Chapter 94

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A few people joked for a while, and Feng Kuan finally brought the topic back to the main topic. He asked tentatively: "Where do you plan to go?"

"Imperial Capital." Lin Hanchuan replied.

"The Imperial Capital... The Imperial Capital is great." Feng Kuan knew that there was no room for recruitment, but he was not disappointed and said, "With your ability, even if you go to the Imperial Capital where talents gather, you will definitely shine."

Feng Kuan Thinking that when Lin Hanchuan rescued them, he had superb lightning powers in his hand. The others had to lie down for a whole day after using up all their powers. They barely regained their strength at night. I have to say I admire him for being able to lead the team to dig vegetables in the afternoon. .

"But..." Feng Kuan looked at Rong Ziping in the corner, suddenly approached Lin Hanchuan, and lowered his voice, "There are too many people in the imperial capital, a mixed bag of good and bad. Now the country's functions are paralyzed, and those families who are suppressed by the country are all There is a faint smell of turning over."

Among them, the Rong family is naturally included.

Feng Kuan was worried that Lin Hanchuan, who was used as a scapegoat by the Rong family and had offended the young master of the Rong family, would suffer a loss in the Imperial City.

Lin Hanchuan knew that Feng Kuan was worried, and Feng Kuan was right to be worried.

In the original article, there was a military presence in the early days, but soon, because viruses exist in everyone's body, once the immune system is broken, they will be infected immediately. Sometimes even a common cold will suddenly turn into a zombie. There are too many zombies and it is difficult to guard against them.

If it were before the end of the world, the country could still control and avoid infection, but various aristocratic families have been unwilling to be suppressed by the country. They cannot amass wealth as unscrupulously as abroad and have above-all privileges. When the country is busy suppressing zombies and rescuing civilians, Those aristocratic families are crazy about absorbing people with super powers to strengthen themselves.

Later, in order to save civilians, the sacrifices made by the soldiers one after another were not as good as the supernatural teams sent by the families to save a few people. The aristocratic families were completely strengthened, and the government became the weak one.

At the end of the original text, the original main attacker and the original main shou established independent bases, which mirrored the bases established by other families. The world only knew the existence of five major bases, but did not know the existence of a country.

Lin Hanchuan's eyes were cold. He was also a businessman, but at this critical moment for humankind's survival, those people were still fighting for their own interests, regardless of the safety of civilians or the future of humanity, just for a small profit... This People like this are capitalists who are black in blood and bones and are not worthy of being called businessmen.

"I am measured." Lin Hanchuan said.

After knowing these things, Lin Hanchuan decided that he would never allow the aristocratic families headed by the Rong family to rise and exceed the authority of the country. Only when the country is unified can the greatest strength be mobilized to fight against the apocalypse.

Feng Kuan did not try to persuade him anymore, but instead said: "This time we lured away some of the zombies in the city. We have received a new mission to rescue more people in the city... I hope we can meet again next time. Opportunity."

In the end of the world, there is no guarantee whether there will be a tomorrow, but no matter what, living is the most important thing.

Lin Hanchuan raised his cup and clinked it with Feng Kuan. He replaced the wine with tea and paid tribute to these soldiers who are not afraid of life and death. They are the light that dispels the darkness.

This meal is the most relaxing meal for everyone since the end of the world.

When he went back to rest after dinner, Lin Hanchuan passed by the couple who had falsely accused him. He was expressionless, but the two people were trembling all over.

They themselves had done something wrong and were frightened when they saw the person they owed money to, thinking that the other person would retaliate against them severely. However, they did not expect that Lin Hanchuan did not do anything after that, but this frightened them greatly.

"Does he plan to wait for Captain Feng and the others to leave before sending us to feed the zombies?" The woman hugged her husband's shoulders tightly, frightened out of her mind by her own fantasy.

The man also trembled and said tremblingly: "No, it's impossible. Captain Feng is a soldier. They won't... won't let us be killed."

He didn't have any confidence in what he said. The end of the world is coming. In the end, who knows whether the soldiers are still the same soldiers as before.

Before and after the end of the world, too many people seem to have changed, including men and women. They used to be a recognized happy couple, with healthy parents, smart sons, and a loving couple who never quarreled.

But when the apocalypse came, the relationship maintained by the same secret could not withstand the threat of death. They witnessed the old man in the family turning into a zombie. It happened that their son had a fever. They were afraid that their son would also turn into a zombie, so they directly killed their young son and the one who had become a zombie. The old man who became a zombie was locked up in the same house.

Unexpectedly, the son really just had a fever and did not turn into a zombie. Instead, he was put into the zombie's mouth by his parents and was bitten to death. Before he died, he cried and called his parents.

The couple listening outside the door were filled with pain and regret, with tears streaming down their faces. However, they did not dare to open the door and knock down the two frail old zombies. Instead, they pressed against the door and allowed their son's voice to fade away.

After being rescued by Feng Kuan and others, the two of them blamed each other, as if the loving couple who had never quarreled had never appeared before. It was not until their shared secret reappeared that it even threatened their lives. Retied to a rope.

