Chapter 114

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Lin Hanchuan and told Cheng Jizhou personally that he would not leave.

After a period of time, Cheng Jizhou no longer acted like a monster on a whim. Instead, he became the one avoiding Lin Hanchuan, carefully avoiding all kinds of contact with Lin Hanchuan, as if he was afraid that Lin Hanchuan would make another surprise attack.

Even when Lin Hanchuan tentatively proposed to unlock the chains and go to the imperial capital to hand over the antidote to the zombie virus, Cheng Jizhou agreed without saying a word.

"It seems that it really scared him." Lin Hanchuan was helpless and wanted to laugh.

Cheng Jizhou seemed to dare to do anything, but he didn't expect to be so timid. He was unscrupulous when he took the initiative. Once the other party took the initiative, he would shrink into his shell like a snail.

Regarding this behavior, Lin Hanchuan commented: "It's a bit cute."

001 rarely rolled his eyes at his host: [Turn off your filters. ]

Lin Hanchuan just pretended not to hear.

With the bug-like existence of Cheng Jizhou, there were no zombies along the way. Except for the need to move cars on the road, the two of them returned to the Imperial Capital without any hindrance.

Driving outside the imperial capital, Lin Hanchuan discovered that the survivors begging outside the city had disappeared, leaving only an empty ground and not even garbage.

"Where are the survivors outside?" Lin Hanchuan was a little confused. It was impossible for the imperial capital to expel these survivors.

"They have entered the city." After hearing Lin Hanchuan's doubts, the people who entered before and after Lin Hanchuan laughed, and someone said enthusiastically.

"Don't we need supplies to enter the city?" Lin Hanchuan asked with a thought in his heart.

"It's different now. In the past, you could only submit supplies, but now you can exchange them for labor." The speaker was still wearing an airtight protective suit, only showing his eyes under a transparent goggle. His expression could not be seen, but he could only hear his voice. You can hear how happy he is.

From the chatter of others, Lin Hanchuan, who had been away from the human world for several months, finally pieced together the truth of the matter.

Since the announcement of the space crystal core, with the existence of the space crystal core, it has become much easier for everyone to collect supplies. The material pressure in the imperial capital has been greatly reduced, and it can even accept the old, weak, sick and disabled people outside the city.

The military has completely suppressed the aristocratic families. Most of the superpowers have joined the volunteer army and go out in small teams to collect supplies or fight zombies in exchange for contribution points. Other ordinary people are working as they did before the apocalypse, except that their salary is changed from money to money. Become a contribution point.

With all the people earning contribution points, the supplies in the Imperial Capital are not only enough for the people of the Imperial Capital to survive, but some of them can also be allocated to provide relief to other cities.

The official people are also trying to rebuild the apocalypse. Schools, hospitals, and markets have been reopened, especially schools. Those orphans in the apocalypse can enter the school to study for free, and the state is responsible for raising them.

Everything is on track, and it doesn't seem to be much different from before the end of the world.

Lin Hanchuan looked at the empty ground outside the city with a smile on his lips.

He knew that the country would not live up to his expectations, so he handed over the space crystal core technology to the country without any reservation.

And now...he knew that everything he did was right, so he was completely relieved.

While he was sighing, a group of people suddenly appeared and walked up to Lin Hanchuan: "Mr. Tu, you don't need to line up, please come with me."

Lin Hanchuan was stunned, and the people lining up around him were also stunned.

"Mr. Tu? Is this Mr. Tu Jitu?"

"The big guy who provided the space crystal core technology?"

"I thought he would be a gray-haired old man, but I didn't expect him to be so young." "

Young, smart and handsome, God It's so unfair when creating humans."

There were faint murmurs in the crowd, and Lin Hanchuan was a little embarrassed. He knew that the leader would always observe his movements, but he didn't expect to be caught as soon as he appeared. He did not refuse these official The personnel guided them and followed them towards the imperial capital.

After walking a few steps, someone shouted.

"Mr. Tu, thank you!"

Like a drop of water falling into boiling oil, this voice was followed by countless hoarse shouts.

"Thank you for coming up with space crystal core technology!"

"Thank you for saving us, saving the imperial capital, and saving the country!"

"I hope you can live a long life, be healthy and happy!"

"Mr. Tu, thank you!"

shouted The sound became louder and louder, but none of them moved. They just looked at Lin Hanchuan with grateful eyes, their eyes full of tears, and their faces filled with true gratitude. This was true for both men and women, old and young.

Lin Hanchuan felt a warm current in his heart. He turned around and waved to these people, which attracted waves of cheers and applause.

Even after skipping the entrance check and entering the imperial capital, you could still hear the sounds outside, causing people who entered the city gate to look back curiously.

This land will always be silent, but it will never let down anyone who pays for itself.

Cheng Jizhou witnessed all this and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. He couldn't help but hold Lin Hanchuan's hand and received a reassuring smile from Lin Hanchuan.

