Chapter 148

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"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" A female worm looked at Moir's line of sight, but saw nothing, and asked cautiously.

Moll frowned, looking at the empty door of the hall, hesitantly shook his head: "No... nothing."

Lin Hanchuan, who was staying at the door, felt relieved. He controlled his mental power and left in a hurry. , and naturally he didn't know it. Moore looked at the direction he left for a long time.

Moore lowered his eyes, feeling a little empty.

In the moment just now, he seemed to feel a familiar breath... This breath had deeply intertwined with him countless times and entered the deepest part of his spiritual world. For countless days and nights, Moore was comforted by this breath. fall asleep.

But at this moment, the owner of the aura was under house arrest in the auxiliary hall, unable to leave, and he didn't see anything wherever he looked.

Maybe it's an illusion. Putting the little male insect that affected his emotions out of his mind, Moore concentrated on discussing business matters with his subordinates.

"All the privileges of male insects have been cancelled." Moore interrupted the dispute among his subordinates and narrated in a calm tone, "From now on, all male and female insects will be treated equally." A

female insect among his subordinates objected: " No, Your Majesty, the ratio of female to male insects has reached an extreme level of 100:1. If the privileges of male insects are revoked..." "

Males are also insects." Moore sneered, "According to data, every ten Every female worm supports a male worm. This group of wastes who need female worms to survive must at least respect the female worms."

But the most remote races in the interstellar know that the female and male worms of the Zerg race are completely unequal. , to the extreme.

"Perhaps we can open up the male worms' jobs." A female worm suggested again.

"Come on, those male insects are so delicate, how can they go out to work."

"Don't come up with bad ideas. Male insects are naturally weak. Even if they go out to work, they are still causing trouble, and the females will have to wipe their butts. "

Yes, and what if the male bugs go out to work and seduce the female bugs? It will cause social unrest..."

All the female bugs resolutely opposed this proposal and scolded the female bug who made the suggestion. beg for mercy.

Moll frowned when he thought of those idle and delicate male insects. It was not a secret thing that he hated those male insects. Some female insects saw that Moir's face was wrong and couldn't help but muttered: "There is a male insect association." , they will not allow us to touch the social status of male insects..."

Moore's red eyes shrank slightly, he raised his eyes and repeated: "Male insect association?"

On the insect star, in addition to the supreme insect emperor, there are also There is an institution that is independent of the imperial power, and that is the Male Insect Association.

The Male Worm Association is dedicated to serving males. It is basically all male insects. It is also the only work unit where males can be promoted to senior positions. For males, it is an honor to be able to work in the Male Worm Association.

For females, the Male Association is a bit disgusting. This organization serves the males unconditionally and speaks from the perspective of the male. Once there is a conflict between the female and the male and the Male Association needs to intervene, it is often the case. Female insects suffer most, even if it is a male insect problem.

"That's right, Your Majesty, if we want equal rights for males and females, the Male Bug Association is the hurdle we must overcome."

Any female bug hates the Male Bug Association, and all the females present are no exception. , this is also the first time that all the female insects have reached a consensus.

"Not bad." Moore said coldly, his red insect pupils shrunk into a small pinprick, "Lead the team and surround the male insect association." The

female insects have always been vigorous and resolute, and following Moore's order, All the bugs showed bloodthirsty smiles in unison, as if they thought of something worth being happy about. A female bug said: "The males of the Male Bug Association are the high-quality males... After entering, I I want one."

"I want one too."

"I've never been intimate with a male, so leave one for me." "

Why are you so anxious? There are at least several hundred males in the Male Association, so there won't be enough points. "

Lin Hanchuan didn't know what happened. He returned his mental power to his body. After returning to his body, Lin Hanchuan found that his body had a slight soreness, which was similar to the sequelae of excessive exertion. The position between his eyebrows and temples were also All had dull swelling and pain.

How are you? Lin Jianshen, who was standing by, immediately came up to him with careful eyes.

"It's okay." Lin Hanchuan smiled and rubbed Lin Jianshen's head again. The thorny and scratching feeling was addictive.

Is it okay? You look so bad? Lin Jian Shen's eyes were full of doubts, and he carefully handed a side of the nutrient solution to Lin Hanchuan's mouth.

Lin Hanchuan drank a pipe of necessity and said, "It's really okay. I'll try again."

Lin Jianshen's eyes were anxious. Although he didn't know what Lin Hanchuan was doing, he knew that this matter was very dangerous. But there was nothing he could do. There was nothing he could do except stay aside.

Not noticing Lin Jianshen's anxious eyes, Lin Hanchuan dispersed his mental power skillfully.

This time, Lin Hanchuan did not stay in the palace, but tried to spread further. The spiritual power that seemed as thin as smoke spread out, and it was really like mist, curling like clouds, shuttling through the streets.

After leaving the palace, there were gradually more and more colors around. These colors all merged together and enveloped the air regardless of you or me.

And if you look along each different color, you will always find a different male.

Lin Hanchuan was originally just trying to use his ability, but after looking at several colors, Lin Hanchuan's face turned ugly.

In the original work, the male insects are arrogant and willful, enslaving the female insects wantonly, beating and scolding at every turn, and some even cause death. In the memory of the original owner, even though there are some unequal statuses, exaggerated beatings and scoldings are rare. Most male insects like the new and hate the old, and changing the female is like changing clothes.

But now, these male insects held in the palm of my hand are hiding here and there, like frightened birds, trembling with fear at any slightest movement.

The physical fitness of the male insects is simply not as good as that of the female insects. No matter how much they hide, many of them are caught by the female insects, forced and abused... Nowadays, the status of female insects and male insects has been completely reversed.

The male worm, which has no ability to protect itself, becomes a meal for the female worm.