"Honey, let's run away." The woman didn't believe that Feng Kuan would offend the supernatural beings for the two ordinary people, nor did she believe that Tu Ji, whose life was ruined by them, would not take revenge. She cried and said, "If I stay here, We will be killed sooner or later, so we might as well escape and find a way out."

The man's eyes flickered a few times. He thought of Lin Hanchuan's extremely powerful thunder ability and Feng Kuan's kind attitude towards Lin Hanchuan, and he made up his mind. Determination: "We will run after they fall asleep!"

If you stay here, you will definitely not survive, but if you leave, although it is dangerous, you can survive for a few more days.

The couple looked at each other with the same firm eyes. They trusted and loved each other as before.

Late at night, everyone was asleep. The couple quietly stepped over the other people sleeping on the ground, being careful not to step on anyone and wake each other up. When they walked out of the door, the person in charge of the night watch was looking into the distance boredly, and immediately turned back when he heard the movement. : "Who!"

"Let's go out and use the toilet." The woman forced a flattering smile and whispered.

The gatekeeper glanced at them: "It's dangerous outside, come back quickly."

The couple thanked them repeatedly and ran into the night. Unknown to them, the gatekeeper behind them pressed the intercom: "Two people went out to shoot cannons. I don't know when I'll be back, so you can let me go for a while... Just think about this when you're a little relaxed, really..."

The person in charge of patrolling in the distance was amazed: "I have such a good food and sexual nature, I want to shoot when I'm full, old man Our ancestors have said it..."

The couple hurriedly ran away in the night, as if something terrible was chasing them behind them. They ran for who knows how long, but they felt that they should have left the village, and finally stopped. .

The couple, who had not exercised for a long time, were both out of breath, and both felt excited about regaining freedom: "I didn't expect it to be so easy."

"That idiot Tu Ji used to think he had good grades and was very proud of himself all day long. Why did he pretend to be a hero to save the beauty? He thought he was acting in a TV series. He deserved it when he offended a rich man and was made a scapegoat!"

When there were only two of us ! , the malice of the two of them spewed out, and these words that had been said countless times had new feelings when they were said again.

Just as the two of them were immersed in the pleasure of swearing, there was a strange roaring sound nearby. The next second, the man who was talking endlessly was bitten on the neck, and the woman screamed. He rolled around and tried to go back, but bumped into another zombie behind him.

This time, no one came to save them.

The next day, Feng Kuan was surprised to find that two people were missing. After knowing who the two people were, he almost thought it was Lin Hanchuan's revenge in the middle of the night. But after listening to the words of the man on guard, he quickly understood what happened. .

The couple thought that Lin Hanchuan was as despicable as them, so they were scared away.

"I hope they can survive." Feng Kuan said nonchalantly in front of his subordinates. He didn't even send anyone to look for them, but directly told Lin Hanchuan the good news.

Lin Hanchuan was stunned. He had never thought about revenge, but people who have done bad things will always think too much and use their despicability to kill themselves.

Whether these two middle-aged men who neglected to exercise could survive for three days after leaving the protection of the army was a question.

Lin Hanchuan didn't take them to heart at all, and he just heard about it. After a brief breakfast, the two pairs said goodbye.

One team returned to the city, and the other set off in the direction of the imperial capital. They went in opposite directions, but had the same destination.

Most people trust the army more than an unreliable small team. Most of the rescued people in the team followed Feng Kuan, and only a few people remained in Lin Hanchuan's team.

Lin Hanchuan didn't feel disappointed, but breathed a sigh of relief.

Cheng Jizhou leaned in Lin Hanchuan's arms. He had never been hugged so often when he was a child, but he was hugged so many times as an adult. However, he did not feel awkward, but felt a different kind of warmth.

His body temperature was extremely low after being injected with the virus, but now he was held in the arms of another extremely warm person. The scalding temperature did not make Cheng Jizhou feel hot, but only warm.

He leaned intimately on Lin Hanchuan's shoulder, with the tip of his nose facing the vigorously beating arteries on the side of his neck. As the blood flowed through the arteries, a fragrance that ordinary humans could not smell was emitted in bursts.

It smells really good... Cheng Jizhou never knew that he was so obsessed with fragrance before.

"Don't move." Lin Hanchuan held down Cheng Jizhou's head, which was rubbing randomly on his neck like a puppy.

The gentle and steady voice seemed to be in his ears. Cheng Jizhou's ears, which had lost most of his feeling, were numb. He rubbed his ears and stayed still.

Not far away from them, Rong Ziping looked at them with eyes that were difficult to distinguish.

Rong Ziping did not expect that he could be reborn. The jade pendant he had been wearing around his neck turned into space. He had space powers and was no longer an ordinary person, and Tu Ji did not die.

For a moment, the tip of Rong Ziping's nose felt a little sore. Apart from his family, Tu Ji, who was the best to him, was not dead. This moved Rong Ziping more than anything else.

But...who is that blue-eyed mulatto kid? Why haven't he seen it in his previous life?

Zha Gong pursues his career path at the crematoriumWhere stories live. Discover now