Chapter 112

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When the leader adjusted the battle layout, people with a slightly keen sense of smell in the imperial capital could vaguely sense the coming storm, but no one knew the truth.

The matter was so important that the chief didn't reveal a word to anyone else. Even his most trusted subordinates didn't know what was going on.

Others only speculated that it might be a normal strategic adjustment by the military after the inventor of space technology disappeared.

Atli Rhodes doesn't care about these changes. He cares more about when he can get the core information of space crystal core technology.

"It's been so long and you still haven't gained anything." Atli Rhodes looked dissatisfied. "We are about to leave country C. If you continue to make no progress, then our deal will be voided."

Father Rong's His face was not good-looking: "This is a field that humans have never touched before. We don't have a clue. Even if we want to move faster, we can't move faster." "

Then why did that person develop space crystal core technology so quickly?" Terry Rhodes didn't say it clearly, but his blue eyes told others his contempt and disdain, "If your skills are not enough, you can leave it to me for research. I am the best in the world." Scientist."

After hearing this, Rong's father's face became even uglier. He knew that this foreigner was threatening him, but he had already boarded the pirate ship and couldn't get off even if he wanted to. Even though he knew it was a trap, he could only go there. Jump down.

"I can take you to see our research institute." Rong's father said solemnly and with difficulty, "The condition is that you provide us with half of the thermal weapons you promised." After the

space crystal core technology was disclosed, the Rong family's The situation is very difficult.

The military has a monopoly on space crystal core research and development technology. In order to exchange for space crystal cores, in addition to using a large amount of materials, the only way is to join the military's volunteer army and rely on the contribution points obtained by completing tasks in the volunteer army. However, those cunning and cunning military personnel Laoyoutiao, the number of space crystal cores sold to the outside world is limited, and several families are allowed to bid.

The final bidding price was ridiculously high.

What makes Rong's father even more uneasy than this is that after the launch of space crystal core technology, many people who knew about it chose to join the volunteer army. People with super powers and ordinary people... the talents of several families were rapidly lost. The Rong family was not eligible to buy, and it was also the family that lost the most talent.

If we had really waited a few years for the Rong family to develop space crystal core technology, the Rong family would have been reduced to a small family and would have no chance of making a comeback.

Therefore, even though he knew that Atlee Lord was threatening him, Rong's father had no choice at all.

With a large loss of technical talents and superpowers, Rong's father could only choose to cooperate with Country A and use thermal weapons to fill the gap of insufficient combat effectiveness.

Country C's thermal weapons are strictly controlled, even in the apocalypse. As long as the Rong family can master a large number of thermal weapons, they will have a foothold.

"Okay." Atlee Lord agreed without hesitation. A smile appeared on his lips and he said happily, "The transaction is successful, Mr. Rong." On

the way to take Atlee Lord to the research institute, Rong's father never knew whether the choice he made was right or not, but as he walked through the crowd and listened to these people's praise for the military and their admiration for the inventor of space technology, he made up his mind.

People don't know who is passing them by, and everyone is immersed in the joy of joy and hope.

"Have you heard? Someone has developed space crystal core technology. It is said to be a portable space, just like in the novel..." "

You are behind on the news. The latest news is that the space crystal core is only available to the military. As long as we go If you join the volunteer army and get enough contribution points, you can redeem them."

"It won't be very expensive, right? The kind that you can't afford to redeem if you work hard all your life?"

"It's not expensive, only tens of thousands of contribution points... go to the superpowers Kill a few more zombies, save a few more people, and it will take a few years of hard work."

"Ordinary people are not helpless. As long as they can provide technological reforms, they can easily contribute tens of thousands of points, and those who have Professionals, such as doctors, have the same contribution points for treating diseases and saving lives as those with superpowers for killing zombies..." "

Can ordinary people also join the volunteer army? I'll go right away!"

Listening to these words, not only did the The father's heart was so cold that even Atli Rhodes restrained his proud look.

Country C has a unique cultural atmosphere. As long as there is a common direction, it will be extremely peaceful. Unless it is divided from within, other countries will have no way to defeat it... Atli Rhodes came here this time also to invest 'A family with potential.

But now these families are suppressed by the military. If this continues, this apocalypse will only intensify the unity of country C.

This is a situation that country A does not want to see.

The two have different thoughts, but they have the same subtle direction.

