Chapter Ten Bonds Vet Appointment

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May 18th

(Loid Forger) Come on Bond as said as I attempted to pull Bond whose leash I was using as leverage to get him out of the front door, Bond wasn't being very cooperative with my commands and I was starting to get quite flustered with frustration with Bonds lack of cooperation with me, Yor said as she watched from the kitchen table Bond if you're a good boy for daddy I will make you a special treat!

Bonds ears perked up at the word special treat which was different each time your made a batch of special dog treats for Bond, I smirked at my wife and I asked What flavor of dog biscuits are thinking of making this time Yor? Yor said I was thinking of making Cinnamon Swirl Dog Biscuits Loid! I looked at our lovable dog and I said you hear that Bond you will get some Cinnamon Swirl Biscuits if you are good at the vet.

Borf Bond Barked at me which I believe indicated that understood and so I asked are you ready to cooperate with me Bond? Once Again Bond barked and I said okay then let's get going boy, I grabbed my hat and trench coat and then I walked out of the apartment with Bond and we headed to the veterinary clinic, Bond was still slightly skittish but I patted him on the head.

Don't worry boy everything will be alright and I will be by your side for the whole appointment, Bond seemed to fully relax knowing that he wouldn't be alone during the annual checkup, Once we arrived at the veterinarian office I checked in with the secretary and then I was directed to the waiting room, Before I walked over to the waiting room the secretary said Dr. Braun will be with you both shortly.

I then led Bond into the waiting room to relax until Dr. Braun came to get us, Once I had taken a seat in an empty chair I grabbed a magazine and I began to read it while Bond slept at my feet, Even though Bond can be quite stubborn about going to the vet each year The Forger Family couldn't have asked for a better dog than Bond.

It wasn't before that a door opened and A female veterinarian assistant called out Bond Forger! I then stood up and I said to Bond come on pal let's get this over with! Bond slowly stood up and I then walked with Bond's leash in my hand and he began to reluctantly follow me, The vet then led us to an empty examination room and then I helped her get Bond onto the exam table.

The veterinarian assistant is a family friend of ours whose name is Tiffany Becker who also happens to be Bond and Anya primary godmother/dog-mother asked how is my handsome boy doing! I asked jokingly who are you asking me or Bond?

Tiffany said with a chuckle why I'm talking to Bond Loid! Bond simply barked and his tail began to wag excitedly knowing that one of his favorite persons was going take care of him, Tiffany then ran the routine tests on Bond, Before to long we were nearly done besides the anti-flea vaccine that Bond had to have get injected into him, Tiffany numbed Bonds right front pay before she injected it into right hind leg.

Bond let out a piecing whine when the needle pierced his skin but before he knew it it was all over and we just had to have Dr. Braun could did his checkup on Bond, After Dr. Braun came and did his personal checkup of Bond and he had left it was time for us to head home, Tiffany then gave Bond a biscuit for being so good for her and Dr. Braun.

I then paid for Bonds appointment and then we headed home where Yor delivered on her promise of having a batch of Cinnamon Swirl Dog Biscuits ready for Bond, He munched away happily.

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