open space and tried his best to shield himself with mental power. However, if he had used mental power so frequently in the past few days, other males would have collapsed long ago.

It also made him somewhat powerless.

At the critical moment, a battleship suddenly appeared in the sky!

Lin Hanchuan looked up together with the military females, and saw the battleship rushing towards the imperial capital, and finally stopped nearby. Then, a group of... male insects got off the battleship?

"What's going on? Why are there so many males?"

"Why haven't we seen this kind of battleship?"

The next second, Moore unfolded his huge bone wings and flew to the opposite side of the battleship. The other military females were also well-trained. The battleship was immediately surrounded.

The leading male looked very young. Judging from the smell of pheromones, he was not even an adult. Under the gaze of the Insect King and the military females, the underage male swallowed nervously: "Hello everyone. "

Are you a male insect rebel?" Moore sneered and said disdainfully, "Where did you delicate male insects get the battleships from?"

When all the insects focused their attention on the sky, Lin Hanchuan felt someone coming in his direction. Sensing familiar mental fluctuations, Lin Hanchuan took the initiative to show up.

"Why are you back? Didn't I ask you to leave the insect star quickly?" Lin Hanchuan couldn't hide his worry.

Lin Jianshen smiled at Lin Hanchuan. He couldn't speak, and he didn't have time to type at this time. He could only shake his head at him, reach out to him, and make a gesture of taking him away.

Lin Hanchuan paused for a moment, then laughed and put his hand on Lin Jianshen's.

The two of them intertwined their fingers, so there was no need to say the rest of the words.

Moll, who was confronting the male insect in the air, felt his heart skip a beat. He felt empty in his heart, as if something was passing rapidly. He covered his chest, and the insect patterns on his neck gradually spread upwards.

As soon as he lowered his head, his eyes suddenly opened angrily, and the Insect King's pressure was released without reservation, causing all the female insects around him to fall from the air, but he ignored it and roared: "Du Lu! You are really here. ! It's you! You can't leave!"

"Stop them!"

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