When he arrived at the research institute, Atli Rhodes followed Rong's father and looked around casually, unable to hold back the contempt and disgust in his eyes.

The Rong family's research institute is simply not comparable to the research institute in Country A. Not only the scale, but also the mental state of the researchers, instruments and equipment, and even the rules of the institute... are far inferior to the well-trained Art. Leigh Lord's team.

A backward country is a backward country. Atli Rhodes was enjoying himself when he saw the person tied to the research table.

It was a young man who was not very old. He was only wearing a white sheet, which barely covered his lower body area. The ribs on his exposed chest were clearly defined, and he was extremely thin and unhealthy. He was tied tightly. Nutrient solution was hung from his tight arms to maintain his signs of life, and there were needle marks everywhere on his arms.

Under the small white sheet, gauze was applied to the non-lethal parts of the legs, leaving red traces. Judging from the unevenness of the gauze, there was a piece of flesh missing under the gauze.

"What is going on?" Atli Rhodes took a look and asked the leading researcher.

The researcher couldn't help but look at Rong's father, and seeing that his expression was motionless, he said, "This is a space superpower, and the inventor of the space crystal core also obtained the space crystal core technology from him." "That's

it! Atlee Lord's eyes lit up. He was also a researcher and immediately became excited about this situation. He lifted up the white sheet covering it and said, "The test subject does not need privacy. There is no need to cover it with this cloth in the future." Come on."

In the cold laboratory, the person under study was lying on the research table, naked, as if he was not a human being, but an inconspicuous mouse or frog.

Rong's father avoided the man's sad and painful eyes and turned his head slightly.

There was something in his mouth and his body was tied up. He could not speak or move his body. Only his head could move. The man blinked his eyes and tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

"People with superpowers have crystal nuclei in their minds. Have you taken out his crystal nuclei?" After careful inspection, Atli Rhodes confirmed that this person's physical fitness has not changed and is still that of an ordinary human being. he asked.

The researcher looked at Rong's father again and shook his head.

"Preparing for surgery, cut open his brain and have a look." Atlee Lord put on white gloves and said directly, as if he was talking about cutting open a human head instead of a small animal.

Father Rong took a deep breath, signaled the researchers to follow Atlee Lord's command, and then exited the laboratory.

Rong Ziping, who was left where he was, felt lonely and desperate.

He returned to the imperial capital and the Rong family with full hope. He thought that after he had the space, he would bring glory to the Rong family. He did not expect that the biggest betrayal came not from his childhood sweetheart, but from his biological father.

During this period of time in the research institute, Rongzi spent most of his time day and night. It seemed like a lifetime had passed, and it seemed that only a few days had passed.

He was in a daze, unable to distinguish between his past life and this life. He didn't understand why he wanted to return to the imperial capital, why he abandoned the only person who loved him for the sake of the Rong family... Then he suddenly remembered that the person he loved was dead. , fell in love with someone else.

Endless pain tortured Rong Ziping's heart.

Let me die... It would be better to die...

But Rong Ziping no longer had the ability to wish for death. He felt a pair of cold hands touching the top of his head. It suddenly occurred to him that he once wanted to capture the Zombie King into the research institute. Here, he used the Zombie Emperor to develop an antidote to the zombie virus, but now he himself is lying in the research institute.

Rong Ziping only regained his consciousness for a moment, and his eyes began to wander again. He didn't know whether it was because his spirit was on the verge of collapse, or because the anesthetic injected into his body had taken effect.

Lin Hanchuan, who was concentrating on researching the antidote with Cheng Jizhou, didn't know what was happening in the imperial capital. With Cheng Jizhou, the person who knew the most about zombie viruses, and Lin Hanchuan's assistance, it didn't take long for the two of them to make a breakthrough in their research.

When Cheng Jizhou extracted a tube of antidote 1.0, he looked at the blood-colored potion in his hand and was slightly distracted.

When he first synthesized the virus, he just wanted to see the limits of virus evolution. After discovering the virus's powerful regeneration ability, he felt that the virus could be used on humans after being optimized.

In the end, this thing destroys the world.

Now, after getting the antidote... Cheng Jizhou was a little afraid to inject it into others.

"We will conduct experiments on zombies first." Lin Hanchuan held Cheng Jizhou's hand, as if he understood what he was worried about. "If we are sure that the zombie virus can be killed, we will then conduct experiments on humans infected with the zombie virus."

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