Chapter One Secrets Revealed

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May 1990
Bold Twilight

Standard Loid

(Agent Twilight) What started out as a fake marriage as part of my cover for Operation Strix has turned into something much more than just a cover story, Handler put me in charge of this operation about two years ago in the fall of eighty eighty my mission is to stop imminent war between Ostania and Westalis, I know that I shouldn't get attached to my daughter Anya, my wife Yor, and our dog Bond.

but over the course of the past two years I have become incredibly close to my family and I honestly wonder if I could actually leave them when my mission is over, Maybe I should talk to Handler and see if I could be able to retire from spying after the mission is over on Saturday before I spend three weekend with my family, Anyways for the past few months I have been hot on the trail of Garden's legendary assassin Thorn Princess whom I have fought against on several occasions and I have finally found a reliable lead on her, I have to tread carefully because Thorn Princess is incredibly skilled and dangerous.

Anyone who has encountered her as a target have been systematically eliminated in brutal fashion, If I make a single mistake I'm doomed to die a horrible death, I was on the roof of the capital building and with my binoculars in my hand I watched for any sign of the Thorn Princess presence.

After many grueling hours of watching and waiting I was just about to head home when I heard it, It was the sound of metal being driven into flesh, I happened to look down into an alley that was adjacent to the capital building and I happened to look down and I saw the Thorn Princess was systematically killing a group of thugs, I decided that it was finally time to introduce myself to the mysterious Thorn Princess.

I then made sure that my pistol was loaded in the event I may have to shoot my way out of the situation, I then quietly made my way over to the fire escape and I then proceeded to make my way down the fire escape, Once I was at ground level I walked into the alley once inside the alley I saw Thorn Princess was covered in blood and she had a few cuts on her back, but other than that she was fine.

I then said as I applauded her well well well we meet again at long last Thorn Princess! Thorn Princess slowly turned around to face me and when she did I was shocked, (Loid Forger) Standing in front of me wasn't just the legendary Thorn Princess but also my wife Yor Briar, I said in astonishment Yor is that really you? Yor then counted back Loid is that you? I cautiously walked forward and I said as I removed my hat Yor your hurt!

Once I had reached Yor I then asked Yor so you're the Thorn Princess? Yor just nodded her head clearly ashamed, Yor then whispered yes I am Twilight, Yor why didn't you tell me? I asked and Yor responded back I was afraid that if I told you you'd probably make me leave you and Anya because of the danger that I could pose to you and Anya, Yor that doesn't matter I should've been honest with you from the very beginning.

I then whispered into Yor's ear I'm Twilight an agent from Westalis and I'm here to make sure that the peace between east and west is maintained, I originally was using you and Anya for my mission and for that I'm truly sorry for using you both, I was about to continue my explanation when Yor put a finger to my lip and she said that doesn't really matter to me Loid, I'm just glad that you are trying to be very understanding with me right now.

In the last year Yor I have completely fallen in love with you and I then knelt down and I removed a small box from my overcoat and I opened it and I asked the question that had been on my mind for a while, Yor Briar will you officially marry me for real this time? Yor dropped her two golden stilettos and she put her hands to her mouth, Yor then said Yes Loid I will accept your proposal.

I then removed the grenade pin that I gave her on our first night together and I then slid the diamond ring with a golden band around finger and I then put on my ring as well and then I said I love you Yor, Yor then asked the question that I'd been contemplating on what to do! What are we going to once you finish your mission Loid? I think I'm going to resign from my work field and then the four of us can properly settle down and be a real family Yor!

Come on let's go home Mrs. Forger I then helped Yor to her feet and then we walked home under the shimmering moonlight, Once we got back to our apartment I patched up Yor's injuries and then we both got ready for bed, and when we fell asleep I immediately felt a massive weight that had weighed me down fall away, I then pulled my wife into my warm embrace.

The Assassin Who stole my heart A Spy x Family StoryWhere stories live. Discover now