Chapter Six An Old Friend Comes to dinner

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May 14th

(Fiona Frost/Nightfall) As I walked up the stairs of the apartment my heels clicked against the stairs and once I had reached the designated floor I turned and went down  the all to familiar hallway, Once I had reached the door to the Forger Home I knocked on the door, A voice called out through the door and said come in.

So I turned the doorknob and opened the door before walking inside the apartment, upon entering the apartment I closed the door behind me and the family dog looked at me and he growled at me which momentarily threw me off with surprise before I put back on my facade of not caring, Twilight walked out of the kitchen and he said with a small smile Ah Fiona what a nice surprise! Please make yourself at home Yor and I are so happy that you are joining us for dinner tonight.

I allowed myself to smile ever so slightly and I said thank you for allowing me into your home, Loid pulled me into a hug and while I did he said with a growl in his voice If you even get the idea that I will divorce my wife than you're dead wrong Fiona, I have no such intention of splitting up your family besides you all seem so very happy Twilight! I'm actually here by request of WISE to provide further protection for you and your family Twilight!

Loid then released me from the hug and then he said with a smile why don't you take a seat in the living room with Anya and Yor while I finish making dinner for us, I hope that you like fish stir-fry! I said that sounds wonderful Loid I then made my way into the living room.

Once I entered the living room I saw that Anya was sitting at the living room table doing her homework, Currently she is struggling with her math homework so I sat down on her right side and I observed that she was struggling with multiplication so I decided to lend a hand, As I helped I couldn't help but notice that she is quite smart for being only seven years old.

Yesterday before I left the park Yor had informed me that she and Loid had something that they wanted to ask me tonight at dinner, I'm actually a little bit nervous about what this conversation could entail, Once Anya was finished with her homework she went to her room to possibly change out of her school uniform, Yor smiled at me before she said thanks for helping Anya with her homework!

It was no big deal, sorry I don't usually get to many compliments or anything of the sorts, After another ten minutes or so Loid called out Dinner is ready, Anya came out of her bedroom in her pajamas and slippers and she took a seat in a chair while Loid and Yor brought out the food.

During dinner Loid spoke saying So Fiona Yor and I have been talking and we were both wondering if you would like to become Anya's Aunt? Even though there won't be any blood relations between you and her we both thought that with another strong female role model in her life Anya could truly blossom!

I sat in shock as I processed everything that Loid had said I don't know what to say or think though not in a bad way, Even though I'm quite unsure of what the future may hold I will gladly take this responsibility to help out my mentor and his family, Once I had come out of my thoughts I said I accept this responsibility and I was greeted by the dog pouncing on me thus knocking me out of the chair.

My new niece hugged me tightly and I returned the hug and I held her tight but not too tightly.

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