Chapter 150

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Now that he had made a decision, Lin Hanchuan would not change his decision.

The reason why you apologize is because your emotions have affected the people closest to you, and you should not vent your negative emotions on people who care about you.

Lin Hanchuan discovered the problem and quickly calmed down his emotions. He continued planning to escape from the palace as if nothing had happened.

In addition to escaping from the palace, Lin Hanchuan had another plan to rescue some males who wanted to leave.

While Moore was busy preparing to ascend the throne and officially become the Insect King, Lin Hanchuan was not idle either. He had to exercise his body, train his mental strength, and deal with Shelley's temptations from time to time.

In his spare time, Lin Hanchuan wanted to fall in love with Lin Jianshen.

Compared to Insect King Maul, Lin Hanchuan was equally busy.

So when Moll suddenly visited, Lin Hanchuan even recalled for a few seconds before he remembered who Moll was.

"Tomorrow I will be the Insect King, and the entire Insect Planet is under my rule." Moore stood in the garden, looking at the little male insect who was more delicate than flowers, his eyes turned crimson, "The Insect King needs An imperial husband."

"Yeah, yeah." Lin Hanchuan nodded perfunctorily, thinking about tomorrow's enthronement ceremony.

Moir felt Lin Hanchuan's perfunctory attitude. He thought for a while and said, "Are you blaming me for not looking for you during this time?"

"Absolutely." Lin Hanchuan's eyes fell on the military female standing beside him. It's the military female who will be responsible for guarding him tomorrow.

"Now that male and female insects are equal, you should change your arrogant and willful temper." Moore frowned, "The palace is no longer what it used to be. If you are so willful again, how can you be a good emperor's husband." The most

important thing is Unfortunately, Moore found that he really couldn't stand the little male insect's indifference to him.

Moll had long been accustomed to being stared at by passionate eyes full of love for too long. Suddenly one day, he lost that gaze. He thought he would be indifferent, but he discovered that it was not really indifferent.

I was angry with the little male before, so I deliberately used my busy time to ignore him for a few days, so that this little male, who didn't know the heights of the world, knew what thunder, rain and dew were. It was all your kindness. Who knew that the little male didn't react at all? More himself couldn't bear it and came here the day before he ascended the throne.

Lin Hanchuan went through tomorrow's plan in his mind. He raised his eyes and looked at Moore: "Isn't your royal husband Shelley?"

In the past few days, Shelley has shown off several times in secret and overtly. The foreigner is sure that he will be with Zuo Moer after registering.

"Shelley is Shelley, why are you jealous?" There was a reason for the little male's indifference today, and Moir felt a little proud in his heart. The little male was still with him, and these indifferences were just a pretense of indifference.

Lin Hanchuan looked at Moll, the protagonist in the original text, and suddenly asked: "Do you love me?"

Moll was stunned. Several years have passed, and the appearance of the little male insect has not changed. He is still beautiful and cute, with those clear eyes. Toru's emerald eyes, which were as beautiful as if they were soaked in water, were still clean and bright, as if they had not changed, but also as if something had faintly changed.

The day before the wedding, the little male insect asked Moore this question.

Having just grown up, the little male entered marriage without hesitation and had a female monarch. He was completely different from those male insects who liked the new and disliked the old. He was as clean as a little lotus flower that had just emerged from the water.

Even the shy blush on his face was similar. His eyelashes were long and curled, casting a shy and lingering shadow under his eyes. The corners of his eyes were faintly elongated, revealing a bit of charm and allure that didn't belong to him. He blinked his long eyes. The long eyelashes were closed and rosy: "Moll, do you love me?"

The voice was so low that it was almost inaudible. If Moir hadn't had five senses that were sharper than ordinary female insects, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to hear it. What did the little male insect say?

After not waiting for an answer for a long time, the little male thought that he spoke too fast and too quietly, and the female did not hear it. He did not continue to ask, but said to himself: "You are going to be my female, how could you not love me?" What stupid question did I ask?"

Moore's eyes fell on the slender and weak neck of the little male insect, and he suddenly thought that he could break this neck with one hand, so that he would not have to become someone else's female king.

After imagining it out of thin air, Moll's cheeks suddenly felt hot, and his eyes sharpened suddenly, but he saw the back of the little male insect running away in panic, leaving only a sweet thank you in the air: "Thank you for being willing to love me. "

At that time, Maul couldn't accept being so close to the male insect, so he wiped the remaining touch on his face in disgust.

Now, the little male asked the same question again.

