Chapter 159

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Before the male worms were officially included in the Universe Alliance, Lin Hanchuan held a short meeting with all the male worms.

The theme of the meeting was to name a wild star.

Only then did the males have a real sense that they were going to become kings on their own. They were all very excited, and they all put forward their own suggestions.

"How about calling it a male insect star? It's both image-like and in line with our identity!" "

The male insect star is too vulgar, why not call it a zerg star! It sounds cool." "

We came to this planet, let go of the past and start a new one In life, it's better to call them little nova."

... Each one is more outrageous than the last.

Lin Hanchuan did not stop their discussion. This new planet originally belonged to everyone. Let everyone discuss a name together to give the males a greater sense of belonging and collective consciousness.

In the end, it was the little male insect Asang who made the final decision: "Why don't we call it New Bug Star? Although we have left Bug Star, we are still Zerg... New Bug Star represents our farewell to the past and also represents a brand new one." The future."

The other males thought about it again and again, but none of them objected. This name was indeed the best, simple and easy to understand, with profound meaning.

After that, Lin Hanchuan wrote the name "New Insect Star" into the Universe Alliance Protection Law. From then on, New Insect Star became a member of the Universe Alliance.

At this time, the male insects knew nothing about the future. They had just left the closed planet of the insect star, and they knew very little about the future and the cosmic alliance. Their biggest worry at ordinary times was how to design and build their own small planet.

They also didn't know that many years later, the new insect planet would designate this day as Independence Day, and all future generations would remember this day forever.

And the little male insect Dulu, who single-handedly led the males to escape from the old insect star, became an eternal hero in the history of the new insect star, recorded in the history books, and respected by future generations.

At this time, Lin Hanchuan just calmly wrote the name 'New Insect Star' on the protection law of the Universe Race Alliance.

After finishing writing, he started the next topic: "As a member of the Universe Alliance, we have to show our practicality. Do you have any ideas?" The

males were confused: "Practicality? What? Practicality?"

"There is no free lunch in the world. Since you have enjoyed the protection of the alliance, you will definitely pay something." Lin Hanchuan gently touched his brain with the tip of his pen and said slowly, "What are you going to use in exchange for protection?"

"I..." The males looked at each other, speechless.

In the old insect planet, the male insects only need to be responsible for providing mental grooming to the female insects, and they can be protected by paying some pheromones... But they now also know that this exchange method is not fair, especially for the female insects. , so there will be rebellion later.

But now, the non-Zerg alien races don't need pheromones to appease them at all, and the role of the male insects is almost non-existent to the foreign races.

Do you want to join the army like a female insect? fight?

Male insects are all self-aware. Let alone joining the army and fighting, it is very good to survive.

In the silence, Lin Hanchuan glanced at them and continued: "Since the Universe Alliance has accepted us, it means that we are useful to them."

Asang had a flash of inspiration and hurriedly spoke: "The orc said that we can do mental healing , maybe, we can provide spiritual treatment to foreigners just like we provide mental grooming to female insects!"

Suddenly, the male insects, who were originally as quiet as chickens, became excited.

"That's right! We have spiritual power!"

"Then how do we provide mental treatment to aliens? Going to alien planets? Will anything happen on the way..." "

Otherwise, let aliens from alien planets come to our planet?"

" Why are they here? It's just for mental treatment, it's not that important."

Lin Hanchuan looked at the lively scene with a smile in his eyes.

Lin Jianshen stood behind Lin Hanchuan and touched his fingers with his fingers, his eyes confused: he knew that Lin Hanchuan had already made detailed arrangements for the next thing, and he didn't understand why he still asked those who didn't know anything. The males.

Wouldn't it be better to arrange it directly and let the males do what they are told?

Lin Hanchuan pinched Lin Jianshen's cheek and typed a few lines on his head: They need to learn to grow up on their own.

Although Asang was the only minor male present, from a human perspective, none of the males present had the thinking and error-correcting abilities of an adult.

Thousands of years of domestication of the Zerg have long since developed the male insects into giant giant babies. It will be difficult to change some of the deep-rooted thinking patterns in decades, let alone a few months.

He doesn't know how to think, relies on others subconsciously, and only blindly follows, like an obedient puppet, tamed by the social environment... Lin Hanchuan knows that he will definitely not stay in this world for a long time, so he needs to help these males before leaving. They develop some thinking skills.

At least it cannot be reduced to a domesticated pet like it was on the old insect planet.

But now, the male insects are arguing with each other and thinking hard about the future of the new insect planet. This is what Lin Hanchuan wants them to be.

Lin Jianshen looked at Lin Hanchuan's profile, and suddenly felt a bit of sourness and sweetness in his heart.

This man carried the future of a race on his thin shoulders, but he never gave up. Instead, he forcibly found his way out of the thorns everywhere.

