Chapter Forty Eden College Exclusive Event

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June 17th

(Twilight) Tonight Anya Damian and I are going to a private event at Eden College an event that my target of the past thirteen years Donovan Desmond should be attending tonight, I'm very on edge about going but Handler has assured me that everything will be fine and if anything goes wrong Wise will have backup on standby, I'm not worried about that I'm more worried about if Donovan does something stupid to either of my kids.

Once we had pulled into the parking lot of Eden College I stepped out of the driver side door and I closed it behind me, I then took stock of the layout of the College building to look for any hidden passageways that might be in the school, Okay Twilight there are bound to be some hidden passageways or doors located throughout the school and they may be full of booby traps.

As I entered the school I thought so far so good though why do I have this horrible feeling in my stomach that something bad is going to happen at the event tonight! I made sure that I had the stiletto needle in my shoe, I then made my way through the security checkpoint without any issue ,everything is going far too well Twilight so remain vigilant, I made my way into the grand ballroom where the Imperial scholar event was being held.

As I made my way through the growing crowd of people I finally found Damian and Anya near the punch bowl was, I leaned over and I whispered into Anya's ear Have you seen Donovan kiddo? Anya shook her head and she whispered Dad I'm very scared that something terrible will happen at this event! Just try to remain composed and not show any sign of worry kiddo, Remember what Sylvia and Fiona taught you.

Relax and Adapt to your surroundings, Damian keep an extremely close eye on yours and Anya's surroundings! I will do my best dad! Good Luck you two, I then drifted away from the two of them and I continued to look for Donovan Desmond, After an hour of searching I finally found the bastard!

He was standing near the grand staircase along with a few bodyguards and so I causally walked over to him and when I reached him I said Ahh Mr. Desmond it's a pleasure to see you again! No it's not I thought to myself. Indeed it's a pleasure to see you again Mr. Forger! I then extended my hand and we shook hands for the photographer while we eyed each other with suspicion.

Is it such a great turnout tonight for all of the students who received their eight Stellas to properly receive their imperial scholar capes tonight? It sure is though if you would excuse me I have more important matters to attend to instead of talking to you Forger, He then pushed me out of the way as he and his bodyguards walked towards the gathering.

What a dick! I mumbled under my breath even if he's my target to eliminate he didn't have to be so uncivilized by shoving me out of the way, I then smoothed out my green jacket, I then made my way into the bathroom to take a piss and as I sat down on the toilet peeing alarm bells began ringing in my head, immediately I reached down towards my shoe to retrieve the stiletto needle from it.

When all the sudden there was a scream of utter terror echoing from the ballroom and shortly afterwards the men's bathroom door opened and a mysterious note was slipped under the bathroom door of the stall that I was in, The mysterious figure than began to cackle manically before they left the bathroom, I reached down to grab the note and read whatever its contents were.

I opened up the folded note with a shaking hand and what I read made my blood run cold, It read Dear Loid or should I say Agent Twilight of Westalis I know all about your secret plan to stop me and my fellow conspirators from reigniting the war between Westalis and Ostania, I also have your little brat in my clutches and if you want to see her or the little shit growing inside her then you will meet me alone tomorrow night at Warehouse 5 down by the docks at 6:30.

The note finished if you bring anyone else with the little bitch dies Signed Donovan Desmond! I'm shaking with rage right now, Damn it the bastard has Anya along with mine and Yor's unborn grandchild, This mean war, I then folded up the note so I could show Yor when I got home.

I quickly rushed home and I informed Yor of what happened and we both began to plan our next move on how to get our baby girl back from Donovan Desmond.

Muahahaha Cliffhanger Time! Wait to find out what Loid and Yor do to get their baby back.

Will Anya and the baby survive?

Will Donovan kill Anya to send Twilight over the edge?

Find out tomorrow night!


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