Chapter Thirty Happy Birthday Anya pt 1!!

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June 7th

(Anya Forger) I woke up this morning and I headed downstairs for breakfast and everything seemed normal throughout the house and when I got to the kitchen since I was still so tired there was a woman who I thought was mom who was making breakfast for all of us, this looked like a master chef with the way she worked with all the pans of breakfast ingredients, The woman looked awfully familiar and she also had bright hair which looked a lot like Aunt Remi's hair.

Once the mysterious chef had finished making breakfast she turned around and my mouth dropped, standing in front of me was Aunt Remi, I immediately got up to up from my bar stool and I ran over and I hugged her tightly and all the while I had tears streaming down my face, Aunt Remi quickly turned off the stove before she returned the hug, There there hon it's okay you aren't dreaming.

Aunt Remi said Happy Birthday Anya! This only made me hug her tighter and not wanting to let go in the event that this was all a dream, I looked up and I asked her Is it really you Aunt Remi? To which she replied the one and only dear, now let's have some breakfast because today's going to be a very big day with it being your birthday after! I broke off the hug and I then asked with a smile who else is here Aunty?

Aunt Remi looked at me and she said everyone is here hon and we will be here for the next two weeks, Shut the front door! That's so amazing, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I slowly turned around and I saw Auntie Hori standing there with a big smile and wide open arms, I ran over to her and I hugged her tightly, I spent the next hour reconnecting with my aunts and uncles, Once we all had started to reform our physical and mental bonds we all sat down and had breakfast together.

(Yor Forger) Loid and I watched the whole thing together from the doorway to the kitchen and we both couldn't be more happy for Anya, it really hard to fathom that she is almost completely grown up and it won't be long before she and Damian move out to find a place of their own, all of Anya's aunts and uncles were absolutely excited when Anya told them about her pregnancy.

I looked at Loid and I said we sure did a great thing by getting all of Anya's relatives here to celebrate her as well as spend time with her as a group didn't we Loid? You are right about that Yor! Come on why don't we go inside and join the others for breakfast! What about Kassander and Violet dear? They will join us soon dear in the meantime it's time to party.

And so Loid and I walked into the kitchen and we both then served all the food that had been made and once everyone had a plate of food in front of them it was time to eat.

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