The chief has already learned the news and is waiting for Lin Hanchuan and the others in his office.

He turned his eyes around Cheng Jizhou several times, his eyes like daggers: "You are the one who developed the zombie virus?"

Cheng Jizhou said without changing his face: "It's me."

People who have experienced the apocalypse cannot have any sympathy for the person who developed this virus. A good impression, even if he didn't spread the virus. The chief looked deeply at Cheng Jizhou.

"Chief." Lin Hanchuan pulled Cheng Jizhou behind him, "He is not only the person who researched the zombie virus."

The chief's eyes stayed on the intertwined hands of Lin Hanchuan and Cheng Jizhou for a few seconds.

"He is also the one who developed the antidote to the zombie virus." Lin Hanchuan said, turning a blind eye to the chief's gaze.

The chief's pupils shrank suddenly and he shouted: "Has the antidote to the zombie virus been developed?!"

This is the topic that the chief is most concerned about and the most nervous about.

He had understood that the research and development of a medicine would take several years, or even more than ten years, and he was prepared to wait for a long time. He did not expect that the results would be achieved in just a few months.

Lin Hanchuan took out a suitcase from the space crystal core. After opening it, it was filled with research data. Then he took out a small box with five potions in it.

"This is the latest version of the antidote to the zombie virus..." Before Lin Hanchuan could finish his introduction, the chief had already snatched the vaccine from his hand.

It was rare for the leader to lose his composure like this. His eyes were red and filled with tears, and he murmured: "In nearly a year, three-quarters of the population disappeared, and countless people died..." Staring hard

, a tear fell from his eyes. Under the corner of the chief's eyes, he just blinked, and the tears disappeared without a trace. In the blink of an eye, he was the kind-faced old man again.

"You..." After saying one word, the chief looked at Cheng Jizhou again and continued, "You have come up with such a precious thing, which is more precious than the space crystal core. Whatever you want, even if it is the stars in the sky, I will Immediately build a rocket and knock one down for you."

"I don't want stars." Cheng Jizhou said seriously, "I want Atlee Rhodes."

The leader, who was just joking at first: "..."

Fortunately, he is well-informed, He quickly calmed down and said seriously: "Don't worry, I have been observing them for a long time."

After saying that, the chief informed Lin Hanchuan and Cheng Jizhou about the situation of the Rong family and Atli Rhodes.

With Rong Ziping as the research material, Atli Rhodes, who originally planned to go back in a month, has stayed until now, but they have not produced any results, and Rong Ziping, who is the research material, is already dying.

Because of the official proofing during this period, the aristocratic families were all suppressed, and all the evil they had done before should be punished, and they were severely beaten.

Only the Rong family still persists in their evil intentions and attempts to use country A's hot weapons to gain status for themselves.

Hearing this, Cheng Jizhou was stunned. He didn't expect that the two people he hated the most would collide and torture each other.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he looked at Lin Hanchuan.

During his first mission, he was plotted by Rong Ziping and discovered the identity of the Zombie Emperor. Rong Ziping was so bold that he even wanted to capture the Zombie Emperor in the research institute.

At that time, Cheng Jizhou wanted to kill Rong Ziping, but he had to protect his image in front of Lin Hanchuan, so he could only put it down angrily.

At that time, Lin Hanchuan said that he would take revenge on himself.

Cheng Jizhou didn't take it to heart. In his opinion, Lin Hanchuan was a kind man who even a soft-hearted ant couldn't bear to step on. The so-called revenge was just forcing Rong Ziping to apologize... Who knows, he didn't even apologize.

But now, looking at it, how much of the incident between Rong Ziping and Atli Rhodes was Lin Hanchuan's handiwork?

Lin Hanchuan understood Cheng Jizhou's eyes, blinked and smiled.

The chief also saw their private eye contact, and couldn't help but feel a little subtle. What Lin Hanchuan did was not very clever, but he didn't get his hands dirty in the whole process. He just brought out Rong's father's dirty greed and made them kill each other. .

Even from the perspective of the leader, I feel that this move is really brilliant.

Coughing slightly to attract the attention of the two young people, the chief carefully put the antidote to the virus back on the table and touched it. He said: "Now that the antidote to the virus is available, we should disclose the antidote to country A. What I did."

This apocalypse came inexplicably and went away inexplicably.

Human beings around the world need an explanation!

Lin Hanchuan and Cheng Jizhou looked at each other and saw the fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

In the next two days, Country C suddenly exposed Country A's research on the virus and its use of the virus as a biological and chemical weapon on the battlefield. As a result, it led to the end of the world. The heads of the remaining countries in the world had different expressions.

Some people believe it, some people don't believe it, but even if they are filled with rage, no one can do anything to Country A. The most powerful country in the last days has also been weakened a lot, and no one can afford to experience a war.

Even if it is true that country A dropped biological and chemical weapons, many countries have no room for revenge or calculation.

But then a piece of news announced by country C completely made the whole world crazy.

Country C has developed an antidote to the zombie virus!

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