Chapter Twenty Three Exams

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May 31st

(Damian Forger) Today's the day of all of our final exams and then we start our summer vacations tomorrow and our exam results will be released on Monday, I'm sitting in math class in my normal seat in between Emile and Ewen while my wife Anya sat in the front row next to Becky Blackbell, Professor Henderson walked around the classroom passing out our math exams and once everyone has been handed their exam he said you may all begin your tests now class!

I quickly got to work on my exam and I took my time of doing my exam and all the while I couldn't help but to smile slightly at the thought that after we are finished with classes today I will be moving in with my wife and my in laws, After a half hour of filling out my exam I was finally finished with the exam and to pass the rest of the exam period I started to study for the rest of our exams that will take place throughout today.

(Anya Forger) As soon as Professor Henderson gave the go ahead I immediately dove into my exam and I started to take my time with the exam, I made sure to answer the questions correctly and properly because I want to be able to pass the exams today with flying colors and possibly even get a Stella Star for an outstanding performance on my exam, I have become a much better student than I was before when I first entered Eden College!

(Yor Forger) Loid and I both took the day off from our jobs so we could go on a date with each other, we haven't had a proper date in nearly two weeks and so we are headed down to the luxurious part of town to dine and walk around that part of town, So where are we off to first Loid Dear? Why we are headed to the Savory Savant Yor! My mouth started to water with anticipation of the luxurious food.

Upon arriving at the restaurant we walked up to the hostess stand and Loid said as he removed his hat Reservation for the Forgers! The host said right this way Mr and Mrs Forgers! So we then proceeded to follow the host to the best table in the restaurant, the table was situated in center of the dining room and once we had reached the table Loid and I took our seats and the host said your waitress will be with you both shortly!

So what are you going to have to eat? Loid said with a smile I was thinking of us splitting a plate of Saffron! I like the sound of that love! I then leaned in a placed a chaste kiss on Loid's lips which caused him to blush, Loid said with a pout that's not fair Yor which caused me to giggle well that was the point love, I then leaned back into my chair feeling satisfied with making the legendary Twilight feel bashful.

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