Chapter Three Meeting with Handler

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May 11th

(Agent Twilight) Yor and I have just arrived at the Wise HQ here in Ostania which was in a secret location near the city hall to meet with my handler Sylvia Sherwood to discuss several things of the utmost importance, After we both had gotten through security and we got patted down we were able to meet with handler in her office, upon entering the office Sylvia looked up at Yor and I and she said greeting Twilight and Mrs. Forger!

I then said thank you for meeting with us on such short notice Sylvia we are truly sorry for disturbing you today but Yor and I both have some things that we'd like to discuss with you concerning Operation Strix, I then proceed to explain everything that had transpired in the last few days, Sylvia looked at Yor suspiciously throughout the entire explanation and I could feel that Yor was starting to feel very uncomfortable with the constant suspicion stare that Sylvia was giving her so I gave her hand a soft squeeze, Upon finishing my whole explanation Sylvia spoke.

So are you telling me that the Garden's legendary assassin Thorn Princess happens to be your WIFE? she yelled the last part! Yes Handler I'm well aware of that and frankly I'm so happy that neither Yor or I have to keep our secret identities secret anymore I said with authority, I love my wife and daughter as well as our dog more than anything in the world and I can't see myself without either of them! The three of them keep me grounded.

Sylvia sat deep in thought and after a long and agonizing silence she spoke up saying I have seen that you are much more happier whenever you're with your family Twilight, They make me feel complete Sylvia I couldn't have asked for a better family then them, Which brings me to our next order of business and that is that once Operation Strix is finished I want to retire from spying permanently so I can remain with my family!

Yor then spoke up as well and she said I want to help out with Operation Strix in any way I can plus I may have a few Garden contacts who may be able to help move Operation Strix along! I want to do my part to help maintain peace between East and West so our daughter and future children can live in a world without fear of war or danger, Yor is right Handler besides any useful information that her contacts may have may be beneficial to us and Operation Strix.

Sylvia then said What do you suppose Agent Twilight? What I'm saying is that we continue with the plan that we already for Operation Strix though I suggest that we ease a little bit of pressure off of Anya, Especially when considering that she already has three Sella Stars Sylvia.

Speaking of Anya Yor and I have talked a lot about this the past two days and we were wondering that in the event that something horrible was to happen to us that we could name you as Anya's godmother, In the event that both Yor and I perish we could rest easy knowing that Anya would be safe.

Sylvia sat back in her chair deep in thought again and after a few minutes she replied back with a smile I will accept both of your requests and I will become Anya's godmother and you both can rest well knowing that she would be in safe hands, Handler asked is there anything else that you both would like to talk about?

I looked at Yor for anything else she would like to add to the conversation to which she shook her head with a no, I then said I guess that is everything that we wanted to talk to you about at least for now, Yor and I then stood up and I grabbed my jacket and hat, I then said Happy Mother's Day Sylvia and then Yor and I left the room and we headed home.

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