It's just that the little male insect at that time had a face full of shyness and his eyes were full of water, like a gentle and lingering moonlight; but now the little male insect has a cold and calm face, without any change in his expression, as if he was just asking questions. When asked this question, it was like a piece of crystal clear ice, showing coldness.

Love? Moore himself didn't know the answer.

In the past, he dared to say categorically that he didn't love her, but now he was not sure. If he didn't love her, why would he be angry because the other party wanted to marry a female attendant? Why can't I let go even after becoming the Insect Queen?

But if he loves, Moll also knows that he hates male insects as always, and hates those blood-sucking insects that lie on the bodies of female insects to suck blood.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, Lin Hanchuan sighed inwardly. He turned and left without waiting for Moir's answer.

Moir subconsciously wanted to persuade him to stay, but in the end he just stood there silently and watched Lin Hanchuan leave.

This incident made Maul uneasy and made him a little absent-minded when he ascended the throne the next day. The Zerg's coronation ceremony was different from other races. Maul spread his huge bone wings and hovered over the entire city. Last stop at the Royal Palace.

The powerful pheromones belonging to Maul enveloped the entire palace, cleansing the aura of the previous Insect King, indicating that he had turned the palace into his own territory.

After that, there was the formal enthronement and worship... Moore sat on the throne, his eyes were red, and he surrendered wherever he looked.

From a distance, Moir seemed to see a familiar smell fading away. His pupils shrank suddenly, and then slowly expanded: The little male insect was strictly guarded in the palace, how could he leave...

Theoretically He knew it, but Moir still had some ominous premonitions. He ignored that the enthronement ceremony was not over yet, and suddenly spread his wings and flew into the auxiliary hall.

The pheromones belonging to the little male insects in the auxiliary hall were particularly strong. Moore's tense heartstrings relaxed slightly, and then he saw Shelley with a surprised look on his face: "Your Majesty, is the enthronement ceremony over so soon? Why are you Are you here?"

"Where's Du Lu?" Moore asked casually without even looking at Shelley.

Going straight to the door of the room belonging to the little male insect, Moore knocked on the door carefully. He suddenly thought that if the little male insect passing by was willing, he might be able to invite the little male insect to participate in his enthronement ceremony, in the name of the royal husband... ...

I knocked for a while, but there was no movement in the door.

"Your Majesty?" The smile on Shelley's face had stiffened. During this period, Moore ignored the little male. He also thought that the little male had fallen out of favor. He thought that his turn would come, but he didn't. Thinking of it, the Insect King had just completed the enthronement ceremony, and the first thing he did was to come see this little male insect.

Moll's eyes changed again and again. He has never been a gentle female insect. He couldn't return to the problem of the male insect yesterday. He felt ashamed of the male insect, so he had the patience to knock on the door. At this time, the other party did not open the door. , he was too lazy to pretend anymore.

The guard responsible for surveillance handed over the key in time, and Moore pushed the door open. He thought he would see a little male insect sitting obediently on the bed, but he only saw an empty room.

The men quickly spread out and searched in various rooms, even looking under the bed. No insect dared to speak, and even the rummaging movements did not dare to make a sound.

There is no bathroom.

Not in the living room.

Neither does the garden.

Not anywhere.

Moll's pupils turned bright red. He looked coldly at the guard who was in charge of duty today, and suddenly grabbed the other person's neck with one hand: "Where is my male insect?" The

military female was pinched into the air with one hand. With an extremely expression on his face, he was struggling hard, trying to wrest a bit of air from his strong hands.

"Your Majesty..." It was the first time Shelley saw More looking so ferocious. He spoke with a trembling voice. Before he could beg for mercy for the military woman, he was caught by More's eyes.

Those red eyes, which were originally aimed at evil and blood evil, were now full of blood and murderous intent, with a powerful aura gained from years of fighting on the battlefield. With just one look, Shelley did not dare to say a word. .

Shrinking back, Shelley never knew that the female insects were so violent. The females in front of him were all gentle and polite, but when had they ever been so ferocious.

The military female who was strangled by the neck soon stopped struggling. Moore took out a life with his own hands, but he was no different. His hawk-like eyes looked around, not catching the smell of pheromones remaining in the air.

Suddenly, he hit the wall in a circle, making a hole in the entire wall and causing cracks all around.

"Why is there the smell of female insect pheromones?" Moore's voice was hoarse.

No one of the male or female insects present dared to speak. Fortunately, someone soon broke the silence. A military female flew over and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the enthronement ceremony has not been completed yet. Are you still here?" I need to meet those nobles..."