Although it was just a narrow path for the time being, still surrounded by thorns, he tried hard to put the swords into the hands of those behind him, so that they could cut through the thorns and expand the narrow path into a broad avenue.

Lin Jianshen held Lin Hanchuan's hand and thought, how lucky he was to meet such a male insect, and how lucky he was to be favored by him.

Lin Hanchuan raised his eyes in surprise, then his eyes slightly curved, and he held his hand back, interlocking with Lin Jianshen's fingers.

The males were still arguing, and everyone was red-faced, while Lin Hanchuan and Lin Jianshen hid aside, interlocking their fingers in a corner where others could not see, and the atmosphere around them was sour and sweet.

Under the guidance of Lin Hanchuan, intentionally or unintentionally, the basic laws of the New Insect Planet were framed, and a decision was also made regarding mental treatment.

Because of their scarcity, male insects cannot leave New Insect Star. If they need mental treatment, foreigners can make an appointment on their own and enter New Insect Star for treatment; the number of mental treatments per month is limited, and patients are only allowed to bring one or two guards. Enter the new insect star.

Among them, regarding the number of patients, Lin Hanchuan negotiated carefully with the people from the Universe Alliance, and finally settled on a number that both parties reluctantly agreed to.

After confirming it, Lin Hanchuan turned around and registered an official account of the new insect star on the star network, and regularly selected a certain number of patients for treatment every month.

This move caught the people of the Universe Alliance off guard, and they scolded Lin Hanchuan countless times in private.

On the contrary, ordinary people are extremely happy with New Insect Star's policies. In just a few days, New Insect Star's official account has more than 100 million followers, and it is still rising rapidly.

'In the past, only the rich could receive mental treatment, but now civilians can also have the opportunity, thanks to the strange new race, and thanks to the new insect star! '

'I heard that the number of treatments signed between New Insect Star and the Universe Alliance is only three times more than the number in the lottery... Does New Insect Star have so many healing psychics who can perform mental treatment? '

'No wonder, I saw a rumor saying that the atmosphere in the Universe Alliance is not very good recently, everyone is very irritable, and several big bosses trashed the office. '

'I don't quite understand why the New Bug Star doesn't choose to cooperate with the Universe Alliance and do some lottery on the Star Network. Do they have nothing to do? '

'Some people pretend not to understand. Do you think that by cooperating with the Universe Alliance, ordinary people like us will get those quotas? When it was my son's turn, he had a violent mental breakdown, and he couldn't be considered a civilian. '

'No matter how they plotted, at least the civilians had a chance to live, thanks to the new insect star. '

'It's not difficult to understand. This new race doesn't look very powerful. If it completely surrenders itself to the Universe Alliance, I'm afraid it won't be long before it becomes the next Sharman race and is raised in captivity by the nobles. Ordinary people won't even be able to see a single fish scale. . '

'On the contrary, I am a little curious about how awesome the leaders of the new race are, and how they can actually make a living among the old guys in the Universe Alliance. On StarNet

, things about New Zerg and mental healing have been on countless hot searches, and the lottery of New Zerg has always been at the top of the list, and you can't withdraw it even if you want to.

Those comments on the Internet are also noticed by the higher-ups of the Universe Alliance, but there is nothing they can do about it.

The New Insect Star didn't know what was going on. It clearly determined the location of the planet, but after the warship passed by, it couldn't see the existence of the planet and could only return in vain. It should be able to find it if it was forcibly bombed, but the Universe Alliance wanted to It's not a shabby desolate star, but a person who can heal spiritual power.

After the high-level officials of all races tried it out, everyone held their noses and recognized the existence of the new insect star.

I originally thought that if I slowly figure it out and gradually divide the internal parts, in the past few years and decades, the new insect stars will always be eaten.

Who would have thought that they would turn around and actually engage in lottery draws online, exposing themselves to the public. As long as they continue to draw draws and provide treatment for civilians, those civilians will spontaneously protect them.

"Didn't I mean that those Zerg looked weak and didn't even connect to the Star Network before?!" The more he read the comments, the angrier he became. The senior executive of the Universe Alliance cursed angrily and smashed several office furnishings. "He used public opinion. |In terms of means, he

is more sophisticated and vicious than me!" But no matter how angry he was in private, the matter was a foregone conclusion. After smashing a few ornaments, the senior management gritted their teeth and began to fight internally, hoping to fight for more for their people. Some spots to go to New Bug Star for treatment!

As for Lin Hanchuan, he didn't even pay attention to the chaotic things on the Internet. He was still busy building a new insect star.

Basic urban planning, food, commerce, and military... and most importantly, education issues... Lin Hanchuan was so busy that he couldn't even touch the ground. Fortunately, he had a system that saved him a lot of trouble.

Until Lin Jianshen came to tell him that the first batch of patients for treatment had arrived on the New Insect Planet.

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