Lin Hanchuan couldn't bear to look at it anymore. These were just the reversal of the status of male and female insects. What these male insects are suffering now is also what the female insects experienced in the past. He is not qualified to judge these behaviors...

Just as he was about to take back his mental power, Lin Hanchuan discovered that among the sparse colors, the colors in a certain direction were complex and rich.

After a slight pause, Lin Hanchuan still followed the colors and drifted past.

It's actually the building of the Male Insect Association. Lin Hanchuan suddenly realized that these colors are the spiritual power of male insects, so the males of the Male Insect Association are no exception at most.

The Male Bug Association has a very high social status on the insect star. With the male bug gender and the blessing of the Male Bug Association, every male bug inside is the proud son of heaven. But now, those males with eyes on the top of their heads are in a miserable state. Gathered together, every male had uncontrollable panic on their faces.

A group of female insects wearing military insignias have surrounded the entire building of the Male Insect Association, and the leader of these military females is none other than Moore.

Lin Hanchuan was observing from a place not far away, and after thinking for a long time, he remembered a plot that had been mentioned in the original article: Moore led his troops to destroy the entire male insect association, and killed the man who had seduced Dulu into marrying a female attendant. The male was captured and tortured. Finally, the male couldn't stand it anymore and committed suicide in prison.

This plot was not described in depth, only briefly mentioned. Even the protagonist Gong Dulu didn't know about it, and Moore didn't take it to heart at all, turning around and forgetting about it.

Lin Hanchuan looked at the male insects that were picked out one by one, and his mental strength became a little heavy.

"Moll!" The young male leader still maintained his pride in front of him. He stood in front of the male insects and asked sternly, "What are you going to do? The Male Insect Association has nothing to do with the change of your imperial power. You have no right to come to the Male Insects." Association goes wild!"

"Male Insect Association." Moore spread huge wings behind his back, and the protruding bone wings on the wings were full of power. He sneered, moved the bone wings, lowered slightly, and looked down at this person. A group of trembling males said, "Under my rule, there is no need for a male association." "The

male association has existed for hundreds of years. You can't ban it with just a word." The leading male also sneered.

Lin Hanchuan also knew him. He was the president of the Male Insect Association for more than a hundred years.

The life cycle of the Zerg is called longer. In order to survive and reproduce better, it only takes twenty years from childhood to adulthood. Similarly, from youth to old age, it only takes less than ten years. The two or three years in between Hundreds of years are the period of youth and adulthood.

It is not obvious from the outside that this president is nearly three hundred years old and will soon enter old age.

"Things that shouldn't exist, no matter how long they exist, will eventually disappear." Moore's voice was full of murderous intent, "You group of borers that grew up by sucking the flesh and blood of female insects should have disappeared long ago." "

Both borers? "The president of the Male Insect Association murmured. He looked at the female insects surrounding him with fierce eyes and suddenly laughed.

He laughed so hard that all the males and females were confused.

"Have you laughed enough?" Moore looked at him coldly, "No matter what tricks you are playing, you can't escape death."

The president of the Male Insect Association is the label and pillar of the Male Insect Association. Only this president will die. , those brainless males will become a piece of loose sand, free to be eaten by mermaids. With him, the Male Association will be able to revive from the ashes.

So not only did he want to die, Moore also made up his mind to let the president of the Male Insect Association, who had controlled the Male Insect Association for more than a hundred years, die in front of all the males, and let those males know what would happen if they resisted.

"It's been too long, too long." The president of the Male Insect Association wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. Like all the other males, he is beautiful and slender, and he is a little smarter than the other young males. He let out a long sigh, as if he was remembering something in his eyes, "It's been so long that you have forgotten that male insects once ruled the female insects..." "It's just

you, the male insects, who rule the female insects?"

Male insects The president did not deliberately raise his voice when he spoke, but the female insects with keen senses heard his words and couldn't help laughing, as if they were mocking his overestimation.

"I can crush a male insect with one finger."

"How do you rule the female insect? With your little thing? With your pheromones? Or with your spiritual healing?" "

If male insect rule can make me Having a male insect, I am quite willing to be ruled by a male insect..."

Lin Hanchuan couldn't help but feel moved after hearing the words of the male insect president.

"You wantonly kill the males, and you will regret it sooner or later." The president of the Male Association already knew his fate. He was not afraid. He just straightened his spine and said loudly, "I can die, but you can't hurt the males." All members of the Bug Association."

Moore looked indifferent and said condescendingly: "As long as you male bugs are obedient, I will not harm them. After all, the male bugs are also citizens of the Bug Star."

President of the Male Bug Association Hearing this, he looked at the male insects behind him with tears in his eyes: "Children, I'm sorry for you..."


"President, it's not your fault! It's the fault of those female insects! "


The president of the Male Insect Association stopped the abuse they were about to say. He sighed and said: "I thought that male and female insects could always find a balance and coexist peacefully. I was wrong." ...You..."

Moore didn't have the patience to listen to an old guy's last words: "You have so much to say when you are about to die."

"You must protect yourselves and your own mental power!" Male Insect What else did the president of the association want to say, but thousands of words were stuck in his throat. Before he could say anything, a bullet had already pierced his chest.


The eyes of the male insects who witnessed all this were splitting. They watched helplessly as the president who was protecting them slowly fell down. Almost instantly, wrinkles appeared on his originally fair and jade-like face, and his hair also became wrinkled. Fades rapidly, eventually turning pale.

When the female worm is about to die, it will turn into its original form, while when the male worm is about to die, it will instantly age.

The males cried and howled together, and the blood stained their hands that pampered you, but no one complained. Every male knew that the president who had been protecting them unconditionally had fallen, and the era of males had also ended. It's over.

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