Chapter Thirty Five The Overly Protective Wife

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June 12th

(Yor Forger) Loid is slowly starting to recover from his last mission that nearly left him with permanent damage to his body, He has insisted that he is doing well enough that he should be able to go back to work, Though I reminded him that Sylvia and Emilia both commanded him to stay put until he's fully recovered from his injuries.

I know that Loid doesn't like remaining idle for long periods of time but I hope he understands that he needs to rest and not do to much until he's recovered, When I went to work today Anya stayed home and watched over and helped her dad whenever he needed something, Ugg it is a lot to handle but we will get through it slowly as a family.

I sat at my desk working when Camilla walked in front of my desk and she asked How's Loid doing Yor? I looked up into her green eyes and I said he's slowly recovering after her got into a very nasty fight with someone on his way home from work at the Hospital! If you need anything please let me know and I will see what I can do to help.

Thanks Camilla you are such a good friend to me and she then reached over and gently squeezed my shoulder and she said and you are a really good friend to me as well! Well I should probably get back to work before the boss shows up! Same here Camilla said as she started to walk away oh and tell the kiddos that their Aunt Camilla says hello!

I sure will Camilla and then Camilla walked over to her desk and she began typing away on her computer, I returned to my computer work and I started to type away at the emails that needed to be sent/printed out before I could go and get lunch, I have a hankering for a taco along with chips and salsa!

(Anya Forger) Here you go dad I made you a grilled cheese and some tomato soup for lunch! Thanks honey I much appreciate you making lunch today, Dad then said I'm so used to making lunch everyday that I sometimes forget just how much of an amazing cook you have become, Thanks dad! I'm just so happy that you're alive especially after all the injuries that you sustained yesterday.

What were you even thinking when you decided to go gung-ho into the sewer to stop terrorists from destroying the city's main sewer system? Dad then said I was doing my job hon besides this is part of the line of work of a counter intelligence officer, If I didn't do it then the sewage system would've been disrupted significantly I'm more disappointed that you didn't wear a bulletproof vest or something to protect yourself.

Anyways if you need anything else please ring the bell that mom gave you this morning! I then walked towards the door and I said I love you so much dad! I love you too sweetheart! I then closed the door ninety five percent of the way behind me and then I headed to mine and Damian's room for a much needed nap.

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