Chapter Fifty Seven Returning Home

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July 10th

(Anya Forger) After a long and strenuous flight we have finally arrived back in London and now we are all piled into the car to drive back to Dover, Becky is going to be staying with us for the remainder of the summer and Maybe just maybe I can go back to school at Eden Academy for my senior year of school.

Though more than likely I probably would have to transfer to a high school here in the United Kingdom for my senior year if that does have to happen I'm alright with that because I did my part for World Peace and now it's up to Westalis and Ostania to reform their countries into a singular country once more, Thanks again for such a great trip mom and dad I said to my parents!

You're more than welcome Anya your mother and I are glad that you all had fun on the trip dad said, Damian was holding my hand and he gave it a little squeeze and he whispered into my ear How much longer is it until your dad's birthday Anya? I then whispered just two more days dear two more days I then placed a chaste kiss on Damian's lips, Eww we didn't need to see that sissy Violet called from the backseat.

I turned to face my younger siblings and I said you will be doing the same thing with your future husband someday Violet and Kassander will be doing the same thing with his future wife as well, Violet flipped her hair behind her head and she said whatever Anya and then she continued to read from her book, Becky said I'm so excited to see your guys new place!

Oh you are going to love it Becky! Damian and I have our own private bathroom attached to our room, Which made Kassander whine and he asked mom and he said Mom how come Damian and Anya get their own private bathroom? Mom turned around and she said your father and I have been over this with you Kass your sister and damian need their own space since they're married and are expecting a baby.

Kassander pouted with the answer but he didn't continue to press the issue any further considering that he knew it was pointless and so he just turned his head and he continued to look out the window, I then turned my head around and I said to Becky anyways as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by my younger siblings Damian and I have our own private space and mom and dad even have a room for you to use this summer.

We are going to have a lot of fun this summer Becky I said as squeezed her shoulder with my spare hand and Becky said I sure am looking forward to this summer, An hour and twenty one later we had arrived at our house, once the car was parked and we had all gathered our luggage from the boot I led Becky and the rest of the family inside.

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