Chapter Fifty Five Memories

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July 6th

(Melinda Desmond) I was sitting in my library and I was reading a book when something came crashing down from the highest shelf on my bookcase, and so I looked up from book and I saw that my cat Einstein had knocked a book off the shelf, I put my book down onto the  table and I then went to examine the crash.

I walked away from my leather recliner and I went to investigate the crash, when I found the source of the crash I saw that it was my senior yearbook from Eden Academy had come crashing down and I then picked up the yearbook and I held it in my hands, I then walked back to my chair and I opened it, Once I was sitting down I blew some dust off my old yearbook.

I opened it up and I began to look through the many pages and I started to get very nostalgic while I looked through the yearbook, There was a picture of when I was voted as runner up for Queen of my class and then there was another picture taken when I accepted Donovan's marriage proposal at graduation, I missed those days because that was before I ended up in a loveless marriage, Eventually after nearly sixteen years of marriage I divorced the man.

I am much happier now that I'm single and I'm happy that I finally saw him for who he truly was a manipulative and evil man who constantly put me down and made me feel so worthless and insignificant, my only purpose was to carry his children and he eventually turned my oldest son Demetrius away from and sadly Demetrius is now a carbon copy of his dad, Thankfully I still have Damian as my only son.

Until Demetrius wakes up and sees just what his father truly was then he has no right to be part of our lives, I remember I was very hesitant to have Damian marry Anya thirteen years ago but it wasn't because Anya was from a lower income family I was more concerned that both of the kids weren't ready to be married, but both of Damian and Anya have proved me wrong. 

I couldn't be more proud of the kids Anya has wormed her way into my heart and she has shown me many things that I didn't know or had seen before, I'm incredibly excited about the possibility of becoming a grandma to my upcoming grandchild and I have been a good source of inspiration and encouragement for Anya.

Once I finished looking through my yearbook I then placed it down on the table next to me and I proceeded to pick back up the book that I had originally been reading, I couldn't help but smile as I read the book, I'm reading Romeo and Juliet since it's one of my favorites to read, I'm always worried about Anya's safety at her job but Anya has reassured me several times that she' as careful as she could.

With the many reassurances from Anya has eased my worries slightly but a mother's job is never complete.

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