Chapter 158

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As a star thief far away from the insect star, Lin Jianshen is well-informed. Not only can he understand the language of this stranger, but he also doesn't know where to find a translator. .

After the communication went smoothly, everyone found out that the name of this orc tribe member was Toby, and he was from the Fox-Ear tribe.

Toby is a free businessman who owns a cargo starship and makes a living by delivering goods to and from various planets. This time he was originally going to the Sharman tribe to deliver goods, but he encountered a star thief on the way.

Fortunately, the target of the star thief was not him, he was just an innocent passerby who was implicated, so he could drag his small starship and land on a deserted star casually.

"Fox-Ear Tribe? Shark Tribe? What kind of races are these?"

"Is there such a big world outside the Bug Star..."

"Are there Zerg Tribes outside?"

The Zerg Tribes were whispering while listening to Tobi's words. However, in their education, there had always been only insect stars. This was the first time they knew that there were so many races in the vast universe.

After Toby was asked by Lin Hanchuan, he was instantly surrounded by the other males.

"Are your ears and tail real? Can they move?"

"What does your planet look like? Is there a difference between male and female?"

"How is the life of the male insects in your species?"

Toby was asked and his head was big. He drooped his ears, swung his tail feebly a few times, and replied listlessly: "It's true, it can move; our planet is better than the Desolate Star, but not much better. I am a male..." He is actually a

male. ! The males became even more excited and continued to ask, "How is your mental strength?"

Upon hearing this, Toby looked at the males with subtle eyes.

Toby had actually crash-landed on this planet a long time ago, but he had never encountered any intelligent life. After a few days of escaping, he almost became the meal of an alien beast from the desert star.

At this time, a large number of people appeared in front of him. This group of people actually used their mental power to easily kill the terrifying alien beasts in three strokes.

Toby: "...I can't use my mental power."

Now, Toby can see the faces of these people clearly. They are all good-looking, even delicate and frail, but just thinking about their terrifying mental power makes his hair stand on end. .

Suddenly thinking of something, Toby asked cautiously: "Can you treat mental damage?"

Lin Hanchuan smiled very gently and kindly: "We can try."

Try... It has to do with mental power. Just try it? ! Toby broke out in a cold sweat and wanted to refuse, but when he looked at the gentle, kind and enthusiastic males, a cold sweat fell on his forehead.

"Then, let's try it..." Toby said with a sad face, "You guys should be gentler. The spiritual world is very fragile. If I'm not careful, I will become a fool..."

Lin Hanchuan asked an older male to Step forward and treat Toby by mentally grooming the female.

From Tobi's words, Lin Hanchuan also knew that all intelligent races in the entire universe are troubled by mental disorders, and only some special races have the unique mental power to heal others.

Races with special healing abilities are called cosmic doctors, and are protected and respected by all intelligent races.

While Lin Hanchuan was observing Toby's treatment, he was thinking about the next survival of the males.

"It's cured! It's really cured!" Toby opened his eyes from the treatment, his eyes glowing, "You can really cure mental illness!"

Other races of cosmic doctors, the mermaids, the wood tribe... not everyone Each person has powerful healing ability, but there are too many intelligent beings in the entire universe, and the number of those cosmic doctors is far from enough.

This time, he unexpectedly discovered a large group of strange races with special abilities in Desolate Star!

Toby could imagine the huge shock it would cause when this matter was reported to the Universe Alliance.

Lin Hanchuan's eyes moved slightly, and there was a real smile in his eyes: "Not bad."

Lin Jianshen looked at Lin Hanchuan's smiling side face, and he felt relieved.

From the moment he left the insect planet with the males until now, the future and lives of all the males depended on Lin Hanchuan. On the surface, he remained calm, but in fact, he was always looking for a way out for the males.

Lin Jianshen is a star thief who is used to fighting alone. Although he knows some things about other races, he only has a rough understanding and does not go into depth.

He could only watch Lin Hanchuan's already thin chin become slimmer. In addition to running between the insect star and the desolate star, he also had to inquire about other races, trying to find a way for the male insect to gain a foothold in the universe without being exploited.

Now, he finally has a direction.

The other males didn't think so much and were still happily chatting with Toby.

"You male...male outside, can't you use your mental power?"

"It's just a rough mental sorting out, why do you look so bug, ah no, country race."

And Lin Hanchuan and Lin Jian Shen walked a little further and said, "Have all his communicators been taken away?"

Lin Jian Shen nodded.

"If possible, try to find his spaceship." Lin Hanchuan said slowly with deep eyes, "Don't let the Universe Alliance discover our existence before we are ready." Lin Jianshen nodded again,

he always said Lin Hanchuan obeyed the plan.

In the following time, Toby lived with the male insects on the Desolate Star. Fortunately, it was difficult to contact the outside world on the Desolate Star. Under Lin Hanchuan's deliberate control, he did not even notice that his communicator had been confiscated. .