The enthronement ceremony has not been completed yet! Shelley took a breath of cold air. In the history of the insect planet, no insect emperor's enthronement ceremony has ever been interrupted, and it is absolutely impossible for the insect emperor to interrupt it himself.

Shelley suddenly understood that he had previously thought that he had overestimated the status of the little male insect in More's heart, but in fact he had underestimated it.

To be able to allow an insect king to interrupt his own coronation ceremony... Shelley buried his head and was extremely lucky. Fortunately, he just provoked the little female insect and didn't have time to do anything else, otherwise his end would never be good.

The most important thing is that fortunately the little male insect disappeared, otherwise he would never be able to ascend to the top. Shelley slowly exhaled. The little male insect disappeared. For him, it would only be a good thing. He just hoped that the little male insect would never appear again.

The military female who flew over didn't dare to speak after she landed. He looked at Moir, who had exposed her bone wings and still had faint insect patterns on her face. He took a step back slightly and knelt down with a wink. Dare to say one more word.

In addition to the shattering of the spiritual world, when the female insect is on the verge of death, only when the female insect's emotions reach a certain threshold, insect marks will appear on the female insect's body. You can imagine how angry the insect king is now, and no insect dares to touch this bad luck.

"The emperor's husband, Dulu, was kidnapped. He ordered that the entire insect planet be sealed off and no entry or exit be allowed. The palace and the imperial capital were sealed off." Moore's emotionless voice fell, "You have to dig three feet into the ground and find it for me."

Following the insect. Following the emperor's order, the highly united insect stars responded in just half an hour. Every insect in the palace was carefully searched, and densely packed military females flew in the sky of the imperial capital.

The screens on both sides of the road displayed a wanted poster and a photo of a male insect with green eyes. Every few steps, there was a GG sign with a wanted poster and a photo.

[The dominance of the Zerg is really terrifying. 】Seeing this formation, Lin Hanchuan couldn't help but sigh.

The Zerg are notorious in the universe because they are extremely powerful and united. They plunder resources everywhere and use countless planets to nourish a bug star. Every race hates them, but no race can find a bug star. the location of.

The Zerg race has traversed the universe for too many years, leaving no grass growing wherever it goes, attracting countless hatreds. This is also the reason why in the original text, after the address of the Zerg planet was exposed, the alien races came to attack them all, just for revenge.

[Yes, he obeys orders better than a robot. ] 001 also echoed, [They also know how to feel and think better than robots. ]

Lin Hanchuan and Lin Jianshen were walking on the street. Countless military females passed by them, but none of them stopped because of them.

Lin Jianshen understood the terror of the Zerg better than anyone else, and they had already made all preparations.

Lin Jianshen is not as tall and strong as other female insects. His hair is dyed fiery red and his eyes are disguised as brown. He looks ordinary; Lin Hanchuan is slightly taller than the average male insect. , he also made his hair and eyes the same color as Lin Jianshen.

A female worm and a male worm walked on the road, just like a pair of worm brothers.

Subworms are existences between male worms and female worms. They cannot transform into worm forms. They can allow female worms to lay eggs. Although the probability of making female worms lay eggs is extremely small, they can also lay eggs for male worms. Likewise, , the probability of laying eggs is very small... and the innate genes of the worms determine that their offspring are destined to be inferior to other offspring of the combination of female and male worms.

Lin Jianshen used silicone and other materials to change the skeletal state of his face and evaded detection by electronic devices. Lin Hanchuan used flytraps found in the back garden of the palace to create a psychoparalysis perfume that masked the smell of pheromones. Coupled with the plug-in of System 001, they have a smooth journey.

As they walked, all the military females stopped, landed on the ground, and listened quietly to the Insect King on the screen.

Moore was wearing a crisp insect emperor dress. He faced the camera and said slowly: "Du Lu is my royal husband. He was kidnapped by a female insect and left. I order all the Zerg to find my royal husband at all costs." ."

Moll's voice was very calm, but Lin Hanchuan had read Du Lu's memory, and he knew that Moll with this tone was extremely angry and could not be easily provoked.

The aloof Insect King was silent for a few seconds and continued: "Yesterday, my royal husband asked me, do you love me? Until he disappeared, I had time to answer his question. If there is a third chance..." "Let's

go. ." Lin Hanchuan didn't listen to his next words.

When Du Lu asked this question for the first time, he didn't answer; when Lin Hanchuan asked Du Lu for the second time, he still didn't answer. How could such a stupid person give him a third chance.

The little male insect's heart was full of his lover, but unfortunately, until the end, he didn't hear a word of love, not even like it.

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