The males have made amazing progress in the past few months.

Not only did they establish a small village, the males also found another way to find some free labor - wild star beasts.

According to the method left by the president of the Male Insect Association to cultivate their mental power, the mental power of the male insects is not much stronger, but they can be used more meticulously and skillfully. They can even use their mental power to control some creatures with weak thinking and drive them away. For personal use.

Seeing the male insects becoming more powerful and confident day by day, Lin Hanchuan could no longer sneak the male insects from the insect star. He looked up at the sky and said with a calm expression: "The spiritual network has been woven."

Asang stood behind him, his cheeks red with excitement: "Let all the male insects' spiritual power be released, and form a huge spiritual network on the surface of the entire planet to prevent the Wild Star from being discovered... I don't know which genius thought of this. The method is so crazy."

"Yes." Lin Hanchuan also agreed, his eyes filled with emotion.

Thousands of years ago, maybe even tens of thousands of years ago, a genius male insect had a sudden idea. He gathered all the male insects and let them release their spiritual power to surround the entire insect star, blocking the location of the insect star in the universe. .

Since then, the insect star has become a lonely and secluded planet, avoiding wars and invasions, and avoiding communication with the outside world. All insects are trapped on the insect star, and the male insects do not even know that their mental power is limited. It is always out there, becoming the first protective net to protect the insect planet.

But later...the number of male insects decreased day by day, and the huge spiritual network gradually became thinner until it was completely broken.

Lin Hanchuan still remembered that in the original text, the biggest disaster on the insect planet was the war between the female insects and the male insects. Later, another race suddenly appeared... It was also during this racial war that the male and female insects reconciled. jointly resist foreign enemies.

At the end of the story, the male and female insects live together peacefully and equally on the insect planet, and the invading foreign enemies are also driven away, a very perfect ending.

Now that I think about it, the reason why there was an invasion by foreign enemies was simply because the sharp decrease in male insects caused the spiritual network to rupture, attracting the attention of other cosmic races.

And the Insect Planet is outside the Universal Alliance, so ambitious foreign races will naturally try to invade the Insect Planet.

After thinking about everything clearly, Lin Hanchuan suddenly became curious. What would happen to the insect star after losing a large number of male insects?

But he was just a little curious. What he had to do now was to formally contact the Universe Alliance and become a new race of the Universe Alliance.

After initial contact with the Cosmic Alliance, they learned that there were a large number of cosmic doctor races in the Wild Star, and they fell into shock and joy. Before the alliance with complicated interests had time to secretly carve up these cosmic races, the Wild Star had already been exposed to the Star Network. middle.

'Shock! The universe discovers a new race that can cure mental violence! '

'The universe doctor race has added a new member, and the damaged mental power can be saved'

'Revealed: How an interstellar deliveryman discovered a new race, exclusive interview'

'The Mermaid Tribe and the Wood Tribe have successively stated that they will have friendly exchanges with the new race "

Didn't you say that this matter should be suppressed?" A man with a thin stature and rock-like skin looked at the lively discussion on the planet network and cursed angrily.

The subordinates whose appearance was very similar to him replied: "After we learned the news, we immediately ordered a blockade, and the other races also tacitly agreed not to spread the news... We don't know how this incident suddenly detonated the Star Network." No matter what

, Angry, things have reached an irreversible point. The leader of the Giant Rock Tribe said angrily: "What's going on with the other races? Can you think of a way to shoot a few people over?" "

Not good." His subordinates clicked on a video and showed it to everyone. , "This race looks weak, has no hard skin, and does not have a second form, but they can use mental power to attack..." "

Damn it!" the leader cursed, mental power attacks are much more difficult than the second form. .

After getting angry, he reluctantly ordered: "Go and have friendly contact with the new race, try to win over them as much as possible, and don't use violence." The

same scene also happened among many races.

Finally, Lin Hanchuan received a report from the Universe Alliance that allowed him to join and included him in the protection scope.

[Wow, Chuanchuan, luckily you are smart and have calculated everything in advance! 】001 peeked into the internal struggles of those cosmic alliances, and felt sincerely, "If the new race does not have any ability to protect itself, it will become a pet in captivity." 】

The teeth were pulled out, tamed and docile, silently working as a doctor for the entire race, and attached to that race... 001 jumped on the spot, and his body turned into a pale and pale gray.

[Thank you too. If you hadn't controlled the public opinion on StarNet for me, things wouldn't have gone so smoothly. ] Lin Hanchuan squeezed 001 gently and said, [As long as the matter is exposed to the public's eyes and all races are involved, and they restrain each other, we will be safe. 】

Of course, public opinion is just public opinion. The most important thing is that Lin Hanchuan allowed the males to show their extremely powerful lethality.

Strength is the basis of all struggles - this is why the female insects in the past had to destroy the mental training methods of the male insects.

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